In the period 900 to 1500 c.e., the ottomans and the aztecs were similar in that both peoples were

APWH Unit 3: Land Based Empires Quiz

Which of the following explains the most common effect that the process illustrated in the image had on relationships between states in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1450-1750 ?

It led to deepening rivalries and conflicts as states' military capabilities grew.

What could most reasonably be concluded from the sermon above

rulers often used religious ideas and institutions to justify their rule

Which of the following empires in the period 1450-1750 engaged in a type of territorial expansion most similar to that depicted in Map 1 ?

In the period 900 to 1500 CE, the Ottomans and the Aztecs were similar in that both peoples were...

nomadic groups that migrated to already settled regions and conquered them

Which of the following best explains the process illustrated in the image?

States used gunpowder weapons to establish large empires.

Which of the following was the most likely purpose of the portraits of the emperor?

To demonstrate the Mughal Empire's conversion to Islam

The portrait of Emperor Jahangir in Image 1 was most likely a symbolic representation of which of the following?

The expanding power of the Mughal Empire

The painting can best be used as evidence for which of the following world historical trends that took place during the period 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.?

The sponsorship of art by new elites

Most agricultural laborers in the Ottoman Empire were

Which of the following was a method rulers in Eurasia used to legitimize and consolidate their power during the period 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.?

Developing professional militaries

The recruitment depicted in the image is best understood in the context of which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 ?

Attempts by imperial states to centralize their authority

The image most clearly provides evidence that, in common with other rulers of the period, the Aztec emperors

used religious symbolism and rituals to legitimize their rule

Which of the following about Afro-Eurasian trade is supported by the map above?

The Ottoman Empire was located at the intersections of major trading routes

Based on the location of the painting, it can be inferred that its primary purpose was to

bolster the legitimacy of the Golkonda dynasty by celebrating its past

The methods of warfare shown in the image were instrumental in explaining the territorial expansion of all of the following land-based empires EXCEPT

the Aztec (Mexica) Empire

The photograph above of the S�leymaniye mosque in Istanbul exemplifies which of the following historical processes?

The synthesis of established cultural traditions and new traditions

The changes depicted in Map 1 were mostly a result of which of the following?

The decline of surrounding empires and the Ottoman Empire's use of gunpowder weapons

Which of the following factors contributed most to Manchu expansion in Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

The use of cannons and gunpowder

Sayings attributed to Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, circa 1500 C.E.
� "Oh God, the tongue of man has given Thee numerous names; but 'the Truth' is Thy real name from time immemorial."
� "We human beings are neither Hindus nor Muslims; but are bodies

The Mughals' adoption and effective use of gunpowder weapons

Which of the following most directly led to the collapse of the Byzantine Empire in the fifteenth century?

The expansion of the Ottoman Empire

Which of the following developments in Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries most directly helps to explain the presence of the scholars shown in the image of China?

The Protestant Reformation led the Catholic Church to seek new converts outside of Europe.

Which of the following are the states that dominated the Mediterranean trade during the sixteenth century?

Italian city-states and the Ottoman Empire

Which of the following was a major change in global patterns of religious beliefs and practices in the period 1450-1750 C.E.?

Adherents of monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam increased both in number and in geographic scope as a result of conquest, trade, and missionary activities.

The inclusion of the image in the manuscript best illustrates which of the following features of the period 1450-1750?

Rulers using art to legitimize their rule

Which of the following best explains the similarities between the choices of subject matter of the two reliefs?

Monumental art was used to legitimize political power in most societies.

Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec empires had with their respective peripheral states during the fifteenth century C.E.?

Both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states

To the count of Katzenellenbogen, Ziegenhain, and Nidda, my gracious lord.
Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us wit

Had become corrupted by power

Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century?

In both empires the majority of people were Muslims

Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and the Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century?

Each had developed an efficient administrative structure

To the count of Katzenellenbogen, Ziegenhain, and Nidda, my gracious lord.
Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us wit

reform Christian society by adhering more closely to Biblical teachings

To the count of Katzenellenbogen, Ziegenhain, and Nidda, my gracious lord.
Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us wit

political support from the German nobility aided in the development of the early Protestant community

Which of the following is a similarity between the Ottoman and Chinese governments during the period 1450 1750?

Between 1450 and 1750, empires such as the Ottoman and Chinese shared which of the following? Both empires expanded through the use of gunpowder weapons and extensive bureaucracies.

What was a similarity between the Aztec and Maya civilizations quizlet?

What was one similarity between the Mayas, the Incas, and the Aztecs? They all built temples.

What did the great empires of the Aztecs and the Incas have in common quizlet?

They were both based on agriculture and strong imperial control. They both developed kinship groups (allyu and calpulli) and predominant nobilities.

Which of the following accurately describes a significant difference between the Ottoman and Mughal empires in the early seventeenth century quizlet?

Which of the following accurately describes a significant difference between the Ottoman and Mughal Empires in the Early seventeenth century? The Ottomans ruled over people who were predominately Muslim, while the Mughals did not.