In which order would the nurse proceed to reach a clinical decision through evidence-based practice

A group of nurses have implemented an evidence-based practice (EBP) change and have evaluated the effectiveness of the change. What is their next step?

A. Conduct a literature review.

B. Share the findings with others.

C. Conduct a statistical analysis.

D. Create a well-defined PICOT question.

B. Share the findings with others.

After completing an evidence-based practice (EBP) project and evaluating its effectiveness, the next step is to communicate the results with others. Conducting a literature review and statistical analysis, and creating a well-defined PICOT question, come before evaluation and sharing findings.

Arrange the steps of the research process in correct order.

Identify areas of interest or a clinical problem.

Formulate recommendations for further research.

Analyze the results of the study.

Obtain necessary approvals.

Design the study protocol.

Identify areas of interest or a clinical problem.

Formulate recommendations for further research.

Analyze the results of the study.

Obtain necessary approvals.

Design the study protocol.

Which type of research design would be helpful to determine the percentage of women who are diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction between the ages of 40 and 60 years?

A. Survey

B. Qualitative research

C. Quantitative research

D. Evaluation research

C. Quantitative research

Quantitative research involves analysis of numbers, such as the percentage of women diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction and what age groups the women belong to. The survey design examines opinions, attributes, behaviors, or characteristics of a population. Qualitative research describes information in a nonnumeric form. Evaluation research determines how well a program, practice, or policy is working.

Which part of an evidence-based article includes the major themes or findings and the implications for nursing practice?

A. Abstract

B. Introduction

C. Literature review

D. Manuscript narrative

A. Abstract

An abstract is a brief summary that quickly tells whether the study is research-based or clinically based. This part of the evidence-based article includes the major themes or findings and the implications for nursing practice. The introduction contains more information about the purpose of the article. The literature review offers an argument about what led the author to conduct the study or report. The manuscript narrative is the middle section, which differs according to the type of evidence-based article it is (that is, a clinical article or a research article).

The nurse caring for patients in an inpatient unit asks a clinical question using a PICOT format. What does C stand for in a PICOT question?

A. Comparison of interest

B. Client who is admitted

C. Care provided

D. Current diagnosis

A. Comparison of interest

There are five elements of a PICOT question. P stands for the patient identified by age, gender, ethnicity, and disease or health problem. I stands for intervention of interest. C stands for comparison of interest. O stands for outcomes, and T stands for time. C does not stand for client, care, or current diagnosis.

Which topic is best suited for quantitative research?

A. The perception of a patient diagnosed with cancer

B. The patient's perception of the nurse's care in a palliative unit

C. The perception of stress by family members of critically ill patients

D. The percentage of cardiac illness in men between 40 and 60 years of age

D. The percentage of cardiac illness in men between 40 and 60 years of age

Quantitative research involves analysis of numbers, such as percentages and ages. This type of research offers precise measurements and quantifications. Determining the percentage of cardiac illness in men between 40 and 60 years of age is an example of quantitative research. Qualitative research involves verbal analysis, and the information is obtained in a nonnumerical form. Determining the patient's perception of the nurse's care in a palliative unit or the perception of stress by family members of critically ill patients are examples of qualitative research.

Which activity regarding the research process should the nurse conduct to determine what has already been studied about the research problem of interest?

A. Construct a theoretical framework.

B. Identify variables.

C. Formulate a hypothesis.

D. Review the literature.

D. Review the literature.

A literature review provides a logical but abstract structure that suggests the relationship among the variables in a research study, allowing for the organization and explanation of all the information in the study. All available literature related to the nurse's research problem should be reviewed to provide a theoretical framework as a foundation for the research study. Variables are concepts in the study that are expected to change or differ from one person or time to another. A hypothesis is a prediction that should be based on previous research, so it is developed after conducting a review of the literature.

Which type of research explores the interrelationships among variables of interest without any active intervention by the researcher?

A. Historical research

B. Evaluation research

C. Correlational research

D. Experimental research

C. Correlational research

Correlational research explores the interrelationships among variables of interest without any active intervention by the researcher. Historical research is designed to establish facts and relationships concerning past events. Evaluation research tests how well a program, practice, or policy is working. In experimental research, an investigator controls the study variable and randomly assigns subjects to different conditions to test the variable.

The nurse is providing care to a patient who is experiencing major abdominal trauma following a car accident. The patient is losing blood quickly and needs a blood transfusion. The nurse finds out that the patient is a Jehovah's Witness and cannot have blood transfusions because of religious beliefs. The nurse notifies the patient's health care provider and receives an order to give the patient an alternative to blood products. Of what is this an example?

A. A quality improvement study

B. A change in practice based on evidence

C. A time when calling the hospital's ethics committee is essential

D. Consideration of patient preferences and values while providing care

D. Consideration of patient preferences and values while providing care

This example illustrates a situation in which the health care providers take the patient's values and beliefs into consideration while providing care. This is not an example of a quality improvement study or change in practice based on evidence. Although ethics is a critical consideration in this instance if the patient's life is in danger and the patient refuses treatment, the provider orders an alternative to blood products, which in itself is not an ethical dilemma.

The nurse designs and conducts an informational health campaign and then measures the outcomes of the campaign. Which type of research practice did the nurse perform?

A. Evaluation

B. Descriptive

C. Exploratory

D. Experimental

A. Evaluation

Evaluation research tests how well a program, practice, or policy is working. The nurse is conducting an informational health campaign and measuring the outcomes of the campaign, which indicates that the nurse is engaged in evaluation. Descriptive research measures the characteristics of persons, situations, or groups and the frequency with which certain events or characteristics occur. Exploratory research is designed to develop or refine the dimensions of phenomena or to develop or refine a hypothesis about the relationships among phenomena. In experimental research, the investigator controls the study variable and randomly assigns subjects to different conditions to test the variable.

The nurse is preparing to conduct research. The nurse understands that a step-by-step approach ensures that the clinical decisions are based on the strongest evidence available. In which order should the nurse proceed to reach a clinical decision through an evidence-based practice (EBP)?

Critically appraise the evidence.

Ask a clinical question.

Evaluate the practice decision.

Collect evidence from databases.

Ask a clinical question.

Collect evidence from databases.

Critically appraise the evidence.

Evaluate the practice decision.

In which order would the nurse proceed to reach a clinical decision through evidence based practice EBP )? Quizlet?

Arrange the following steps of evidence-based practice (EBP) in the appropriate order:.
Integrate the evidence..
Ask the burning clinical question..
Evaluate the practice decision or change..
Share the results with others..
Critically appraise the evidence you gather..
Collect the most relevant and best evidence..

Which are the steps of evidence based practice in order?

5 steps of Evidence Based Practice.
Ask a question. ... .
Find information/evidence to answer question. ... .
Critically appraise the information/evidence. ... .
Integrate appraised evidence with own clinical expertise and patient's preferences. ... .

Which order the nurse proceed to reach clinical decision through evidence based practice?

Arrange the following steps of evidence-based practice (EBP) in the appropriate order..
Ask the burning clinical question..
Collect the most relevant and best evidence..
Critically appraise the evidence you gather..
Integrate the evidence..
Evaluate the practice decision or change..
Share the results with others..

What are the 6 steps of evidence based practice?

Steps in the Process.
ASSESS the patient. Start with the patient; determine a clinical problem or question that arises from the care of the patient..
ASK a focused clinical question. ... .
ACQUIRE evidence to answer the question. ... .
APPRAISE the quality of the evidence. ... .
APPLY the evidence to patient care. ... .