In which stage of the project life cycle and project objectives are established and teams are formed and major responsibilities are assigned?

One way of illustrating the unique nature of project work is in terms of the project life cycle. Some project managers find it useful to use the project life cycle as the cornerstone for managing projects. The life cycle recognizes that projects have a limited life span and that there are predictable changes in level of effort and focus over the life of the project. There are a number of different life-cycle models in project management literature. Many are unique to a specific industry or type of project.

For example, a new software development project may consist of five phases: definition, design, code, integration/test, and maintenance. A generic cycle is depicted in the chart below.

The project life cycle typically passes sequentially through four stages: defining, planning, executing, and delivering. The starting point begins the moment the project is given the go-ahead. Project effort starts slowly, builds to a peak, and then declines to delivery of the project to the customer.

Defining stage: Specifications of the project are defined; project objectives are established; teams are formed; major responsibilities are assigned.

Planning stage: The level of effort increases, and plans are developed to determine what the project will entail, when it will be scheduled, whom it will bene- —at quality level should be maintained, and what the budget will be.

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In which stage of the project life cycle and project objectives are established and teams are formed and major responsibilities are assigned?
Project Life Cycle


  1. Goals
  2. Specifications
  3. Tasks
  4. Responsibilities


  1. Schedules
  2. Budgets
  3. Resources
  4. Risks
  5. Staffing


  1. Status reports
  2. Changes
  3. Quality
  4. Forecasts


  1. Train customer
  2. Transfer documents
  3. Release resources
  4. Evaluation
  5. Lessons learned

Executing stage: This is a major portion of the project where work takes place, both physical and mental. The physical product is produced (a house, software application, new device). Time, cost, and specification measures are used for control and question like these below need to be answered:

  • Is the project on schedule, on budget and meeting specifications?
  • What are the forecasts of each of these measures?
  • What revisions or changes are necessary?

Closing stage: Closing a project includes three main activities: delivering the project product to the customer, redeploying project resources, and post project reviews. Delivery of the project might include customer training and documentation transfer. Redeploying resources usually involves releasing project equipment or materials to other projects and finding new assignments for team members. Prost project reviews often include assessing the project’s performance as well as capturing lessons learned.


In practice the project lifecycle is used be some project groups to depict the timing of major tasks over the life of the project. One example might be, the design team might plan a major commitment of resources in the defining stage, while the quality team would expect their major effort to increase in the later stages, while the quality team would expect their major effort to increase the later stages of the project.

Because most organizations have a portfolio of projects going on concurrently, each at a different stage of each project’s life cycle, careful planning and management at the organization and project levels is imperative.

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I am a Project Management practitioner with more than 5 years experience in hardware and software implementation projects. Also a bit of a geek and a great WordPress enthusiast. I hope you enjoy the content, and I encourage you to share your knowledge with the world.

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At which stage of a project life cycle is that major portion of the project work takes place?

A major portion of the project work takes place—both physical and mental—in the executing stage.

In which stage of the project life cycle is the product of the project delivered to the customer and resources are released from the project?

Closing Phase. During the final closure, or completion phase, the emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables to the customer, handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing project resources, and communicating the closure of the project to all stakeholders.

What are the five stages of the project life cycle?

There are 5 phases to the project life cycle (also called the 5 process groups)—initiating, planning, executing, monitoring/controlling, and closing. Each of these project phases represents a group of interrelated processes that must take place.

At which stages are the specifications of the project defined?

Definition phase. After the project plan (which was developed in the initiation phase) has been approved, the project enters the second phase: the definition phase. In this phase, the requirements that are associated with a project result are specified as clearly as possible.