Is a scheduling method that employs a less regular schedule with intermittent periods of advertising and non advertising?


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Is a scheduling method that employs a less regular schedule with intermittent periods of advertising and non advertising?

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Media Planning -The series of decisions involved in delivering the promotional message to the prospective purchasers and/or users of the product or brand
Goal of Media Planning -To find the combination of media that enables the marketer to communicate the message in the most effective manner to the largest number of potential customers at the lowest cost
Reach -a measure of the different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle in a given period of time
Media Vehicles -The specific carrier within a medium category
Frequency -refers to the number of times the receiver is exposed to the media vehicle in a specified period
Coverage -refers to the potential audience that might receive the message through a vehicle
Media scheduling -to time promotional efforts so that they will coincide with the highest potential buying times
Continuity -refers to a continuous pattern of advertising, which may mean every day, every week, or every month
Flighting -employs a less regular schedule, with intermittent periods of advertising and nonadvertising
Pulsing -is actually a combination of the first two methods -continuity is maintained, but at certain times promotional efforts are stepped up
Cost per thousand -a computation used in evaluating the relative costs of various media vehicles that represents the cost of exposing 1,000 members of a target audience to an advertising message
What is Direct Marketing -a system of marketing by which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response or transaction
Direct marketing objectives -Generate immediate response -Inform the customer -Cross-sell
Direct marketing strategies (one-step approach) -The medium is used directly to obtain order or generate a response -Television ad
Direct marketing strategies (two-step approach) -Short list potential customers (screening process) -Follow-up/contact - ask them to subscribe to magazine or product/service
Direct marketing Media -Direct mail, catalogs, telemarketing, broadcast media, teleshopping, and print media
Direct marketing database -the use of information about individual customers and/or prospects to implement more effective and efficient marketing communications
CPO -cost per order -advertisers can evaluate the relative effectiveness of an ad in only a few minutes based on the number of calls generated
Role of direct marketing in IMC -To support all other elements in the program and in return it will be supported as well
What is sales promotion? • Extra incentive • Essentially an acceleration tool: which accelerates your sales • Target to different parties
What is public relations? -management system that determines public attitudes then uses these to make a program of action to get a favorable positive image
Public Relations tools/tactics o Press release o Social media o Blogs o Press conferences o Events o Sponsorships o Community Involvement o Interviews o TV o Newspapers o Magazines
What is MPR? Public Relations objectives intend to achieve marketing objectives
Publicity -non paid generation of news about person product or service appears in broadcast or print (this can be positive or negative)
Corporate advertising -promotes overall firm not service or product
Public relations process -Define a problem -Develop a PR plan -Implement the plan (Using tools/tactics)
Types of Corporate Advertising -social issues, image advertising, website

Find a combination of media that most effectively communicates message to the largest number of members of the target audience at the lowest cost.

  • Not an end in themselves
  • Designed to lead to the attainment of communications and marketing objectives

scheduling (cont., flighting, pulsing)

  • Continuity- continuous pattern of advertising, which may mean every day, every week, or every month.
  • Flighting- employs a less regular schedule, with intermittent periods of advertising and nonadvertising.
  • Pulsing- combo of the first 2 methods. Continuity is maintained, but at certain times promotional efforts are stepped up.

budget considerations (absolute/relative costs)

  • Absolute costs- actual total cost required to place a message.
  • Relative costs- relationship between the price paid for advertising or space and the size of the audience delivered. It is used to compare media vehicles.

  • Reach-  a measure of the number of different audience members exposed at least once to a media vehicle in a given period of time.
  • Frequency- the number of times the receiver is exposed to the media vehicle in a specified period.

  • Overexposure- media coverage exceeds the targeted audience

  • Sweeps periods in Feb, May, July, and November are used for measuring tv audiences and setting advertising rates.

CPM equation (bring calculator and be able to compute)

  • CPM= cost of ad space (absolute cost) X 1000


  • Index = %age of users in demographic segment  X 100

            %age of population in the same segment

    • Creativity and impact- sight and sound
    • Coverage and cost effectiveness- reach large audience
    • Captivity and attention
    • Selectivity and flexibility

    • Disadvantages of TV

    • Costs- production and placement costs
    • Lack of selectivity- high risk of overexposure
    • Fleeting message- 15 or 30 second and gone
    • Clutter
    • Limited viewer attention- fast forward- change channel
    • Distrust and negative evaluation- persuasive and intrusive- takes advantage

  • Zipping- fast forward
  • Zapping- changing channel

dayparts for TV (prime time/most watched)

  • 830- 9pm highest watched time throughout the week
  • Sunday night highest viewing overall
  • Prime time 8-11 mon- sat    -    7-11 Sunday

syndication buying options

  • Shows sold/ distributed on station by station, or market by market basis.
  • Off network- network program series- reruns
  • First- run syndication- entertainment tonight or Regis & Kelly

cable (definition & narrowcasting)

  • Most significant development in tv industry
  • 2010- 91% have it
  • Subscribers get more than 100 channels
  • Dual revenue  stream- subscriber fee and ads
  • Narrowcasting-  reaching very specialized markets- cable users are younger, more affluent and better educated than non users

    • Cost and efficiency
    • Receptivity- not as intrusive
    • Selectivity- sirus- xm radio
    • Flexibility- can constantly change
    • Mental imagery- users can draw own visuals

    • Creative limitations
    • Fragmentation
    • Chaotic buying procedures
    • Limited research data
    • Limited listener attention
    • Competition from digital media
    • Clutter

dayparts for radio (drive times)

  • Morning drive time- 6 – 10 am
  • Afternoon/ evening drive time- 3 – 7 pm

Selectivity Reproduction Quality Permanence Creative Flexibility Prestige Consumer Receptivity/Engagement Services

Disadvantages of Magazines

Costs Limited Reach and Frequency Long Lead TIme Clutter and Competetion

  •     Readers per copy (total # of primary & pass-along)                  

    x   circulation of an average issue                            

        Readership/total audience

creative options (bleed, gatefold, etc.)

