Is the biggest photo-sharing site on the web, taking in around three billion photos each month.

26.Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp was a way for Zuckerberg’s firm to gain leadership inthe fast-growing mobile messaging market.True; EasyMultiple Choice Questions27._____ is the biggest photo-sharing site on the Web, taking in around three billion photos eachmonth.a.Facebookb.Picasac.Shutterflyd.Flickre.Photobucketa; Easy28.The deep Web refers to:a.peer-to-peer file sharing networks that are used to illegally share copyrighted material.b.seemingly innocent websites, containing malware that infects computers.c.sites that cannot be indexed by Google and other search engines.d.networks that allow only mutually trusted peers to participate in file-sharing activities.e.websites that advocate violence toward people of a specific race, ethnicity, or religion.c; Easy29.Software that is free and whose code can be accessed and potentially modified by anyone isreferred to as _____.a.shared source filesb.proprietary softwarec.available filesd.licensed source softwaree; Easy30.Systems distributed throughout the Internet that help improve the delivery speeds of Webpages and other media, typically by spreading access across multiple sites located closer to usersare known as:a.Internet exchange points.b.private clouds.c.colocation centers.d.content delivery networks.e.cookies.d; Easy31.The term “social graph” refers to:a.user-generated content that is shared by a broad community of online community that allows users to establish personal profiles.c.the global mapping of users and organizations, and how they are related.d.the sum total of the economic and social value created by a network of individuals.e.the effects that emerge from individuals who use the same products or services.c; Easy108© 2020 by FlatWorld