Is a set of related actions that managers take to increase their companys performance goals?

is a set of related actions that managers take to increase their company’s performance

Task of most effectively managing a company’s strategy-making process

Task of determining and selecting strategies

Task of putting strategies into action to improve a company’s efficiency and effectiveness

results when a company’s strategies lead to superior performance compared to competitors When a company’s profitability is greater than the average of all other companies in the same industry & competing for the same customers

.One company’s profitability relative to that of other companies in the same or similar business or industry
.Maximizing shareholder value is the ultimate goal of profit making companies

Return On Invested Capital
Net profit/Capital invested = Net income after tax/Equity + Debt to creditors

Sustained Competitive Advantage

When a company’s strategies enable it to maintain above average profitability for a number of years

To increase shareholder value

managers must pursue strategies that increase the profitability of the company and grow the profits

Company’s Profitability and Profit Growth main factors

1/The overall performance of its industry relative to other industries 2/Its relative success in its industry as compared to the competitors

Performance in Nonprofit Enterprises

A successful strategy gives potential donors a compelling message as to why they should contribute.

.Oversee the development of strategies for the whole organization
.The CEO is the principle general manager who consults with other senior executives

Responsible for overall company, business unit, or divisional performance

Responsible for supervising a particular task or operation (e.g. marketing, operations, accounting, human resources)

The reason for existence – what an organization does A company’s mission is best approached from a customer-oriented business definition.

A statement of some desired future state A good vision is meant to stretch a company by articulating an ambitious but attainable future state

A statement of key values that an organization is committed to .How managers and employees should conduct themselves .How they should do business .What kind of organization they need to build to help achieve the company’s mission

.The set of values, norms, and standards that control how employees work to achieve an organization’s mission and goals .Often seen as an important source of competitive advantage

A goal is a precise and measurable desired future state that a company must realize if it is to attain its vision or mission

Purpose is to identify the strategic opportunities and threats in the organization’s operating environment that will affect how it pursues its mission.

Purpose is to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Strengths lead to superior performance and weaknesses to inferior performance

Internal analysis includes an assessment of

.Quantity and quality of a company’s resources and capabilities .Ways of building unique skills and company-specific or distinctive competencies

Building & sustaining a competitive advantage requires a company to achieve superior

.Efficiency .Quality .Innovations .Responsiveness to customers

analyses help to identify strategies that align a company’s resources and capabilities to its environment – in order to create and sustain a competitive advantage

Functional-level strategy 

directed at operational effectiveness

businesses’ overall competitive themes

businesses’ overall competitive themes

expand, grow and prosper at a global level

to maximize profitability and profit growth

Managers must monitor strategy execution

.To determine if strategic goals and objectives are being achieved .To evaluate to what extent competitive advantage is being created and sustained

Intended or Planned Strategies

.Strategies an organization plans to put into action .Typically the result of a formal planning process .Unrealized strategies are the result of unprecedented changes and unplanned events after the formal planning is completed

.Unplanned responses to unforeseen circumstances .Serendipitous discoveries and events may emerge that can open up new unplanned opportunities .Must assess whether the emergent strategy fits the company’s needs and capabilities

.The product of whatever intended strategies are actually put into action and of any emergent strategies that evolve

Strategic Planning in Practice

Studies suggest that formal planning has a positive impact on company performance – and should include the current and future competitive environments.

Rules of thumb or heuristics resulting in systematic errors

Decisionmakers embark on a course of action without questioning the underlying assumptions

Vision, eloquence, and consistency Articulation of the business model Commitment Being well informed Willingness to delegate and empower The astute use of power Emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self- regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills

A strategy is a set of related actions that managers take to increase their company's performance. For most, if not all, companies, achieving superior performance relative to rivals is the ultimate challenge. If a company's strategies result in superior performance, it is said to have a competitive advantage.

Is the set of actions that its managers take to outperform the company's?

A company's strategy is the set of actions that its managers take to outperform the company's competitors and achieve superior profitability.

Who bears the responsibility for the overall performance of the company or for one of its major self contained subunits or divisions?

General managers bear responsibility for the overall performance of the company or for one of its major selfcontained subunits or divisions. The CEO is a company's principal general manager.

Is concerned with managing the strategy making process to increase the performance of a company?

Strategic leadership is concerned with how to most effectively manage a company's strategy-making process to create competitive advantage. To increase shareholder value, managers must try to venture into new markets whether the results are profitable or not.