In what ways were China and the Ottoman Empire similarly affected by Western industrialism?

Terms in this set (34) How did the responses to Western imperialism by China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan differ? China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan all were forced by Western powers to sign unequal treaties or capitulations, but Japan eventually was able to renegotiate its treaties in its favor.

How did Japan and China respond differently to Western imperialism?

In conclusion, we have seen how despite the similarities between these two civilizations, China and Japan responded very differently to pressure from the Western nations in the 19th century; Japan gave in to their demands for an increased opening of trade relations and successfully modernized, while China refused to …

Japan was of less interest to Western powers than either China or the Ottoman Empire, allowing it to reform while under less pressure. The reforms instituted following the Meiji restoration transformed Japan far more thoroughly than even the most radical of the Ottoman or Chinese efforts.

How did Chinese respond to Western European imperialism?

Overwhelmed by the Western military response, the Chinese were humiliated by having to pay reparations and allow concessions to the Western powers that effectively denied them control over their own country.

How did European Imperialism affect the Ottoman Empire? Russia and Asia-Hungary nibbled away at the Ottoman provinces in Europe. At the same time, national groups within the empire sought independence from Ottoman rule.

What differences can you identify in how China the Ottoman Empire and Japan experienced Western imperialism and responded to it?

Both China and the Ottoman Empire experienced occupation of some of their territory by Western military forces; Japan did not. China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan all were forced by Western powers to sign unequal treaties or capitulations, but Japan eventually was able to renegotiate its treaties in its favor.

How did Japan respond to Western imperialism quizlet?

How did the Japanese respond to the Western imperialism? They kicked all Westerners out, they would kill all Westerners that were there, and decided that they would learn from the west but do what they did better than the west.

What distinguished Japan from China in these countries experience of Western intrusion?

What distinguished Japan from China in their experience of western intrusion? Only Japan avoided large scale civil war. What was the Taiping rebels’ attitude toward women?

Which of the following was a feature of both Japan's and China's experience of Western intrusion?

Which of the following was a feature of both Japan from China’s experience of western intrusion? Both were forced to sign unequal treaties with the western powers.

How did China resist European imperialism?

China resisted western influences by declaring wars toward foreign countries. The Opium War between China and Britain was caused by Britain’s ignoring China’s warnings and keeping smuggling opium into China. China lost the war because the technologies of Great Britain were more advanced.

What was Japan's response to Western imperialism?

One difference in China and Japan’s response to Western imperialism was that Japan realized it had to westernize, modernize, and cooperate with the West which Japan reacted to through the Meiji Restoration.

How did China experience imperialism?

​The next major event in the history of imperialism in China was the Boxer Rebellion, which occurred from November 2nd, 1899 to September 7th, 1901. It saw Chinese nationalists, which were known as ‘Boxers’ rise up and fight against western influence in China.

In what ways were China and the Ottoman Empire similarly affected by Western industrialization?

In what ways were China and the Ottoman Empire similarly affected by Western industrialism? Both were given unequal treaties and were taken advantage of by Europeans. What were political and social continuities of the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century?

How did the Ottoman Empire respond to industrialization?

The Ottomans, led by Sultan Mahmud II, reformed the military and tax collections, built roads, and created a postal service.

How did the Ottoman Empire Imperialize?

The empire was created through conquest, and in the early years the Ottomans were attracted to Europe by the booty to be gained there—the principal economic basis of life—and the interest of the Turkish Gazis (warriors of the faith) in expanding the rule of Islam.

What changes occurred as the result of the influence of Western ideas?

What changes occurred as the result of the influence of Western ideas? Officials and merchants started to imitate Europeans. They wore European clothes, purchased Western art and furniture, and used Western goods like coffee and tobacco.

Which society proved more successful at dealing with Western imperialism China the Ottoman Empire or Japan Why?

All three launched modernization programs, but Japan’s was more thorough and more successful than those of China and the Ottoman Empire, turning Japan into a modern, united, industrial nation.

How did the Industrial Revolution encourage imperialism?

The industrial revolution was the force behind this New Imperialism, as it created not only the need for Europe to expand, but the power to successfully take and profitably maintain so many colonies overseas. The industrial revolution created the need for Europe to take over colonies around the world.

How did Western bankers seeking ventures for profit have an effect on imperialism?

how did western bankers seeking ventures for profit have an effect on imperialism? Ventures means expansion of a country. This would provide new investment opportunities.

How did the ages of exploration and imperialism confirm that man is sinful?

how did the ages of exploration and imperialism confirm that man is sinful? they brought about extreme exploitation, very selfish and unrighteous behaviors (putting personal fortune over what’s right, misusing and abusing people and rights), disunity and division.

What 1907 agreement indicates strong Western control of the Near East?

TypeInformal agreement
Context To reduce tensions between the two powerful Pacific nations
Signed February 15, 1907
Effective 1907
Expiry 1924

Who wrote the Treaty of Kanagawa?

The treaty was signed as a result of pressure from U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who sailed into Tokyo Bay with a fleet of warships in July 1853 and demanded that the Japanese open their ports to U.S. ships for supplies.

How did Japan respond to foreign pressure to end its isolationist policies?

How did Japan respond to foreign pressure to end its isolationist policies? Japan did not respond favorably to ending its isolation. Only under pressure did Japan agree to the Treaty of Kanagawa with the United States.

What realization did China and Japan share following the Sino-Japanese War? Their isolationist past had left them far behind western society.

Why did Japan want to adopt Western innovations?

