Is a change in behavior or attitudes brought about by a desire to follow the beliefs or standards of other people?

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Terms in this set (69)

What would a social psychologist be most likely to study?

Personal attitudes and the perception of others

Which of the following are situational causes of behavior?

You trip and fall because the curb is uneven and not marked well, you did well on a test because the test was easy

When someone says we are intelligent and attractive,

we are more likely to like them due to the reciprocity-of-liking effect

____ can be positive or negative, and grow out of our tendency to categorize and organize information we encounter in our every day lives.


____ is a change in behavior in response to the commands of others.


The central question in making an attribution is whether the cause of behavior is due to ___ or ___ factors.

situational; dispositional

What is the definition of an attitude?

An evaluation of a person, behavior, or concept

What is the process by which an individual organizes information about another person to form an overall idea of that person?

impression formation

___ is behavior that occurs in response to direct social pressure.


____ are sets of cognitions about people and social experiences.


Prejudice is:

A negative evaluation of an individual based on his or her group membership

Social psychologists typically refer to helping others as ____ behavior.


Which of the following are dispositional causes of behavior?

You trip and fall because you are clumsy, you did well on test because you studied very hard

___ is a change in behavior or attitudes brought about by a desire to follow the beliefs or standards of other people.


What social psychological concept is Stanley Milgram most associated with?


___ is a type of thinking in which group members share such a strong motivation to achieve consensus that they lose the ability to critically evaluate alternate points of view.


___ is a social rank held within a group.


What do social psychologists call positive feelings or others, such as liking or loving?

interpersonal attraction

___ is helping behavior that is beneficial to others but clearly requires self-sacrifice.


What is the term for the intentional injury of, or harm to, another person?


What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a person's internal traits or personality characteristics?

Dispositional cause

Need for ____ is a person's habitual level of thoughtfulness and cognitive activity.


Which of the following affect the ease with which we change our attitudes?

The source of the message, the characteristics of the target and of the message

What is the term for the conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes?

cognitive dissonance

Fundamental Attribution Error is:

the tendency to over attribute others' behavior to dispositional factors

Using group membership as a source of pride and self-worth explains prejudice and discrimination through

social identity theory

Which of the following are ways to reduce cognitive dissonance?

modify one or both cognitions, change the perceived importance of one cognition, deny that the two cognitions are related to one another

List the steps in determining why people behave the way they do.

Noticing an event, interpreting the event, forming an initial explanation, determining if time or cognitive resources are available, formulate and resolve the problem, determining if the explanation is satisfactory

The presence of a(n) ___ trait, a certain unusually important trait, can alter the meaning of other traits.


Peripheral route processing occurs when

people are persuaded on the basis of factors unrelated to the nature or quality of the content of a persuasive message

The ___ may be explained by the fact that, when making attributions about someone, the immediate environment is more stable and less attention grabbing than the observed person's behavior.

fundamental attribution error

How did Solomon Asch test his hypotheses regarding conformity?

By presenting a group of people with a series of lines and asking which was the longest

___ route processing occurs when the recipient thoughtfully considers the issues and arguments involved in persuasion.


___ theory seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior, what the specific causes of that person's behavior are.


___ neuroscience seeks to identify the neural basis of social behavior and looks at how we can illuminate our understanding of groups, interpersonal relations, and emotions by understanding their cognitive underpinnings.


___ learning theory of aggression is well supported by psychological research.


If people think that members of a specific group lack ambition, they may treat them in a way that actually brings about a lack of ambition. This illustrates

self-fulfilling prophecy

___ is the process of discharging built-up aggressive energy.


In Milgram's classic obedience study, what percent of participants eventually used the highest setting on the shock generator - 450 volts - to shock the learner?


We ___ the positive aspects of our ungroup, and at the same time ___ out groups.

inflate; devalue

What concept of social psychology is at work if someone is robbed in the middle of an intersection but nobody calls the police or offers assistance?

Diffusion of responsibility

The acronym IAT stands for ___ association test.


What is the name of the phenomenon in which an initial understanding that a person has positive traits is used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics?

Halo Effect

What psychologist is associate with research on aggression and catharsis?

Konrad Lorenz

Information-processing approaches have developed a ___ oriented model of how individual personality traits combine to create an overall impression.


What is the name of the phenomenon in which we tend to think of people as being similar to ourselves, even when meeting them for the first time?

Assumed-similarity bias

If you ever receive a free sample, keep in mind that is comes with a psychological cost. Salespeople who provide samples to potential customers do so to instigate the norm of ____.


In which of the following situations is groupthink most likely to occur?

A powerful leader surrounded by people of lower status

If you ask a person to agree to a small request and later ask that person to comply with a more important one, you have used which complicate technique?

foot-in-the-door technique

What is the difference between complicate and conformity?

The social influence in conformity is subtle, whereas it's more direct in compliance

What type of love is the strong affection we have for those whom our lives are deeply involved?


Which of the following is an example of mere exposure?

Finding a person attractive because you bump into him or her frequently

What approach to understanding aggression proposes that aggression is primarily the outcome of innate - or inborn - urges?


A ___ ___ is a group member whose dissenting views make nonconformity to the group easier.

social supporter

The halo bias, self-serving bias, and assumed similarity are examples of biases in making ____.


Self Serving bias:

The tendency to attribute personal success to dispositional factors and failure to situational factors

What type of love is a state of intense absorption in someone that includes intense physiological arousal?


As we gain more experience with people our impressions of them become more ____.


Milgram's experiment was criticized for

creating an unethical circumstance for the participants

The frustration-aggression theory suggests that ____ (the reaction to the thwarting or blocking of goals) produces anger, leading to a readiness to display ____.

frustration, aggression

What is the name of the phenomenon in which we tend to over attribute others' behavior to dispositional cues?

Fundamental attribution error

The ___ effect leads to misperceptions of others.


What is the minimum number of people you need to agree with you to reduce the effect of conformity?


How are conformity and ambiguity of task/situation related?

The more ambiguous the task/situation, the greater the level of conformity

What type of consequences are most likely to increase aggressive behavior according to the observational learning theory?

Positive reinforcement such as getting what one wants

The fact that bigoted parents may commend their children for expressing prejudiced attitudes illustrates which approach to stereotypes and prejudice?

observational learning

Which of the following was the result of Festinger's classic experiment on cognitive dissonance?

More participants who were paid $1 changed their attitudes than did participants who were paid $20

Based on the findings of Kelley's classic experiment, who is likely to be perceived more positively?

A person described as warm and competent

Which branch of psychology is focused on the operation and design or organizations, asking questions such as how decision making can be improved in large organizations and how the fit between workers and their jobs can be maximized?


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Is a change in behavior in response to the commands of others?

Obedience is a change in behavior as a result of a direct command from an authority figure. Obedience is an active form of influence in that it is usually directly initiated by an authority figure and is typically external in that overt behaviors are generally the focus of commands.

What is the term for a cause of Behaviour that is brought about by a person's internal traits or personality characteristics?

What is the term for a cause of behavior that is brought about by a person's internal traits or personality characteristics? dispositional cause.

What is the name of the phenomenon in which we tend to Overattribute others behavior to dispositional cues?

Term Attitudes
Definition Evaluations of a particular person, behavior, belief, or concept.
Term Fundamental attribution error
Definition A tendency to overattribute others' behavior to dispositional causes and the corresponding minimization of the importance of situational causes.
Chapter 14 › chapter-14191null

What is the social psychological term for a change in behavior in response to the commands of others?

Conformity is one effect of the influence of others on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Another form of social influence is obedience to authority. Obedience is the change of an individual's behavior to comply with a demand by an authority figure.