Karl lagerfeld wer ist heidi klum

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moments in TV history
“She was never in Paris” – Karl Lagerfeld destroys Heidi Klum

Karl Lagerfeld visiting Johannes B. Kerner. The program will be recorded on June 8th, 2009 in Hamburg and broadcast one day later.

© SCHROEWIG/Shoe/ / Picture Alliance

His words are legendary: With Johannes B. Kerner, Karl Lagerfeld could not resist verbal tips against Heidi Klum in 2009. A sentence ensues that could not be more malicious.

“Claudia doesn’t know her either. She’s never been to Paris. We don’t know her.” Karl Lagerfeld’s verdict could not have been more devastating. On June 9, 2009, the fashion designer, who has died in the meantime, will be a guest on Johannes B. Kerner’s ZDF talk show of the same name. The two talk about fashion and top models. But when Kerner addresses the subject of Heidi Klum, he elicits legendary spite from Lagerfeld.

“Could you draw a caricature of Heidi Klum?” The presenter asked Lagerfeld. The apparently harmless question triggers uneasiness in the fashion tsar. He grimaces, thinks for a moment and then answers: “Yes, you know, Heidi Klum. I don’t know her. I think the German ‘Vogue’ has great pictures of her. I couldn’t imagine them that well. A young one Photographer, Francesco Carrozini, took amazing pictures of this Heidi Klum, who I don’t know.” Then follows the legendary sentence, in which Claudia Schiffer also appears.

Even if he adds: “It’s a coincidence that we don’t know them”: In his cryptic choice of words “we don’t know them” Lagerfeld’s entire dislike of the moderator is expressed. He makes it clear that he doesn’t think Klum is a top model. In his sphere, the Bergisch-Gladbach native is not on the same level as German catwalk beauties such as Nadja Auermann or Tatjana Patitz. “It wasn’t great for me.” boom!

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Heid Klum brings Karl Lagerfeld to his best

Once in motion, Lagerfeld also blasphemes about the program “Germany’s next top model”. When asked about this, the designer first tries to talk his way out of it. He has no German television in Paris. But Kerner digs deeper. Finally, Lagerfeld says: “I know how to find top models, I don’t need a competition for that. I don’t really believe in such elections, I believe more in coincidences.”

Watch the video: Lagerfeld’s most legendary sayings.

Kerner likes Lagerfeld’s cheeky statements, which border on the insolent. Of course, the moderator knew beforehand that the designer didn’t appreciate Klum very much and continued to tease. “Seal,” Kerner begins the sentence about Klum’s then-husband. “He’s great. A good singer,” says Lagerfeld. “Let’s see if you still say that when you hear what he said about you,” Kerner interjects. “He said: ‘Lagerfeld is a poor old man.'” Lagerfeld countered with a bon mot: “What does he know about my financial situation.” But then he throws a punch below the belt: “I’m not a dermatologist, but I don’t want his skin either.”

Lagerfeld’s destruction of Heidi Klum makes TV history. After his appearance at Kerner it is clear: the two will no longer be friends. This will remain so until Lagerfeld’s death in 2019.



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Was sagt Karl Lagerfeld über Heidi Klum?

Über Heidi Klum sagte er zum wiederholten Mal: «Ich kenne sie nicht. Claudia (Schiffer) kennt die auch nicht. Die war nie in Paris, die kennen wir nicht.» Und über Klums Ehemann Seal lästerte er: «Ich bin kein Dermatologe, aber seine Haut möchte ich auch nicht haben. Da hat meine besser überlebt.

War Heidi Klum in Paris?

Ich dagegen hatte Kurven und war immer fröhlich. Daher war ich in Mailand, London und Paris leider nicht sehr erfolgreich." Auch Modeschöpfer Karl Lagerfeld hatte einmal spöttisch über Heidi gesagt, dass man sie in Paris überhaupt nicht kennen würde.

War Karl Lagerfeld bei GNTM?

Karl Lagerfeld Der Designer ist berühmt für seine spitze Zunge und er weiß ganz genau, was ein Model mitbringen muss, um in Paris wirklich Erfolg zu haben. Mit Karl Lagerfeld in der Jury von "Germany's Next Topmodel" würde es nur ein kleines Problemchen geben: Er würde wohl an Heidi Klum vorbeirennen.


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