In which one of the following locations should an EKG technician place the electrode for lead V5?


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An EKG tech is observing a pt during a stress test. What finding is a sign of cardiovascular distress? SaO2 82% Oxygen Saturation below 90% is a sign of cardiovascular distress which can lead to poor perfusion to the brain and other vital signs.
What action is an example of adhering to the ethical principle of professional liability? Monitoring a pt during a stress test.
What type of stress test using a gamma camera? Nuclear stress test. A nuclear stress test is when a pt is injected with a stress inducing chemical , then a gamma camera is used to scan the pt.
What action should an EKG tech recognize as a technical safeguard for maintaining pt privacy?sin Using a person specific password to access the EHR.
While performing a standard 12-lead EKG, the tech notices that the pt has stopped breathing and has no pulse. What action should the CET take? Call for help and begin CPR
A CET is collecting a BP measurement from a healthy adult pt. The tech should identify that what BP measurement is within reference range? 100/62 100-119 for systolic and 60-79 for diastolic.
What is atrial flutter? A sawtoothed P-wave pattern with an atrial rate of 250-350/min
What does Ischemia look like? It has ST segment depressions.
During an exercise stress test, a CET notices that the pt appears to be hyperventilating. What action should the tech take? Check the pt's respiratory rate. Checking the respiratory rate can help the tech confirm hyperventilation.
What EKG machine function should a tech use to control and regulate the height of EKG waveforms on the tracing? Gain. Gain is used to adjust the height of the waveform.
What position should a pt be during a nuclear stress test while the camera is scanning? Supine with the arms above the head. This is so the camera can rotate around the pt's body to produce a multidimensional image.
A CET is evaluating a standard 12-lead EKG tracing during a recording. Electrical activity of the septal wall is recorded by what leads? Leads V1 and V2.
A CET is performing an exercise stress test for a pt who exhibits ventricular fibrillation on the tracing. What action should the tech take first? Determine if the pt is responsive.
A CET should recognize that what sign is present when a pt is experiencing V-tach? Multiple premature ventricular contractions in a row. 3 or more ventricular contractions in the tracing in a row means that the pt is experiencing V-tach
A CET should recognize that a rhythm strip should last at least how long to accurately identify the rate and rhythm? 6 seconds
A CET obtains a pulse oximetry reading of 88% from a pt. What term should be used to describe the pt's condition? Hypoxxemia . This refers to the low oxygen levels in the blood. The reference range for pulse oximetry is 95% or greater.
A CET should identify that the smallest box on EKG graph paper represents what length of time? 0.04 seconds
What action should the EKG tech take to resolve a wandering baseline on a pt's EKG tracing? Relieve tension from the lead wires. This is to ensure there is an effective connection to the EKG machine.
A CET is preparing to obtain a standard 12-lead EKG tracing for a pt who is 35 weeks pregnant. What position should the tech place the pt? Slightly on the left side with a pillow supporting the right hip.
A CET is obtaining a pulse rate for a 2-year old pt. What is within the reference pulse rate for this pt. 120. The reference rate for children aged 1-2 years is 80-140/bpm.
A CET is performing an exercise stress test to evaluate a pt for coronary vascular disease. What action should the tech take regarding this procedure? Report unexpected dysrhymias during the test. The tech should record all changes in tracing during the test.
While performing a standard 12-lead EKG, the technician notices that none of the leads are giving a reading. What limb should be checked first to correct the problem. Right Leg, this is because all leads share this electrode.
What site should be used for an EKG tech to take an infant's pulse? Brachial artery. The brachial artery is located in the arm.
What location should a EKG tech place the leads for a resting EKG tracing for a pt who is in an immobile fetal position? On the pt's back.
What does Second-Degree AV Heart block Mobitz type II It has some P-waves without a QRS complex but the PR interval is constant.
After completing a standard 12-lead EKG on a pt, what action should the tech take next? Check that the tracing is free of artifacts then disconnect the pt from the machine.
