Is defined as a business firms intention beyond its legal and economic obligations to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society?





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Terms in this set (58)

social obligation is the obligation of a business to meet its _________.

A) social and technological responsibilities
B) economic and social responsibilities
C) technological and economic responsibilities
D) economic and legal responsibilities

d) economic and legal responsibilities

the ______ view of social responsibility holds that management's only social responsibility is to maximize profits.

A) socioeconomic
B) classical
C) contemporary
D) sociolegal

b) classical

The most outspoken advocate of the classical view of social responsibility is economist and Nobel laureate _______.

A) George Stigler
B) Arthur F. Burns
C) Homer Jones
D) Milton Friedman

d) Milton Friedman

Under the concept of social obligation, the organization does what is required by the _______.

A) society
B) stakeholders
C) environment
D) law

d) law

The _____ view is that management's social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society's welfare.

A) sociotechnical
B) socioeconomic
C) sociolegal
D) sociopolitical

b) socioeconomic

When a firm advertises that it only uses recycled paper products it is _____.

A) meeting its social obligation
B) meeting its social screening requirements
C) being socially responsive
D) adopting green management

c) being socially responsive

A U.S. business that provides on-site childcare facilities for employees is _____.

A) being socially responsive
B) fulfilling its social obligations
C) adopting social screening
D) practicing green management

a) being socially responsive

____ is defined as a business firm's intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right and act in ways that are good for society.

A) Social obligation
B) Social responsibility
C) Social screening
D) Values-based management

b) social responsibility

the aspect that differentiates social responsibility from other similar concepts is that it adds a(n) ________.

A) ethical imperative
B) legal imperative
C) political imperative
D) technical imperative

a) ethical imperative

In the United States a company that meets federal pollution control standards and does not discriminate in hiring, promotion, and pay is generally meeting its ________.

A) social screening requirements
B) green management requirements
C) social obligation
D) social responsibility

c) social obligation

which of the following examples reflects a socially responsible action by an organization?

A) Ford Motor Company became the first automaker to endorse a federal ban on sending text messages while driving.
B) Apple has eliminated lead-lined glass monitors from its product line and pioneered reduced-sized packaging that leverages recyclable materials.
C) Fed Ex provided the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with a radio antenna to set up communications in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
D) UPS has a company-wide policy that urges employees to volunteer during natural disasters and other crises.

b) apple has eliminated lead-lined glass monitors from its product line and pioneered reduced-sized packaging that leverages recyclable materials

according to the _____ argument on social responsibility, businesses should be socially responsible because responsible actions are the right thing to do.

A) public expectation
B) ethical obligation
C) public image
D) long-run profit

b) ethical obligation

the belief that business involvement can help solve difficult social problems is the ______ argument on social responsibility.

A) public expectation
B) public image
C) better environment
D) possession of resources

c) better environment

which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that businesses should address social problems before they become serious and costly to correct?

A) superiority of prevention over cures
B) possession of resources
C) accountability
D) skills

a) superiority of prevention over cures

Which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that a business is socially responsible only when it pursues its economic interests?

A) costs
B) violation of profit maximization
C) superiority of prevention over cures
D) too much power

b) violation of profit maximization

which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that pursuing social goals hurts a business's economic productivity?

A) image
B) dilution of purpose
C) costs
D) lack of skills

b) dilution of purpose

which of the following arguments on social responsibility states that there is no direct line of responsibility for social actions?

A) dilution of purpose
B) stockholder interest
C) too much power
D) lack of accountability

d) lack of accountability

the process of applying social and environmental criteria to an investment decision is known as _______.

A) green management
B) value-based management
C) community investing
D) social screening

d) social screening

managers who consider the impact of their organization on the natural environment are said to be practicing ______.

A) value-based management
B) ethics-based management
C) conventional management
D) green management

d) green management

in which of the following approaches of going green does the organization exhibit the least environmental sensitivity?

A) light green approach
B) deep green approach
C) market approach
D) stakeholder approach

a) light green approach

in the _____ approach of going green, organizations respond to the environmental preferences of customers.

A) legal
B) market
C) stakeholder
D) activist

b) market

in the _____ approach of going green, an organization works to meet the environmental demands of its employees, suppliers, or community.

A) deep green
B) light green
C) market
D) stakeholder

d) stakeholder

there are four approaches that organizations can take in order to go green. which of the following is NOT a part of those approaches?

A) legal approach
B) market approach
C) stakeholder approach
D) operations approach

d) operations approach

which of the following approaches of going green reflects the highest degree of environmental sensitivity and is also a good illustration of the social responsibility of the organization?

