Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message?


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get by what method we can know what the receiver understood or got the message from screen.

By what method we can know what the receiver understood or got the message

Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message?

By what method we can know what the receiver understood or got the message

February 5, 2022

Q. By what method we can know what the receiver understood or got the message

A.            transmitting

B.            feedback

C.            message

D.            listening

Answer: feedback

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[Solved] ______________ is the process by which the receiver interpre

Elements of the communication process:  It has been defined as a process. It involves elements like source, encoding, media/channel, receiver, decoding, n

Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message?

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______________ is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message.

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Elements of the communication process:

It has been defined as a process. It involves elements like source, encoding, media/channel, receiver, decoding, noise, and feedback.


Sender: Sender means that person conveys his thoughts or ideas to the receiver. He represents a source of communication.

Message: Message is the content of ideas, feelings, suggestions, order, etc., intended to be communicated.

Encoding: Encoding is the process of converting the message into communication symbols such as words, pictures, gestures, etc.

Media: Media is the path through which an encoded message is transmitted to the receiver. This channel may be in written form, face to face, phone call, Internet, etc.

Decoding: Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message.

Receiver: He is the person who receives communication from the sender.

Feedback: Feedback includes all those actions of the receiver indicating that he has received and understood the message of the sender.

Noise: This means some obstruction or hindrance to communication. This hindrance may be caused to the sender, message, or receiver.

Therefore, from the above explanation, we can conclude that decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message.

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Understanding Communication Skills

Communication is an essential skill, but many people still struggle with it. Use the Communications Process to communicate clearly and effectively.

Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message?

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Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message?

By the Mind Tools Content Team

(135) 135 ratings 8 MIN READ

Understanding Communication Skills

Understanding Communication Skills Applying the Seven Stages of the Communications Process

Conveying a message to other people clearly might sound simple, but it's a process that is often fraught with error.

Many people struggle to communicate effectively – verbally and in writing. They impart thoughts and ideas that don't reflect their intended meaning, and that their recipients misinterpret or misunderstand.

This can result in confusion, frustration, wasted effort, and missed opportunities. Communication breaks down, causing collaboration and progress to become impossible.

Research shows that good communication is one of the top "soft" skills that managers look for in employees. But communication will only ever be successful when both the person sending the message and the person receiving it understand the key messages being put across.

In this article and in the video below, we look at how to make your communications foolproof using a seven-step framework known as the Communications Process.

Are you struggling to get your meaning across?

How Do We Communicate?

Did you know that any time that you communicate with another person, you are using the Communications Process (see figure 1, below)?

It stands to reason then that understanding this process will help you to become more aware of what is happening as you communicate, and the things you can do to ensure that your message gets received "loud and clear."

Figure 1. The Communications Process

Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of the message?

From "The Mathematical Theory of Communication," Copyright 1949, 1998, by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Used with the permission of the University of Illinois Press.

To be an effective communicator, you need to make sure that your messages are clear, concise, accurate, and well planned. This will avoid misunderstanding and ensure that they get through each stage of the Communications Process without a hitch.

Let's take a look at the seven stages of the process in more detail:

1. Source

The "source" is the sender of the message – in other words, you! And the "message" refers to the information and ideas that you want to deliver.

You need to be clear about what message you want to communicate, and why it's important – what's its main purpose? And, moreover, why should anyone care? You also need to be confident that the information that you impart is useful and accurate.

2. Encoding

This stage involves putting your message into a format that you can send, and that the receiver will be able to easily understand or "decode." Your success will depend on your ability to convey information clearly and simply, and to eliminate areas of confusion.

For example, be aware of any cultural mismatch between you and your recipient. Also, avoid making assumptions about the receiver's existing knowledge of the subject. You might know the "ins and outs" of what you're talking about, but he or she probably won't. Lastly, steer clear of gaps in the information that require a "mental leap."

A key part of being a successful encoder is knowing your audience. Failure to understand and respect who it includes will likely result in your message "falling flat," and being misunderstood, dismissed or even ignored.

3. Channel

There are countless different channels that you can use to send your message.

Verbal communications channels include face-to-face meetings, telephone and videoconferencing. While written communications include letters, reports, emails, instant messaging (IM), and social media posts. You might also want to include videos, photos, illustrations, or charts and graphs in your message to emphasize your main points.

Different channels have different strengths and weaknesses. For example, it's not particularly effective to give a long list of directions verbally, and you'll be better off delivering sensitive feedback in person, rather than via email.

So, choose the channel that you use carefully. Our article, Tune Your Communication, can help you to do this.

4. Decoding

Successfully decoding a message is as much a skill as encoding it is. To accurately decode a message, you need to take the time to read through it carefully, or to listen actively to it.

Confusion will most likely occur at this stage of the Communications Process, though that doesn't mean it will always be the decoders fault. He might lack sufficient background knowledge to understand the message, or he might not understand the specific jargon or technical language that you are using. It's therefore essential that you tackle issues like these at the encoding stage.

5. Receiver

No doubt, you'll want your audience members to react in a certain way or take a specific action in response to your message. Remember, though, that each person is different, and will interpret it subjectively.

स्रोत :

Is the process by which the receiver interprets the symbol used by the source of the message by converting them into concepts and ideas?

Therefore, from the above explanation, we can conclude that the process by which the receiver interprets the symbols used by the source of message by converting them into concepts and ideas is called decoding.

What is the process of a receiver interpreting a message?

Decoding: Decoding is the process through which the receiver interprets the message and translates it into meaningful information. It may be remembered that decoding is affected by the receiver's past experience, personal assessments of the symbols and gestures, expectations, and mutuality of meaning with the sender.

What element of the communication process is done by the receiver who interprets the symbols sent by the sender?

Decoding: Decoding is conducted by the receiver. The receiver begins to interpret the symbols (message) sent by the sender, translating the message to their own set of experiences in order to make the symbols meaningful.

Is the process of translation and interpretation of meaning of message into understandable language?

Answer and Explanation: The correct answer to the given question is option a) Decoding. The process of converting language and symbols of a sender into a message which is not comprehensible but easy to transmit is called as encoding.