  • Type, size and placement options to grab more attention
  • Gatefolds…3rd page that folds out & gives extra large spread
  • Bleed pages…extends to end of page, no margin
  • Unusual page sizes/shapes…3D, inserts, scratch-n-sniff, samples, thicker paper, etc.

magazine cost implications

  • Units of a page, half page, quarter page
  • Bigger ad more expensive
  • 30 % more readership with full pages rather than half pages
  • Black and white plus one color or four colors
  • More color the more expensive

-Primary- Number of individuals who get publication via subscription or a store purchase.

-Guaranteed- Publications give advertisers a rebate if the number of delivered magazines falls below the guarantee.

-Extensive penetration- 50% or more households read newspaper and 70% of them are high income/high education

-Flexibility 24 hour preparation, timely

-Most believable form of advertising found in papers

-Geographically selective

  • “Run of paper” Basic rates quoted by paper = basic paper can place ad on any page/any position it desires.

Difference between National and Local Rates- Page 437

-General advertisers generally pay 75% more for ads

Reasoning behind this according to newspaper publishers:

-Costs more to handle general advertising

-General advertising is less dependable than local

-Demand for general advertising is ‘inelastic’ because it will not increase if rates are lowered or decrease if rates are raised.

Outdoor (large % of ads spent) Page 448

-5.9% in billings... 5% of all adv. dollars

-Various sizes, extensions, 3D etc.

-Billboards, street furniture, Kiosks, etc.

-Digital billboards/screens

-Aerial airplane banners, blimps

-Automobile wraps, small billboards on wheels

-Inside cars, outside posters, platform or terminal posters

-Advantages: Exposure, frequency

-Disadvantages: Reach, mood of the audience.

Promotional Products/“Specialty advertising”

-$18.1 billion spent in U.S

-Advantages: Selectivity, flexibility, frequency, cost, goodwill, high recall, supplementing other media

-Disadvantages: Image, saturation, lead time. Can make it seem “cheap”.

-Medium that uses promotional products, premiums, business gifts, awards, prizes

Yellow pages ad advantages

-80% who referenced yellow pages made a purchase or intended to

-38% were new customers to the business they chose

-Advantages: wide availability, action orientation, costs, frequency, non intrusiveness, trust

-(Disadvantages: market fragmentation, timeliness, lack of creativity, lead times, clutter, size requirements)

-Blends marketing and entertainment through TV, film, music talent, and technology.

-Product Placement- Products are placed in or around actors, sets, TV judges, and are in the setting or are used.

-Product Integration- The product is woven within the story or becomes the story itself.

-Advertainment- The creation of video and/or music content by an advertiser in an attempt to entertain viewers while advertising their products.

-Blu Dot “Real Good Chair” example

-Videogame ads, parking lot ads, gas station pumps, place-based media, etc.

-Anything with the element of surprise.

System of marketing by which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response or transaction.

-Consumer credit cards

-Changing structures of American society and the market

-Technological advances

-Misc.- Changing values, more sophisticated marketing techniques, industry’s improved image.

-“Junk mail”

-More money was spent in direct mail than any other medium. $44 billion in 2009.

-Average home gets 25 pieces weekly.

-Used by both large/small companies

-Key to success=strong mailing list.

-Catalogs have been increasing since the 80’s

-“Long commercial” 30-60 minute spot

-Ads disguised as programs

-Demographics: married female, 45+, Caucasian, working full time, $55,000+  yearly

-QVC/HSN offers 1,150 products/week broadcast 24hr/day and online

-Demographics are moving upscale along with the products (Rachel Zoe, Kardashian’s)

-“Sales by phone”

-Sales decreasing, but still widely used

Combining DM with other promotional mix elements



-Personal Selling

-Sales Promotion

-Support Media

What is an advertising schedule?

An advertising schedule is an itemised list-like document, produced by a real estate agent after consultation with their vendor, which outlines all the marketing activities planned for the sale of a property, complete with a budget. It's the blueprint for a sale.

What is continuity scheduling?

A continuous media schedule runs steadily with little variation. Advertising during this time can be heavy or light (maybe a commercial runs on TV once a week, or on the radio 3 times a day), but the point is that the schedule remains constant throughout the period of a campaign or all year long.

Which scheduling method ensures the development of a regular and continuous pattern without gaps or non advertising periods?

The flighting method of scheduling ensures that a regular and continuous pattern is developed without gaps or nonadvertising periods. One of the advantages of the continuity method of schedule is low costs.

What type of advertising schedule is best suited for products and services that are consumed regularly at relatively steady rates?

Continuous advertising runs ads steadily at a given level indefinitely. This schedule works well products and services that are consumed on a steady basis throughout the year, and the purpose of advertising is to nudge consumers, remind them and keep a brand or product top-of-mind.