Is the extent to which people either tolerate ambiguity or feel threatened by ambiguity?

Organizational BehaviorMGT 316Dr. AllisonSpring 2014Organizational Behavior, 6thEditionChapter 1, 2, 3, & 4 Study GuideIntroversion characterizes people who are quite, shy, and cautious.Uncertainty Avoidance is the extent to which people tolerate ambiguity or feel threatenedby ambiguityCollectivism is the extent to which we value our duty to groups to which we belong andgroup harmonyTask Performance refers to goal-directed behaviors under the individuals control thatsupport organizational objectivesMotivation represents the forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, andpersistence of voluntary behaviorProblem with Utilitarian principleoAlmost impossible to evaluate the benefits or cost of many decisionsLearned CapabilitiesoAll technical employees at a paper mill take a course on how to operate a newpaper-rolling machine. This course will improve job performance by altering theemployees…Americans tend to have…o

Which of the following directly influences an employee's voluntary behavior and performance?

Which of the following identifies the four factors that directly influence individual behavior and performance?

_____ represents the forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior.

Which of the following concepts consists of aptitudes, skills, and competencies?

All technical employees at a paper mill take a course on how to operate a new paper-rolling machine. This course will improve job performance mainly by altering employees':

Travel Happy Corporation gives simple accounts to newly hired employees, and then adds more challenging accounts as employees master the simple tasks. This practice mainly:

increases person-job matching.

You have just hired several new employees who are motivated, able to perform their jobs, and have adequate resources. However, they are not sure what tasks are included in their job. According to the MARS model, these new employees will likely:

have lower job performance due to poor role perceptions.

To reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste that employees throw out each day, a major computer company removed containers for non-recyclable rubbish from each office and workstation. This altered employee behavior mainly by:

altering situational factors so that employees have more difficulty practicing wasteful behavior.

_____ refers to goal-directed behaviors under the individual's control that support organizational objectives.

Assisting coworkers with their work problems, adjusting work schedules to accommodate coworkers, and showing genuine courtesy toward coworkers are some of the forms of:

organizational citizenship.

An individual's personality:

is less evident in situations where social norms, reward systems, and other conditions constrain behavior.

Personality develops and changes mainly when people are young; it stabilizes by about age ___.

Most employees in the social services section of a government department have frequent interaction with people who are unemployed or face personal problems. Which of the following personality characteristics is best suited to employees working in these jobs?

Eric is the advertising head of a firm. He is extremely imaginative, creative, and curious. Which of the following personality dimensions does Eric possess?

Which "Big Five" personality dimension is most valuable for predicting job performance?

Barney, a manager, is very conventional, resistant to change, habitual, and does not accept new ideas very easily. This implies that Barney has:

low openness to experience.

People with perceiving orientation are:

Which of the following statements about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is true?

Research suggests that the MBTI is more useful for career development and self-awareness than for selecting job applicants.

Various studies have reported that specific Big Five dimensions predict:

Schwartz's model organizes values into:

A problem with the utilitarian principle of ethical decision making is that:

it is almost impossible to evaluate the benefits or costs of many decisions.

Which ethical principle reflects the idea that people have entitlements that let them act in a certain way?

Senior executives at CyberForm must make a decision that will affect many people, and the decision may produce good or bad consequences for those affected. This decision:

has a high degree of moral intensity.

People who value their independence and personal uniqueness have:

_____ is the extent to which we value our duty to groups to which we belong and group harmony.

People with high collectivism:

value harmonious relationships in the groups to which they belong.

Americans tend to have high

Which of the following countries generally has the strongest collectivist value orientation?

Employees from cultures with a high power distance are more likely to:

readily accept the high status of other people in the organization.

_____ is the extent to which people either tolerate ambiguity or feel threatened by ambiguity.

Etoni is a new employee who comes from a culture that values respect for people in higher positions and values the wellbeing of others more than goal achievement. Etoni's culture has:

high power distance and strong nurturing orientation.

People with a high _____ value assertiveness, competitiveness, and materialism.

Dave Docket, the installation manager at Kleen Waterproofing, has been receiving customer complaints that several crewmembers either come late to the job or they do not show up at all, without any communication with the customers.....

According to the MARS model, the new employees Dave has hired will likely:

have lower job performance due to poor role perceptions.

Electronika International is a fast growing small company specializing in consumer electronics. Managers at Electronika International are exploring the idea of using the "Big Five" personality dimensions in hiring and improving work-related behaviors and job performance....

Electronika managers must pay attention to _____ when hiring new employees because it characterizes people with high levels of anxiety, hostility, depression, and self-consciousness.

When hiring new employees, e-commerce managers should look for people who have a high level of _____, which is the most valuable "Big Five" personality dimension for predicting job performance.

International Manufacturing & Trading (IMT) is a medium-sized U.S. company rapidly expanding in the Asian and Far East markets. The company has decided to open a manufacturing plant in Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia. ...

Which ethical principle reflects the idea that people have natural rights that let them act in a certain way?

Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges.

Which of the following identifies the four factors that directly influence?

Answer and Explanation: The four factors that directly influence individual behaviour and performance are; 1) motivation, 2) ability, 3) role perceptions, and 4) situational factors.

What strategy supports working effectively with an individual with a high level of negative affectivity?

To work effectively with an individual with a high level of negative affectivity, ask them for specific examples of what the problem is. the extent to which a person is capable of monitoring his/her actions and appearance in social situations.