Job enlargement refers to redesigning jobs in a way that increases responsibility and achievement.

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  • Which of the following terms refers to redesigning jobs?
  • Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes?
  • What is job design and redesign?
  • Which one of the following refers to the human requirements needed for a job such as education skills and personality?

Sherri has taught college business and communication courses. She also holds three degrees including communications, business, educational leadership/technology.

Managers are tasked with retaining highly qualified employees, but most people don't enjoy doing the same tasks day after day. Explore how job redesign, including job enrichment, enlargement and rotation can provide employers with additional tools to improve employee satisfaction. Updated: 08/13/2021

When you do the same job day in and day out, it can become mundane or boring. It may seem like you show up to work, go through the motions and come back the next day to do it all over again. Sometimes it's not the type of work that needs a makeover but the tasks, responsibilities and roles that do. Job redesign looks specifically at ways to expand an employee's job by redesigning certain aspects relating to the scope and depth of what it is that an employee does and is responsible for at the organization. In doing so, the manager essentially prevents an employee from losing motivation and interest in their work. There are three ways a manager can redesign an employee's job: job enrichment, job enlargement and job rotation.

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Job Enrichment

Job enrichment provides an employee with more tasks to do as a part of their job, as well as the responsibility and authority needed to complete those additional tasks. What works particularly well to increase motivation is when job enrichment includes additional tasks that match the skills, knowledge and abilities the employee already has. For example, let's say Molly works as a receptionist at a beauty salon. Her duties typically include answering the phone, setting up appointments, greeting customers and completing payment transactions after the client is finished with their stylist. However, there are times when Molly is left with nothing to do but stare out into the parking lot. Molly often complains that she is bored and has even told some of her fellow employees that she is considering looking for a new job that is more challenging.

If Molly's manager wanted to use job enrichment to motivate Molly, the manager might assign Molly some additional tasks that she can do in her downtime. Such tasks might include researching and developing new promotional campaigns each month to increase the amount of clients that come into the salon. Because Molly is also a marketing major at a local university, she is excited to have the opportunity to do something new at the salon while at the same time using her knowledge gained while completing her degree. Molly's manager would need to also give Molly the authority to make decisions relating to promotional campaigns so that she can see them through to completion. By using job enrichment, Molly's manager was able to provide her with the additional tasks and responsibilities of creating promotional campaigns. She was also awarded the authority to complete tasks related to the new responsibility of developing and carrying out her ideas.

Job Enlargement

Job enlargement is a job redesign strategy that increases only the tasks of a particular job. While job enlargement is limited in that it does not provide the additional responsibilities or authority that job enrichment does, it is useful in reducing some of the monotony associated with doing the same thing day in and day out. The belief is that once boredom is reduced, motivation to perform at higher levels of productivity increases.

For example, Jeff works as a trash man for the city. His boss might switch the routes that Jeff has to cover or may ask him to pick up the recycling routes in addition to his routine trash routes. Even though Jeff is not given any extra authority or challenges by taking these additional routes, it does provide Jeff with new tasks that can lessen the repetitiveness of his usual trash route.

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Job enlargement refers to redesigning jobs in a way that increases responsibility and achievement.

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Which of the following terms refers to redesigning jobs?

Job enrichment means redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition.

Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes?

Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes? Explanation: Questionnaires are particularly useful for quantifying a job's worth for the purpose of compensation.

What is job design and redesign?

Job design is the process of establishing employees' roles and responsibilities and the systems and procedures that they should use or follow. The main purpose of job design, or redesign, is to coordinate and optimise work processes to create value and maximise performance.

Which one of the following refers to the human requirements needed for a job such as education skills and personality?

16) Which of the following refers to the human requirements needed for a job, such as education, skills, and personality? Explanation: A) Job specifications are the human requirements needed for a particular job like education, skills, and personality.

Which one of the following is a written statement that describes the activities responsibilities working conditions and supervisory responsibilities of a job?

job analysis C) job description D) job context Answer: C Explanation: C) A job description is a written list of a job's duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities, and it is the result of a job analysis.

Which of the following refers to the human requirements for a job such as education skills and personality Mcq?

job analysis C) job placement D) job descriptions Answer: A Explanation: A) Job specifications are the human requirements needed for a particular job like education, skills, and personality.

Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying?

Which method for collecting job analysis information is considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job for compensation purposes? Explanation: Questionnaires are particularly useful for quantifying a job's worth for the purpose of compensation.

What is the relationship between job analysis job descriptions and job specifications quizlet?

Relationship between the three The relationship between job analysis, job specification and job description is that job analysis is the fundamental basis upon which job description and job specification are formulated.