A) legal approach
B) market approach
C) stakeholder approach
D) activist approach

d) activist approach

many companies around the globe voluntarily report their efforts in promoting environmental sustainability using the guidelines developed by the __________.

A) United Nations
B) Environmental Protection Agency
C) Global Reporting Initiative
D) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

c) global reporting initiative

which of the following ISO standards is related to quality management?

A) ISO 9000
B) ISO 14000
C) ISO 8000
D) ISO 15000

a) ISO 9000

which of the following ISO standards is related to environmental management?

A) ISO 7000
B) ISO 14000
C) ISO 16000
D) ISO 8000

b) ISO 14000

one way to evaluate a company's green actions is to use the _____ list of the most sustainable corporations in the world.

A) Global 100
B) Global 90
C) Global 80
D) Global 70

a) global 100

to be named on the global 100 list, which is announced each year at the _____, a company has to display a superior ability to effectively manage environmental and social factors.

A) Global Reporting Council
B) World Economic Forum
C) United Nations Economic and Social Council
D) World Social Forum

b) world economic forum

_____ defined as the principles and beliefs that define right and wrong decisions and behavior.

A) Whistle-blowing is
B) Entrepreneuring is
C) Ethics is
D) Values are

c) ethics is

at the _____ level of moral development, a person's choice between right or wrong is based on personal consequences from outside sources, such as physical punishment, reward, or exchange of favors.

A) preconventional
B) conventional
C) principled
D) elevated

a) preconventional

at the ______ level of moral development, ethical decisions rely on maintaining expected standards and living up to the expectations of others.

A) principled
B) conventional
C) conscientious
D) preconventional

b) conventional

at the ________ level of moral development, individuals define moral values apart from the authority of the groups to which they belong or society in general.

A) conventional
B) established
C) principled
D) preconventional

c) principled

in which of the stages of moral development do individuals stick to rules to avoid physical punishment and follow rules only when doing so is in their immediate interest?

A) conventional stage
B) principled stage
C) elevated stage
D) preconventional stage

d) preconventional stage

in which of the following stages of moral development do individuals live up to what is expected by people close to them and maintain conventional order by fulfilling obligations to which they have agreed?

A) conscientious stage
B) conventional stage
C) principled stage
D) preconventional stage

b) conventional stage

in which of the following stages of moral development do individuals value rights of others and upholding absolute values and rights regardless of the majority's opinion?

A) preconventional stage
B) conventional stage
C) principled stage
D) established stage

c) principled stage

______ represent basic convictions about what is right and wrong.

A) Dogmas
B) Values
C) Cultures
D) Beliefs

b) values

John Doe is employed with the IT department at Abel and Associates, that provides financial consultancy services to several wealthy investors. He is approached by a shady investor who offers attractive incentives for stealing some sensitive information regarding the investment patterns of one of the clients of the company. Which of the following statements best reflects John's thoughts if he is at the preconventional level of moral development?

A) If I do go through with the act, I will be letting down my manager and coworkers badly.
B) My job is to protect the information that this company deals in and I should not violate my duties.
C) I am liable to be criminally prosecuted for my involvement in stealing the information.
D) Going through with this act would be highly unfair not just to the client, but also to my employers.

c) I am liable to be criminally prosecuted for my involvement in stealing the information

John Doe is employed with the IT department in Abel and Associates, that provides financial consultancy services to several wealthy investors. He is approached by a shady investor who offers attractive incentives for stealing some sensitive information regarding the investment patterns of one of the clients of the company. Which of the following statements best reflects John's thoughts if he is at the principled level of moral development?

A) My job is to protect the information that this company deals in and I should not be violating my duties.
B) By stealing from another person, I will be in violation of the moral standards I've come to expect of myself.
C) If my involvement is detected, my friends and family would be humiliated by my actions.
D) If I am convicted for this crime, I will surely be imprisoned and will probably never be employed anywhere else.

b) by stealing from another person, I will be in violation of the moral standards I've come to expect of myself.

_____ measures the strength of a person's convictions.

A) Moral development
B) Locus of control
C) Ego strength
D) Social desirability

c) ego strength

_____ is the degree to which people believe they control their own fate.

A) Ego strength
B) Locus of control
C) Social responsibility
D) Social obligation

b) locus of control

what can be said about a manager who believes that she worked hard and met the productivity goals of her organization despite unfavorable conditions?

A) She has an external locus of control.
B) She has a high ego strength.
C) She has a low ego strength.
D) She has an internal locus of control.

d) she has an internal locus of control

which of the following organizations is best suited to promote ethical behavior in its employees?

