Is an evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems within an organization?

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69.An evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems within an organization is called a(n) _____audit.A.human resourceB.managementC.activity-basedD.budgetE.six-sigmaManagement audits are a means of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems within anorganization, from social responsibility programs to accounting control. Management audits may be external orinternal.

70.An evaluation conducted by one organization on another organization is referred to as a(n) _____ audit.

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71.External audits are generally used for:

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72.Periodically assessing a company's own planning, organizing, leading, and controlling efforts is the essentialfunction of ____.

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73.The process of investigating what is being done and comparing the results with the corresponding budget data toverify accomplishments or remedy differences is referred to as ____.A.activity-based costingB.budgetary auditsE.budget planningBudgetary control is the process of finding out what's being done and comparing the results with thecorresponding budget data to verify accomplishments or remedy differences. Budgetary control is commonlycalled budgeting.

74.The _____ budget is used for areas of an organization that incur expenses but no revenue, such as humanresources and other support departments.

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What is the process of comparing a firm's practices and technologies with those of other organizations?

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your own organization, its operations or processes against other organizations in your industry or in the broader marketplace. Benchmarking can be applied against any product, process, function or approach in business.

What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness quizlet?

Efficiency is defined as a measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. Effectiveness is a measure of the appropriateness of set goals selected by managers and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals.

Which two goals should an effective control system accomplish quizlet?

Which two goals should an effective control system accomplish? establish a performance goal. Placing too much emphasis on short-term income and profits instead of pursuing a longer-term strategy is known as ______. The most useful control systems are based on ______ performance standards.

Which of the following is the first step in a typical control system?

The basic control process, wherever it is found and whatever it is found and whatever it controls, involves three steps: (1) establishing standards. (2) measuring performance against these standards. and (3) correcting deviations from standards and plans. 1.