Leagility refers to a supply chain that combines the lean and agile paradigms.

TEST BANKCHAPTER 5: THE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CONCEPTTrue-False Questions1.Research on underperforming supply chains suggests that logistics can be crucial

Leagility refers to a supply chain that combines the lean and agile paradigms.

[LO: Material at the beginning of the chapter; Easy; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3:Analytical thinking]2.The supply chain concept originated in the manufacturing literature. (False)[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network ofinterorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category3: Analytical thinking]3.Supply chains are a new concept in the sense that they were first identified in the

Leagility refers to a supply chain that combines the lean and agile paradigms.

[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network ofinterorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category3: Analytical thinking]4.

[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network ofinterorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category3: Analytical thinking]5.Supply chain management requires companies to adopt an enterprise-to-

[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network ofinterorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category3: Analytical thinking]6.The two prominent supply chain management frameworks are the Supply ChainOperations Reference (SCOR) model and the Process Classification Framework

[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Application;AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]7.The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model identifies five key

[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Easy; Concept; AACSBCategory 3: Analytical thinking]8.The Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) model identifies eight relevant

[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Easy; Concept; AACSBCategory 3: Analytical thinking]9.Because customer needs and wants change relatively quickly, supply chains

[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain managementimplementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]10.With respect to supply chains, relevancy focuses on an organization’s ability to

[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain managementimplementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]11.A perfect order simultaneously achieves relevant customer metrics. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain managementimplementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]12.

6. The two prominent supply chain management frameworks are the Supply ChainOperations Reference (SCOR) model and the Process Classification Framework(PCF).

7. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model identifies five keyprocesses associate with supply chain management.

8. The Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) model identifies eight relevantprocesses associated with supply chain management.

9. Because customer needs and wants change relatively quickly, supply chainsshould be fast and lean.

10. With respect to supply chains, relevancy focuses on an organization’s ability torespond to changes in demand with respect to volume and variety.

11. A perfect order simultaneously achieves relevant customer metrics.12

12. Leagility refers to a supply chain that combines the lean and agile paradigms.

13. The leagility effect refers to variability in demand orders among supply chainmembers.

14. Supply chain disruptions (e.g., terrorist attacks, natural disasters) have causedsome supply chains to reassess their emphasis on inventory reduction.

15. Relational changes cannot be successful without information sharing amongvarious participants.

16. Big-box retailers have been at the center of changes taking place that affect thesupply chain.

17. A primary objective of supply chain management is to optimize theperformance of the supply chain as a whole.

18. Coopetition refers to cooperative relationships between members of a supplychain to enhance the overall business performance of all parties.

19. Tactical information sharing offers the best opportunity for improving supplychain performance.13

Answer: FALSE20. A willingness to share information and buying decisions based on value ratherthan cost or price are two characteristics of supply chain partnerships.

What are the three paradigms of supply chain management?

Established supply chain management paradigms such as leanness, agility, and sustainability have received increased attention in the literature, but mainly as separate topics.

What is agile in supply chain management?

What is an Agile Supply Chain? The agile supply chain focuses on flexibility and receptiveness. It responds quickly to changes in demand, customer preference, and industry. It's made to handle unpredictability in the market through “postponement”— waiting to see what the market will dictate before finishing production.

What are the four 4 stages of supply chains?

What are the components of your supply chain you should be focusing on right now?.
INTEGRATION. Integration starts at your strategic planning phase and is critical throughout your communications and information sharing and data analysis and storage. ... .

What are the three 3 qualities prevail in the agile supply chain?

According to most experts, there are three main success factors in effective and agile supply chains: your supplier relationships, your people, and the effective use of the supporting technology.