A) An organization that has a reward and punishment system that depends on specific goal outcomes.
B) An organization that has formal rules and regulations in place.
C) An organization that wants its employees to achieve their goals at any cost.
D) An organization that has a performance appraisal system that focuses exclusively on outcomes.

b) an organization that has formal rules and regulations in place

which of the following is true concerning the impact of organizational culture on ethical behavior?

A) An organization with low conflict tolerance encourages ethical behavior.
B) An organization with strong culture encourages high ethical standards.
C) An organizational culture that is high in conflict tolerance encourages unethical behavior.
D) An organizational culture that is high in control encourages unethical behavior.

b) an organization with strong culture encourages high ethical standards

a student who never considers breaking into an instructor's office to steal and accounting exam didn't think twice about asking a friend who took the same course from the same instructor last semester what questions were on the exam. What does this example illustrate?

A) This example illustrates the concept of issue intensity.
B) The student involved has an internal locus of control.
C) The student involved has a strong ego strength.
D) This example illustrates the concept of value-based management.

a) this example illustrates the concept of issue intensity

which of the following is NOT one of the six determinants that are relevant in deciding issue intensity?

A) consensus of wrong
B) discovery of the act
C) probability of harm
D) immediacy of consequences

b) discovery of the act

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for U.S. firms to _______.

A) make any cash payment for deferential treatment in a foreign transaction
B) make any payment over 5 percent of total cost toward administrative overhead in foreign transactions
C) knowingly corrupt a foreign official
D) knowingly pay a foreign clerical or ministerial employee in exchange for service

c) knowingly corrupt a foreign official

_______ is a document created by the United Nations outlining principles for doing business globally in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption.

A) The Global Reporting Initiative
B) The Global Compact
C) The Global Convention
D) The Global Ethics

b) The Global Compact

Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining are the Global Compact principles in the area of ____.

A) anti-corruption
B) human rights
C) labor standards
D) the environment

c) labor standards

the idea that businesses should eliminate discrimination in respect to employment and occupation is a Global Compact principle in the area of ______.

A) anticorruption
B) human rights
C) environment
D) labor standards

d) labor standards

the centerpiece of the ______ efforts is the Anti-Bribery convention that was the first global instrument to combat corruption in cross-border business deals.

A) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's
B) Institute of Global Ethics'
C) Ethics and Compliance Officer Association's
D) United Nations'

a) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's

a _______ is a formal statement of an organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects its employees to follow.

A) mission statement
B) code of purpose
C) code of ethics
D) vision statement

c) code of ethics

the primary debate about ethics training programs is whether _______.

A) ethics can be taught
B) ethics causes misconduct
C) the programs cover misconduct outside the workplace
D) the programs give unethical individuals more ammunition

a) ethics can be taught

which of the following is NOT a way for management to reduce unethical behavior?

A) select individuals with high ethical standards
B) establish codes of conduct
C) provide ethics training
D) monitor employee telephone calls

d) monitor employee telephone calls

employees who raise ethical concerns or issues in an organization are known as _______.

A) employee-volunteers
B) whistle-blowers
C) entrepreneurs
D) philanthropist

b) whistle-blowers

the ______ Act offers some legal protection to whistle-blowers. It has a provision wherein any manager who retaliates against an employee for reporting violations faces a stiff penalty of a 10-year jail sentence.

A) Sarbanes-Oxley
B) Glass-Steagall
C) Taft-Hartley
D) Landrum-Griffin

a) Sarbanes-Oxley

a ____ is an individual or organization who seeks out opportunities to improve society by using practical, innovative, and sustainable approaches.

A) delator
B) social entrepreneur
C) philanthropist
D) whistle-blower

b) social entrepreneur

if Google asks twenty-five members of its executive team to spend a full day at their annual team-building retreat building a house in Las Vegas with Habitat for Humanity, the executives would be engaging in employee _____.

A) volunteering efforts
B) entrepreneuring efforts
C) whistle-blowing efforts
D) administrating efforts

a) volunteering efforts

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Is an obligation that organizations have to society?

Social responsibility is an obligation organizations have to society. It means going beyond legal responsibilities and profit making. Social responsibility tries to align organizational long-term goals with what is good for society.
When a firm engages in social actions because of its obligation to meet certain economic and legal responsibilities, it is said to be socially responsive.

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Social responsibility: A firm's obligation, beyond that required by the law and economics to pursue long term goals that are beneficial to society.

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