An EKG tech is reviewing a tracing for a pt who has a ventricular pacemaker. What rhythm pattern should the tech expect after a pacing spike? Wide QRS intervals.
An EKG tech is instructing a pt about the use of transtelephonic monitor with loop memory. What instructions should the tech include? Press the record button on the device when you begin to feel dizzy or have chest pain.
An EKG tech is performing a standard 12-lead EKG for a pt. What information is recorded by lead I? Electrical activity between the right arm and the left arm.
An EKG tech is caring for a pt who is experiencing heart palpitations. What intervention should the tech expect the provider to prescribe? Holter monitor. Holter monitor is for pts who experience heart palpitations, syncope, dizziness, chest pain. lightheadedness or is taking antidysrthymics
An EKG tech notes that a pt is experiencing a variation in respirations in that correlates with the EKG tracing? What irregularity does this indicate? Sinus dysrythmia . Sinus dysrythmia is characterized by changes in the pt's respirations that correspond to a irregular rhythm seen on the tracing
What lead is created between the left arm and left leg? Lead III.
An EKG tech is providing instructions for a pt who is going home with a Holter monitor for 48 hrs. What statement indicates understanding? "I should activate the event maker even if I have chest pain."
An EKG tech is reviewing the EKG tracing of a pt who has ventricular hypertrophy. What finding should the tech expect? Increased amplitude of the QRS complex. A pt who has VH has overdeveloped cardiac muscles, which can cause higher amplitude of QRS complexes.
What type of heart block should an EKG tech observe the pt for signs and symptoms of decreased cardiac output that could lead to cardiac arrest? Third degree AV block
An EKG tech should recognize that what situation is an allowable disclosure of pt information according to HIPAA guidelines? Pts write their names on a basic sign in sheet at the registration desk.
An EKG tech is preparing to apply electrodes for a standard 12-lead EKG to a pt who needs hair removal. Once the hair is removed, what method should be used to remove the loose hairs prior to electrode placement? Use tape to remove loose hairs.
What blood pressure reading is the appropriate reference range for an adolescent? 98/78 mm Hg
An EKG tech should follow what recommendation regarding infection control in health care settings? Remove soiled gloves prior to touching uncontaminated surfaces.
An EKG tech is performing a posterior 12-lead EKG for a pt. What lead should be placed along the paraspinous border? Lead V9 , This lead belongs on the left side of the paraspinous border.
An EKG tech notes that the QRS complex is too tall to fit on the EKG paper, what action should the tech take? Change the gain control to 5 mm/mV
While performing a 5-lead EKG, the tech notices that Lead II and Lead III are not yielding a reading. What limb should the tech check to correct the error? Left leg. The left leg is involved in recording electrical activity in Leads II and III.
How much time is in a small box? 0.04 seconds.
An EKG tech is instructing a pt about a transtelephonic event monitor using a Heart Card monitoring device. Where should it be placed to activate it during an event? Over the middle to lower part of the sternum
An EKG tech is performing an exercise stress test for a pt. What finding should be reported to the provider? Decreased heart rate. A decreased heart rate could be caused by ischemia , therefore must be reported to the provider immediately to see if they could stop the test.
What pt should an EKG tech expect to see somatic interference on the tracing? A 20-year old pt experiencing a seizure. Somatic tremor is caused by body movement.
What does Atrial Fibrillation look like? P-waves are absent, irregularly irregularly rhythm and a ventricular rate of 60-100/bpm
Where does Lead V4 go for a standard 12-lead EKG? The fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line.
How should an EKG tech descriWhbe the rhythm of a pt's pulse? It should be described as regular or irregular.
What method should an EKG tech use to calculate a pt's heart rate from the EKG tracing? Divide 300 by the number of large boxes between R-waves.
An EKG tech is caring for a pt who has been admitted to an inpt facility for chest pain. What action should the tech take when performing a series of EKG readings for this pt? Apply silver electrodes that can be checked daily.
What lead group forms Einthoven's triangle? Leads I, II, and III
What lead group is bipolar? Leads I, II, and III
What describes a complete cardiac cycle of a healthy heart? P-wave, QRS complex and T-wave.
