In which of the following anxiety disorders is the person in a continuous state of excessive pointless worry and apprehension?

Problem 7 Medium Difficulty

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All right. So this questions asking in which of the following anxiety disorders is the person is a person in a continuous state of excessive white less worry in apprehension. We're going four orders, all of which are types of some anxiety disorder. Is a being panic disorder be generalized anxiety disorder. See agora phobia and D social anxiety disorder. So when looking at sort of, um, these, I guess, in generals, generally speaking these questions asking about different types of a specific category of the disorder you really wanted, you really wanna remember keywords and qualifiers for each specific disorder. So I'm gonna kind of focus on, um, de or CND for a moment. Um, we see here in Agora phobia. I know it's pretty much common knowledge to know what a phobia is. A phobias, anything that you're scared of. How many fear of Agora phobia agora specifically meaning fear of the marketplace. But, um, core phobia. Um, I guess today means, um, the fear of any any busy or enclosed space that would then sort of caused some sort of adverse, um, reaction. That's And with that being said, agora phobia is kind of its own separate anxiety disorder when talking about some specific phobias, I mean, and just to repeat that again because I was seeing it off the top of my head. Agora. For someone with the core, a phobia might want to avoid situations that might be difficult to escape. But when faced with it would lead Teoh symptoms of a panic attack. So these these spaces would be like public places, public transportation, anywhere where there's, ah, a big crowd or just simply being outside of the home alone. And you can imagine how comparing that gets followed by social anxiety disorder, which kind of gets up that same idea where where one social anxiety disorder has this persistent and extreme fear of any social situations where they could be, or where in which day can evaluate to be to cause harm for them or others may negatively affect Um, and those who work, understand, learned awakes, really deals with, um, one being in social settings. However, a dwarf will be a simply viewing on your own, where social anxiety disorder really talks about any sort of social interaction or social social situation. So with that being said, the question is more of UM, a very It's rather general, and it doesn't talk about any sort of social setting or any sort of, um, public place or negatively affecting them. So with that being said, agora, phobia and social anxiety disorder can be eliminated, leading Excuse me, leaving us with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. So under the category of anxiety disorders, I know because I, for one, um, can sometimes confused, um, the differences between panic disorder and general this anxiety disorder because from what I always knew as someone with, um, generalized anxiety disorder panic attacks a kind of I'm on added bonuses. That's if I could say that, Um, but with that being said, panic disorder is the sedition in that it's kicked, arise by unexperienced, expected and re a current panic attacks. And in addition to that, it's worrying about the consequences of those attacks. And then, um, having this concern that these attacks are going are gonna happen again, and what that's alterations and behaviors in order just to seemingly prevent those attacks from happening well. But on what a panic attack is, it's just really it is relatively short period of time where you were one has extreme fear or discomfort, and it's something that happens very abruptly out of the blue. And, um, I really only reaches a peak within 10 minutes, so it's very, very quick. And what happened to the body is the heart rate accelerates. You're sweating. You're trembling. Movies, choking sensations, hot flashes, dizziness, lightheadedness for me. I know that I get a fear of control. I get very, um, very caught up in what I'm doing. But then to the point where it's almost non functioning anymore. And that's what separates a panic disorder from generalized anxiety disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder is just just continuous state of excessive, uncontrollable. It pointless worry of or in apprehension, as defined by the bug, forbade, Um um, the people with generalized anxiety disorder. They worry about routine. They worry about everyday things, things that are unjustified. They could bring about health finances, just anything that one person could generally worry about. Um, and with this and how this differentiates, it's just that this sort of anxiety is persistent. It's less off. It's less of abrupt panic attacks out of nowhere and more of like this dreading ongoing state of anxiety. And that's what differentiates between the two. So looking back at the what the questions asking their describing to us a continuous state off pointless, worried apprehension and obviously as we just went over panic disorder is characterized by a broke panic attacks where generalizing and Chinese order is this continuous, ongoing state. So that being said B is are correct answer.

In which of the following anxiety disorders is the person in a continous state of excessive pointless worry and apprehension?

Alex suffers from generalized anxiety disorder: a relatively continuous state of excessive, uncontrollable, and pointless worry and apprehension. People with generalized anxiety disorder often worry about routine, everyday things, even though their concerns are unjustified ([link]).

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Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by feelings of persistent worry. The worries are excessive, uncontrollable, and last for an extended period of time. People with GAD often realize that their worries are out of proportion to the situation but are unable to contain their anxiety.