Is the process by which an individual selects organizes and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world?

Presentation on theme: "PERCEPTION. Definition The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. Sensation Thought Perception

3 Perception Process Sensation (Sensory Organs) AttentionInterpretation STIMULI. Vision. Hearing. Smell. Touch. Taste Exposure

4 Sensory Receptors The human organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin) that receive sensory inputs.

5 Sensory Receptors Human being and Adaptation: To maintain an equilibrium. Marketing and Senses. ColorsColors and Ads… Vision.Ads Importance of smells…what is the cost? (90 M$)smells Background Music Background Music and speaking rate. (mood, confidence and processing time). Touch…a persuasion tool. TasteTaste…important but not always the only variable. (Quaker Oats, Nabisco, Coke ).


7 Sensory Threshold Absolute Threshold. Absolute threshold (limen): The lowest level of stimulation at which you can detect a difference between “something” and “nothing.” Differential Threshold. Ability of a sensory receptor to detect a difference between two stimuli or a change in a stimulus level. Just noticeable difference Just noticeable difference (j.n.d.): stimulation change required to result in detection of a change. This is usually a constant proportion (k) of the baseline intensity of the stimulus.(JND) Weber Law II I = K

8 Differential Thresholds Application Remain below JND for a negative change (size reduction, price increase) Have noticeable changes but limites (new packaging, discount) Examples: Hershey, coffee, Starkist Tuna (qty), P&G diapers (88 to 80), regular and limited changes in packaging to remain below JND.remain below JND


10 Attention Sensation Overload (3000 messages/jour, 163M coupons) Adaptation (panneaux publicitaires) To Get Attention = Key to Perception.

11 Attention Characteristics of Attention – Attention Is Selective – Attention Can Be Divided – Attention Is Limited

12 Methods of Enhancing Attention Make the Stimuli: – Personally Relevant – Pleasant Using Attractive Models Using Music Using Humor – Surprising Using Novelty Using Unexpectedness – Easy to Process Prominent Stimuli Concrete Stimuli The Amount of Competing Information

13 Other Factors Influencing Attention External factors Intensity (volume during commercial break- colors) Size (size and attention in magazines) ContrastContrast. (Foreign Language, slogan). Repetition Movement Position.



16 back

17 Internal Factors Motivation (relevant, Pleasant, Easy to process) Expectations. Status. Other Factors Influencing Attention

18 ADAD Sample Samp ADSamp

19 Interpretation Process through which an individuals gives meaning to a stimulus Based on learning and categorization. Role of Organization in Interpretation Tendency to group stimuli and interpret them as a whole rather than individually (Gestalt). Figure-Ground (contrast increases memory) Grouping (proximity, continuity) Closure

20 Zeigernik Effect A person beginning a task needs to complete it. When he or she is prevented from doing so, a state of tension is created that manifests itself in improved memory for the incomplete task.

21 Marketing and Perception Consumers’ defense mechanisms Selective Exposure. Perceptual Distorsion. Selective Attention. Perception versus Reality Maple Syrup. Beer.

22 Subliminal Perception Threshold story. Efficient or not…? (Stairway to heaven, shoplifting). Role of the conditions.

The term “perception” can be defined as the ability to derive meaning. … Schiffman defines it as “the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world.” There is a difference between perception and sensation.

Which of the following defines perception quizlet?

Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

Which of the following is the most relevant internal psychological process associated with the alternative evaluation stage of the consumer decision making process?

The marketing organisation needs to understand what benefits consumers are seeking and therefore which attributes are most important in terms of making a decision. The relevant internal psychological process that is associated with the alternative evaluation stage is attitude formation. Belch and Belch (2007, p.

What is the immediate and direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli?

Sensation. Sensation is the immediate and direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli. A stimulus may be any unit of input to any of these senses.

Is defined as a process by which consumers sense a marketing stimulus and organize interpret and provide meaning to it?

ADVERTISEMENTS: Consumer perception is defined as a process by which consumers sense a marketing stimulus, and organize, interpret, and provide meaning to it. The marketing stimuli may be anything related to the product and/or brand, and any of the elements of the marketing mix.

What are the 5 stages of perception?

Perception occurs in five stages: stimulation, organization, interpretation-evaluation, memory and recall.

What determines how an individual will interpret a given stimulus?

What determines how an individual will interpret a given stimulus? … Individual characteristics of traits, learning/knowledge, and expectations play a role as do situation characteristics. Also, stimulus characteristics such as stimulus traits and organization (proximity, figure-ground, and closure) play a role.

What are 3 cognitive stressors?

2. What are three cognitive stressors for teens? Poor self-esteem, personal appearance, not fitting in.

What is an example of sensation and perception?

For example, upon walking into a kitchen and smelling the scent of baking cinnamon rolls, the sensation is the scent receptors detecting the odor of cinnamon, but the perception may be “Mmm, this smells like the bread Grandma used to bake when the family gathered for holidays.” Sensation is a signal from any of our six …

Which of the following is the definition of perception?

noun. the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.

What are the 5 stages of consumer buying process?

  • Problem Identification:
  • Information Search:
  • Evaluation of Alternatives:
  • Purchase Decision:
  • Post-purchase Decisions:

What are the 7 steps of effective decision making?

  1. Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision. …
  2. Step 2: Gather relevant information. …
  3. Step 3: Identify the alternatives. …
  4. Step 4: Weigh the evidence. …
  5. Step 5: Choose among alternatives. …
  6. Step 6: Take action. …
  7. Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.

What are the example of problem recognition?

For example a consumer may see a friend’s new car (perceptual stimulus) and compare it to his own odd old model (evoked referent) if the new car is perceived to be significantly better than is old one, the problem recognition would be expected to occur.

What does Weber’s law state?

Weber’s law, also called Weber-Fechner law, historically important psychological law quantifying the perception of change in a given stimulus. The law states that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus.

What are the 3 elements of perception?

The perception process has three stages: sensory stimulation and selection, organization, and interpretation. Although we are rarely conscious of going through these stages distinctly, they nonetheless determine how we develop images of the world around us.

Which is an example of sensory adaptation?

When you first walk through the door, the delicious smell of garlic and tomatoes is almost overwhelming. You sit down to wait for a table, and after a few minutes, the scents begin to dissipate until you barely notice them. This is an example of sensory adaptation.

Is the process by which an individual selects organizes and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of?

Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture.

What is the study of consumers and how they make decisions?

consumer behavior. the study of consumers and how they make decisions.

What refers to those Behaviours that result from repeated experience and reasoning?

learning. refers to those behaviors that result from (1) repeated experience ad (2) reasoning. motivation. the energizing force that stimulates behavior to satisfy a need.

What are three aspects of the interpretation process that are important to consider?

What are three aspects of the interpretation process that are important to consider? It is subjective and open to psychological bias. It is a relative process,rather than absolute. It can be a cognitive process or an affective process.


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