A serial EKG tracing shows a rhythm that doesn't match the last tracing that the EKG tech last performed. What action should the tech take first? Verify correct lead placement. Improper lead placement will display inaccurate tracings.
What is the result of atrial depolarization? P-wave.
What type of heart block should an EKG tech observe the pt for signs and symptoms of decreased cardiac output that could lead to cardiac arrest? 3rd Degree AV block
An EKG tech is performing a stress test for a pt. What EKG change means that the pt is beginning to show signs of myocardial ischemia? Depressed ST segment.
When performing a stress test, an EKG tech should recognize that the test can be stopped when the pt has reached what percentage for their target heart rate? 85% to 100% The formula for a pt's target heart rate is obtained by subtracting the pt's age from 220 and multiplying by 0.85.
An EKG tech is preparing to preform a standard 12-lead EKG tracing on a pt who has a heart rate of 150/min. What speed control should the tech select? 50mm/second.
What lead is created when an EKG tech places the electrode to the right of the pt sternum at the forth intercostal space? V1.
What is the 1500 method? Only should be used with a normal heart rate, divide the number of small boxes in the tracing by 1500.
What action should the EKG tech perform for a pt immediately before an exercise stress test? Measure blood pressure and obtain an EKG while the pt is supine, sitting and standing up.
What pt finding indicates Myocardial Infarction? Cyanosis. Occurs due to the lac k of oxygen, which causes the pt's lips and fingernails to turn blue.
An EKG is performing a standard 12-lead EKG on a who is 9 y/o. Where should the V6 electrode be placed? Left midaxillary line.
When performing an EKG on an infant, where should lead V3R be placed? Between V2 and V4 on the right side of the chest.
What pt should an EKG tech expect the provider to prescribe a chemical stress test? A pt who is 40 years old and is unable to walk due to the cast on his leg. A chemical stress is required if the pt can't walk or run on a treadmill.
When performing a posterior EKG, what is the proper placement for lead V8? Left midscapular line.
When oplacing electrodes on the pt for telemetry, where should the ground lead go? On the right lower leg.
An EKG tech is educating a pt about home use of an ambulatory monitor. What action should the tech instruct the pt to take if any electrodes become loose? Apply surgical tape to the electrodes to keep them in place.
What pulse site is used with an adult undergoing CPR? Carotid. Carotid is located in the side of the neck.
What site is most accurate when measuring body temperature? Temporal. Using the pt's forehead can render the most accurate body temp.
What method could be used to calculate both regular and irregular rhythms? 6 second method.
During an exercise stress test, a pt reports heaviness on his chest and becomes diaphoretic (sweating profusely). The EKG tech should recognize these findings as manifestations of what? Myocardial infarction, MI is a lack of blood flow to the heart causing death to cardiac tissues.
An EKG tech should recognize that what characteristic of the EKG tracing for a pt who has atrial fibrillation? R-R interval is irregularly irregular.
An EKG tech notes a standard 12-lead EKG tracing shows an interrupted baseline. This artifact is caused by what? Dirty or corroded lead wires.
What wave should an EKG tech use to determine the regularity of the ventricular rate? R-wave. Measuring the distance between consecutive R-waves will determine
A thin spike before the P-wave indicates that a pacemaker has been implanted. to pace what? Atria.
What is Libel? Written defamation of a person.
An EKG tech should recognize that what is the most commonly used paper speed for an EKG? 25 mm/second. If the tech changes the speed, it should be noted and the provider should be not
What paper speed should be used if the pt has a rapid heart rate? 50 mm/second
What method should an EKG tech use when removing hair from electrode placement sites for telemetry monitoring? Clippers.
An EKG tech is called to the emergency department to perform standard 12-lead EKG on a pt. When the tech arrives, the pt is attached to a 5-lead monitor. What action should the tech take? Remove the electrodes to the 5-lead monitor before attaching the electrodes for the 12-lead EKG.
An EKG tech is measuring the intervals on an EKG tracing. What is an expected finding of impaired conduction through the AV node? Prolonged PR interval. The PR interval is a direct reflection of the AV node conduction. The PR interval signifies the distance the electrical impulses travels from the start of atrial depolorization