Why did Japan want to adopt Western innovations? They wanted to adopt those innovations they thought would help make it the equal of western countries. Describe the Ottoman Empire in the 1800s (what problems were they facing and what were the results?)

What was Western imperialism?

Western imperialism in Asia refers to the influence of Western Europe and associated states (such as Russia, Japan and the United States) in Asian territories.

How were Japan and China culturally different?

Both countries have collective society, but Japan has an external collective culture, while China has an internal collective culture. It means Japanese collectivism is more society-centered, while Chinese collectivism is more family-centered. In Japan, following social standard and social order is very important.

What social and economic changes took place in Japan as a result of industrialization?

Social and Cultural Effects of Industrialization Social change led to rapid population growth that strained Japanese resources but sustained a ready supply of cheap labor. The education system stressed science and loyalty to the emperor.

Imperialism had a profound and lasting impact on China. This made desperate British merchants sell opium into China in an attempt to rebalance the trade. The products that were manufactured by the Japanese in China were sold globally, hence made China richer which made China expand economically.

How did Western imperialism impact China?

The encroachment of Western powers into Asia had a profound impact on China. With its manufacturing economy, natural resources and enormous population, the Middle Kingdom was a rich prize for Western capitalists. Their actions would undermine the weakening Qing regime.

Why was China so resistant to Western influence?

Why was China so resistant to western influence? western ways, missionaries, and technology challenged the Confucian order and they threatened Confucian ways that had worked for so long.

How did China and Japan differ in their response to Western influence?

During the 19th Century, China and Japan each responded differently to western penetration. China was against industrializing and did not want to create an empire like those of the western empires. Japan however learned that if they wanted to survive they had to adopt the changes that the western empires were adopting.

How did Japan and China respond differently to Western imperialism How did those responses affect those nations?

How did Japan and China respond differently to Western imperialism? How did those responses affect those nations? Japan was initially isolationist but opened trade with America. China, however, resisted Western influence, especially during the Boxer rebellion.

What was China's experience with and response to Western imperialism?

Overwhelmed by the Western military response, the Chinese were humiliated by having to pay reparations and allow concessions to the Western powers that effectively denied them control over their own country.

What was China like before Western imperialism?

Early pre-imperial China was a collection of various semi-autonomous kingdoms with royal power and nobility shared with a clan based system.

How was Japan Imperialized?

Ultimately, Japanese imperialism was encouraged by industrialization which pressured for oversea expansion and the opening of foreign markets, as well as by domestic politics and international prestige.

What type of imperialism was used in Japan?

Japanese imperialism was not simply about increasing the nation’s territory. It was also fueled by a strong ideological sense of mission and racial superiority. These ideas were captured in a word widely used at the time but rarely heard today: Pan-Asianism.

In what ways did the Ottoman Empire respond to various problems?

In what different ways did the Ottoman state respond to its various problems? It launched a program of “defensive modernization” that included the establishment of new military and administrative structures alongside traditional institutions as a means of enhancing and centralizing state power.

How did the Ottoman Empire respond to non?

How did the Ottoman Empire respond to non-Muslims? It forced them to become Muslim. It offered them freedom of religion.

In what ways were the political situations in China and the Ottoman Empire similar in the early 20th century?

Both had experienced the consequences of a rapidly shifting balance of global power. Both gave rise to new nationalist conceptions of society. Both empires had collapsed.

How did Japan respond to industrialization?

Determined to increase industry as rapidly as possible, Japan took actions more drastic than anything that had been seen in Europe or the United States. They actively brought business leaders into government. They poured tax money into industrialization.

How did the working class respond to industrialization?

The Industrial Revolution led to rapid changes in people’s living and working conditions. In response to poor working conditions, labor movements organized alliances known as unions and pushed for reforms. Reform movements took place around the world but started in Britain and the United States.

How did the Ottoman Empire respond to industrialization?

The Ottomans, led by Sultan Mahmud II, reformed the military and tax collections, built roads, and created a postal service.

How did imperialism affect the Ottoman Empire?

How did European Imperialism affect the Ottoman Empire? Russia and Asia-Hungary nibbled away at the Ottoman provinces in Europe. At the same time, national groups within the empire sought independence from Ottoman rule.

What influenced Western European culture?

Western culture is most strongly influenced by Greek philosophy, Roman law, and Christian culture.

How does Western culture influence the world?

The impact that western culture has on various parts of the world is very broad. The exploitation of fast food and western fashion through multinational corporations, has allowed western culture to influence religion, culture, tradition, economy, and government. It reduces the country’s traditional way of clothing.

In what ways were the histories of China and the Ottoman Empire similar during the 19th century?

Some similarity between the histories of China and the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century is that both empires were the center of fulfilled vibrant civilizations. Also, there were semi-colonies within the informal empires of Europe.

In what ways were the decline of the Chinese and the Ottoman empires similar?

The declines of the Ottoman and Qing Empires both had commonalities in their downfall such as corruption in the government, weak armies, and debt to the Europeans, though the main reasons for the collapse of the empires are alike the way that the problems developed are dissimilar.

How did the Ottoman Empire respond to industrialization?

The Ottomans, in their attempts at reform and industrialization, were too late to keep pace with more developed countries regarding industrialization. The Sultan Abdulhamid ended the reforms and exiled Young Turks, which were the primary advocates for reforms.

What differences can you identify in how China the Ottoman Empire and Japan experienced Western imperialism and responded to it?

Both China and the Ottoman Empire experienced occupation of some of their territory by Western military forces; Japan did not. China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan all were forced by Western powers to sign unequal treaties or capitulations, but Japan eventually was able to renegotiate its treaties in its favor.


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