Inventory accumulates in a process when the inflow rate is _blank_ the outflow rate.

Flow unit=unit flowing through a process and Process flow=flow time, flow rate and inventory.If inflow rate exceeds outflow rate inventory increases/ If outflow rate exceeds inflow rate inventory decreases.Buildup rate:R(T)=inflow rate Ri(T)=Outflow rateR(T)= Ri(T)-R0(T)Inventory change: buildup rate x length of time interval = I(T2) – I(T1)=Rx(T2-T1)Little’s law:I=R x T or T=I/R or R=I/T,Inventory turns =R/I,% Change = R*T2 – R*T1/R*T1R(t): Instantaneous inflow rate,Ro(t): Instantaneous outflow rate,ΔR(t): Instantaneous inventory accumulation (or buildup) rate,I(t): Inventoryat timet, I: Average inventory,R: Throughput or average flow rate andT: Average flow timeLittle’s law: i.e Act A – time 10 min & Act B time 8 min, thus flow rate (r)=A=1/10 and B=1/8 = flow rate determined by the larger cycle or time,flow time of this process is the sum of both process:10+8 = 18 min, Ave inventory (I) = flow time x flow rate = T x R =18 *0.10 = 1.8 unitsFlow time measures how fast we can convert inputs into outputs. Faster flow time indicates a lower working capital and higher inventory turns.Orange Juice Inc. produces and markets fruit juice. During the orange harvest season, trucks bring oranges from the fields to the processingplant during a workday that runs from 7am to 6pm. On peak days, approximately 15 tons of oranges are trucked in every hour (i.e. inflow iscontinuous and constant from 7am to 6pm). Trucks dump their contents in a holding bin with a storage capacity of 6 tons. When the bin is full,incoming trucks must wait until it has sufficient available space. A conveyor moves oranges from the bins to the processing plant. The plant isconfigured to deal with an average harvesting day, and maximum throughput is 8 tons per hour. Assuming the oranges arrive continuously overtime and all oranges must be processed the day they are picked to ensure freshness. How many hours are there between the first truck beingforced to wait (i.e. inventory equals bin capacity) and the last truck being allowed to leave (i.e. the last orange is delivered from the truck intothe bin)?Build up rate, think of each activity separately: Inflow – Outflow = buildup rate x the rate = the changeCheapest Car Rental rents cars at the Chicago airport.The car rental market consists of two segments:the short-term segment, which rentsfor an average of 0.7 weeks, and the medium-term segment, which rents for an average of 3 weeks.Cheapest currently rents an average of200 cars a week to the short-term segment and 100 cars a week to the medium-term segment. Approximately 20 percent of the cars returned(evenly distributed across both segments) are found to be defective and in need of repairs before they can be made available for rent again.The remaining cars, not needing repairs are cleaned, filled with gas, and made available for rent.On average, there are 92 cars waiting to becleaned. The average cost of this operation is $5 per car.Cars needing repair spend an average of two weeks out of service and incur anaverage cost of $150 per car.

ANSWER:learning rate of employeesExplanationEmployee turnover = 1/(2 × Average tenure); Average time an employee spends with a company = 2 ×Average tenure. Avg number of employees = Number of new employees each year × Avg time spent incompany. We can use average tenure and average number of employees to determine each value, exceptlearning rate of employees.

CH 7 VIDEO1.Capacity is directly related to:ANSWER:

2.Which of these in not an approach to capacity planning?

3.Good reasons to reduce your setup times in a factory are:

4.Which of these is a concept for reducing setup times?

CH 7 SB1.The time to complete setup activities ______ depend on the number of units subsequentlyproduced.

2.A productionis a repeating sequence of produced units.

3.For a step with a setup, as the setup time increase, the capacity _______.

4.True or false: The bottleneck step in a process can change depending upon the batch sizeset at a step with a setup.

5.Tme spent doing a setup _____ classified as idle time.

6.True or false: Setup activities can be deferred until after production is done for the day.

7.Match the denominator used to calculate utilization (in the right column) to the step'srequirement for a setup time (in the left column).

8.A production cycle is asequence of produced flow units.

9.As processing time increases, the output rate when producing ________.

10.For a step with a setup, the capacity _____ depend on the batch size.

11.As the processing time at a step with a setup increases, the utilization ________.

12.At a resource with a setup, increasing the batch size ______ the capacity of theresource.

13.Suppose a faucet adds water at a rate of 1 gallon per minute. For which drainflushing rate will inventory accumulate the fastest?

14.The time when a process is doing nothing is known as_ time.

15.At a step with a setup, inventory accumulates when that step is in _______.

16.When calculating the utilization of a step with a setup the denominator to use is________.

17.Consider a two-step process where the first step produces at a rate of 2 units perminute for the first 30 minutes of an hour and then goes into setup for the second 30minutes of an hour. The second step produces at a rate of 1 unit per minute for the entirehour. Assuming the beginning inventory in a buffer before step 2 is zero, after one hourthe inventory in that buffer will be _______.

Which of the following is likely to increase the utilization of a resource with a setup time?

Which of the following is likely to increase the utilization of a resource with a setup time? Increasing the batch size on a resource with setups always increases the capacity of the process.

What term is used to describe a repeated sequence of production activities?

Mass production is also referred to as flow production, repetitive flow production, series production, or serial production. In mass production, mechanization is used to achieve high volume, detailed organization of material flow, careful control of quality standards, and division of labor.

What shape is used to represent resources in a process flow diagram?

The ____ time of a resource is how long that particular resource takes to complete one flow unit. What shape is used to represent resources in a process flow diagram? -Triangled.


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