Is the part of the receivers response that is communicated back to the sender?

At its heart, communication involves a sender transmitting a message to a receiver. Doing so requires a medium – print, television, the internet, etc. – to transmit the message. The message can contain facts, opinions or ideas, but must do a good job identifying which form of communication it represents. 

Parts of the Communication Process 

Before learning the steps of communication, students typically first learn the parts of the communication process. According to job site, they are:  

  • Sender. The person delivering the message 
  • Receiver. The person getting the message 
  • Message: The information the sender is relaying to the receiver 
  • Communication channel: The method used to transmit a message 
  • Decoding: Interpreting the message, done by the receiver 
  • Feedback: When applicable, a response sent back to the sender 

For the sender, a detailed understanding of each of these areas is important. The identity of the receiver, for example, may determine the style of the information and the channel used. Understanding how messages get decoded is also key to creating smart messaging. 

Steps of the Communication Process 

All communication tends to follow this framework, which provides detail on every step of the process. 

Developing the Message 

The sender starts the steps of communication by creating a message they intend to send to an individual or group. They take time to craft the information they want to transmit. 

Encoding the Message 

With the information created, the sender translates it into a form that can be transmitted to someone else. This involves making the information fit a format, such as text or video. 

Selecting the Channel 

The send picks the channel communication. It should be a channel that is most appropriate for the intended audience. Examples include a social media post, video on YouTube or blog entry on a website. 

Message Transmission 

The sender then successfully transmits the message to the receiver.  

Decoding the Message 

The receiver decodes the information received. For the best messaging, the sender has attempted to place themselves in the shoes of the receiver and crafted a message that the receiver will understand as the sender intended. This is the key to effective communication, but senders do not know if they have achieved success until this step. 


Senders learn the effectiveness of their message when receiving feedback. However, in one-way communication, there’s no chance for the receiver to provide feedback. That’s a situation public relations and advertisers want to avoid. 

Learning Effective Communication 

The most effective communication has a simple message that is easy for the receiver to understand. Senders should also know their audience and ask questions beforehand to fill in gaps in their knowledge.  

Learning how to effectively navigate the steps of communication is something students learn in an online Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Advertising degree program. With Point Park University’s online programs, students have the flexibility to earn a degree that will boost their career while scheduling coursework around their busy professional and personal schedules.

Elements of Communication Process in Business We, define Business Communication Process like the way by which sender and receiver exchange essential information. It includes a few sequential parts otherwise components. The Communication process occurs here six phases containing nine elements. First, the sender has a thought; second, the sender encodes the thought; third, the sender transmits the message through using exact media; fourth, the receiver sends his answer to the sender as feedback. Figure shows the communication process which contains nine elements. Sender and receiver are the two most important parties; message and media are the two most important communication functions and the last element in the method is noise which interrupts the flow information.

The components or elements of the Business Communication Process are ornately explained under with the help of a fantasy television advertisement Unilever Bangladesh Ltd of Lux Soap.

Elements of Communication Process

Sender: Sender is the person or party who sends the message or idea to the receiver. Sender is the source of any communication and communication takes place based on him. in our example, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. is the sender.

Encoding: Encoding means the process of putting thought into symbolic form which can be understood by another person to whom the sender wants to communicate the idea. In other word, encoding means converting the idea into a understandable message. In our example, Unilever advertising agency assembles words and illustrations into an advertisement that will convey the intended message.

Message: Message is the set of symbols that the sender transmits to the receiver through the media or channel. We exchange messages in oral, written and symbolic form. In our example, message is the actual advertisement of Lux given by Unilever.

Media: Media refers to the specific communication channel through which the message moves from sender to receiver. It bridges the gap between the sender and the receiver. We use different types of media for transmitting messages like letter, newspapers, radio, TV, telephone, fax, e-mail etc. in our example; media means television and specific television program that Unilever selects.

Decoding: Decoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender. According to Bovee and Others, “Decoding is the process of interpreting a message to arrive at the senders meaning.” Communication will be more effective if decoding matches clearly with encoding. In our example, the consumer watched the advertisement of Lux and interprets the words and illustrations it contains.

Elements of Communication Process

Receiver: Receiver is the person or party who receives the message sent by the other party (sender). In our example, receiver is the audience who watches the advertisement of Lux soap.

Response: Response is the reaction of the receiver after being exposed to the message. it is the action or reaction of the receiver after getting the message. The response may be immediate or deferred, favorable or unfavorable. In our example, the responses of advertisement of Lux may be consumer likes Lux better, likely to purchase Lux soap next time etc.

Feedback: The observation of the receiver’s response is called feedback. In other words, the part of the receiver’s response communicated back to the sender is called feedback. Actually, it is the amount of response of the receiver that reaches to the senders. In our example, the feedback may be that consumers praise or criticize Unilever advertising its products. Feedback is extremely important for making two-way communication effective. It enables the sender to evaluate the effectiveness of the message.

Noise: The last element of Business Communication Process is noise. Noise is the unplanned static or distortion during the communication process that results in the receiver’s getting a different message than the sender sends. It is the disturbance occurred in the process of transferring the information. Noise may occur in any of the steps in the communication process. In our example, the audience or consumer may have poor TV reception or may be distracted by family members while watching the advertisement.

Is the part of the receiver's response that is communicated back to the sender?

Feedback: It is a response by the receiver to the sender's message. Feedback takes place when the receiver responds to the sender's communication with a return message.

What is the role of the receiver when communicating?

"The receiver's task is to interpret the sender's message, both verbal and nonverbal, with as little distortion as possible. The process of interpreting the message is known as decoding.

How does communication influence the process of sending a message and receiving the feedback?

How does the communication process work.
The sender develops an idea to be sent. ... .
The sender encodes the message. ... .
The sender selects the channel of communication that will be used. ... .
The message travels over the channel of communication. ... .
The receiver receives the message. ... .
The receiver decodes the message..


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