Is a center of Internet security expertise and is located at the Software Engineering Institute?

  • Why has licensed the CERT® Division courses?

    The CERT Coordination Center® (CERT®/CC) was the first CSIRT to be established, has over 30 years of experience in the incident handling area and is internationally recognized by the excelence of its work.

    The CERT® Division course's materials are of high quality and developed based on the CERT®/CC experience in incident handling. Besides this, the documents and materials developed by CERT® Division are an international reference and have been used by CSIRTs around the world to develop an increase their eficiency and incident response capability.

    By licensing the CERT® Division courses -- with the sponsorship of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee -- is bringing to Brazil the state-of-art in computer security incident response training.

  • What is a CSIRT?

    Information about what a CSIRT is and which services it provides can be found at the CSIRT FAQ.

  • The classes will be online or face-to-face?

    The classes will be all face-to-face and will follow the material and the didactics developed by CERT® Division.

  • Who will issue the course certificate?

    The certificates of the courses delivered by a Software Engineering Institute Partner, as, are issued by the Partner itself, but have the same validity of those issued by Carnegie Mellon® University.

  • The courses delivered in Brazil are the same as those devilered in the US by CERT® Division?

    Yes, the material of the courses to be delivered in Brazil by is the same used by CERT® Division in the courses delivered in the US.

  • The certificates given to those who attend to the course delivered by will have the same recognition of those given to people that attended to the courses held at SEISM?

    Yes. As is a Software Engineering Institute Partner the certificates granted to those who attend the courses in Brazil will have the same recognition of those who attend a course at SEISM facilities in the US.

  • What is a Software Engineering Institute Partner?

    To facilitate the adoption of new technologies the Software Engineering Institute, of Carnegie Mellon® University, licenses specific SEISM technologies -- typically training courses or assessment services -- to organizations that they call Partners.

  • How long does a course take?

    The courses licensed by can last 1 or 5 days each.

    Please check in each course page for its lenght.

  • Which is the limit of attendees per class?

    The number of attendees will be limited to 20 or 25 people, depending on the course.

  • The courses will be delivered in English or Portuguese?

    The courses will be delivered in Portuguese, but the material will be in English.

  • What is CERT®?

    CERT® is a center of Internet security expertise, located at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a federally funded research and development center operated by Carnegie Mellon® University.

    The CERT Coordination Center® (CERT®/CC) was created in 1988, as the first CSIRT established in the world. The Internet growth and the increasing sophistication of intruders created additional needs. To address these needs, the CERT®/CC became part of the larger CERT® Division.

  • How to know when a course will be delivered?

    Information regarding dates and registration will be available at:

    • Courses homepage;
    • Announces mailing list;
  • (SM) SEI is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.

    ® CERT and Carnegie Mellon are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University.

    Common vulnerability assessment processes include:

    A process called __________ examines the traffic that flows through a system and its associated devices to identifies the most frequently used devices..

    __________ penetration testing is usually used when a specific system or network segment is suspect and the organization wants the pen tester to focus on a particular aspect of the target.

    The __________ mailing list includes announcements and discussion of an open-source IDPS.

    Detailed __________ on the highest risk warnings can include identifying which vendor updates apply to which vulnerabilities as well as which types of defenses have been found to work against the specific vulnerabilities reported.

    __________ allows for the major security control components to be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure that they are current, accurate, and appropriate.

    The __________ vulnerability assessment is a process that is designed to find and document selected vulnerabilities that are likely to be present on the internal network of the organization.

    The __________ is a statement of the boundaries of the RA.

    To evaluate the performance of a security system, administrators must establish system performance __________.

    __________, a level beyond vulnerability testing, is a set of security tests and evaluations that simulate attacks by a malicious external source (hacker).

    A __________ is the recorded state of a particular revision of a software or hardware configuration item.

    __________ is used to respond to network change requests and network architectural design proposals.

    A primary mailing list for new vulnerabilities, called simply __________, provides time-sensitive coverage of emerging vulnerabilities, documenting how they are exploited, and reporting on how to remediate them. Individuals can register for the flagship mailing list or any one of the entire family of its mailing lists.

    The __________ vulnerability assessment process is designed to find and document any vulnerability that is present on systems that may have telephone connections to the organization’s networks.

    The __________ process is designed to find and document the vulnerabilities that may be present because there are misconfigured systems in use within the organization.

    __________ are a component of the security triple.

    The __________ commercial site focuses on current security tool resources.

    A(n) __________ item is a hardware or software item that is to be modified and revised throughout its life cycle.

    Control __________ baselines are established for network traffic and also for firewall performance and IDPS performance.

    A step commonly used for Internet vulnerability assessment includes __________, which is when the penetration test engine is unleashed at the scheduled time using the planned target list and test selection.

    The optimum approach for escalation is based on a thorough integration of the monitoring process into the __________.

    The __________ list is intended to facilitate the development of the leading free network exploration tool.

    One approach that can improve the situational awareness of the information security function uses a process known as __________ to quickly identify changes to the internal environment.

    The __________ is a center of Internet security expertise and is located at the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development center operated by Carnegie Mellon University.


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