What is a finding consistent with bradycardia? Cold and clammy skin,
What causes tachycardia? Hyperventilation.
An EKG tech is preparing a pt for a standard 12-lead EKG. What 3 leads should the tech place on the same horizontal level? Leads V4, V5 and V6
What position is appropriate for a pt during a nuclear stress test while the camera is scanning? Supine with the arms above the head. This is so the camera can rotate around the pt to produce a multidimensional picture.
What factor can produce an artifact that appears uniform small spikes on an EKG tracing? Improper grounding , crossed lead wires and electrical interference can produce AC interference which appears as small uniform spikes on the tracing.
What does a Second-degree AV heart block Mobitz type II look like? It has some P-waves without a QRS complex but the PR interval is constant.
Where do cardiac electrical impulses originate in the heart? SA node. Then conducted to the AV node.
An EKG tech is preparing to perform an exercise stress test on a pt. What finding in a pt's medical history would prevent the pt from participating in an exercise stress test? Congestive Heart Failure. This is due to the heart''s inability to pump an adequate amount of blood.
What does dizziness indicate during an exercise stress test? Decreased cardiac output.
What does loss of capture mean? It means that pacemaker spikes appear on the pt's EKG tracing but are not followed by the appropriate waveforms.
An EKG tech notices an accelerated idioventricular rhythm on a tracing. What action should the tech take next? Call for help and stay with the pt. This is an emergency situation.
What is the reference range for the respiratory rate of a newborn pt? 30-49/min
An EKG tech is performing a standard 12-lead EKG for a pt who has a below-the-knee amputation of the left leg. The tech should mod and doc the lead placement in what way? Place the left extremity lead on the left groin.
An EKG tech is preparing a pt for Holter monitoring placement .What action should the tech take to reduce the chance of artifacts on the tracing? Use stress loops on the electrodes to reduce tension on the leads.
An EKG tech is applying a Holter monitor for a pt. What is the final step that the tech should take when applying a Holter monitor? Doc the procedure in the pt's health record.
When should batteries be installed into a Holter monitor? Before applying the electrodes to the pt and before connecting the leads to the electrodes.
What position should the pt be in for a standard 12-lead EKG? Supine
What setting is used to make sure that the EKG machine is working properly? Calibration
What does atrial fibrillation look like? It is characterized by F-waves between QRS complexes and is a irregularly irregular rhythm.
Where should lead V1 go? Fourth intercostal space at the right sternal border.
Where should the ground lead go for a 5-lead Holter monitor? Right lower abdomen.
An EKG tech notes a positive deflection on the waveforms on lead avR on a pt's standard 12-lead EKG tracing. What action should the tech take? Verify lead and electrode placement.
An EKG tech is preparing a pt for an exercise stress test. What describes correct lead placement? Limb leads are placed on the torso.
What changes to the EKG machine will double the height of the tracing it produces? 20 mm/mV
An EKGtech is reviewing an EKG tracing and notices that the calibration mark measures 10 mm high and 10 mm wide. The tech should expect to find that the machine uses what setting? 50 mm
What does a ventricular arrhythmia look like? No discernible P--waves and wide QRS complexes. The QRS complexes last longer than 0.12 ms
What is an appropriate pulse site for an infant? Brachial artery. In the arm.

In which one of the following locations should an EKG technician place the electrodes for leads V7 V8 and V9?

where should an ekg place electrodes for leads V7, V8 V9
evenly spaced on the back between the axillary line and the vertebral column at the 5th intercostal space
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In which of the following locations should an EKG technician place the leads?


Which of the following describes correct electrode placement for lead V5?

Which of the following describes the correct electrode placement for lead V5? Anterior axillary line, 5th intercostal space.

In which of the following locations should the electrode for lead V4 be placed?

Place V4 (brown) chest lead in the fifth intercostal space, mid-clavicular line.


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