List is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

  • 'mode' is not recognized as internal or external, command an executable program or batch file.

    I tried to post this in two areas forum now and were correct, so apologies in advance if this is not where I belong!

    Im trying to run Drush msysgit (drupal Shell installed specifically for windows). Everything was fine a few days ago and now the program always runs with the above error

    'mode' is not recognized as internal or external, command an executable program or batch file.

    I uninstalled all the programs involved. The error does not occur when running it through the window of own shell programs (Drush) but msysgit has a problem with the file in mode to 'find '. I asked in the forums own programs, but it seems that it is a windows error. -Maybe in relation to the MS-DOS file mode (name full in the system32 folder.

    I tried also to include the file in the environment variables but no joy at all. Any ideas anyone?

    You might be able to give any help is very appreciated :)


    Unfortunately, this is the wrong forum. The MSDN MS Dos forum would be appropriate to proceed with this application. Check out the link and ask the question.

  • "findstr" is not recognized as internal or external, command an executable program or batch file. in the batch (.bat) Windows file

    my code is below:
    off @echo
    CD. > list.txt
    for /f "delims =" % in (' dir / a-d/b * .txt "") (echo %%i)>>list.txt
    echo. > list.txt

    MD "20".
    for /f "delims =" % in (step.txt) do)
    for /f "delims =" % in ('findstr /c:"%%j" ")

    move ' % k ' '20 '.

    I run it in normal mode and the cmd gets "" findstr"is not recognized as an internal or external command
    operable program or batch file. »

    What is the problem?

    Thank you

    The reason is "environment variables".

    Add 'C:\Windows\System32' on the 'path' of the 'system variables' is OK.

  • "ipconfig" is not recognized as internal or external, command an executable program or batch file

    I get this error for all that is registered. I even tried to show ip and got the error that 'show' was not recognized. I am not able to connect to the modem and my internet provider refuses to help with my connection until it is resolved. Can anyone help?

    I am using Microsoft Windows XP.

    I had the same problem on my Sony VAIO, running Windows XP Professional SP3.

    My problem is that the 'PATH' environment variable does NOT include "C:\WINDOWS\system32".

    Any executable in this folder could only be run from a cmd prompt if the command includes the full path.

    Solution for me: Add "C:\WINDOWS\system32;" at the beginning of my variable of environment PATH, like this:

    Log in with administrator privileges.
    Right click on 'My Computer' and select 'properties '.
    Click the "Advanced" tab
    Click the "Environment Variables" button
    In the "System Variables" box, scroll down to 'PATH' and highlight it.
    Click on the button "Edit".
    In the "value of the Variable:" box, add at the beginning of the text "C:\WINDOWS\system32"; without my quotes.
    Make sure you include the semicolon.
    Click OK three times.

    No reboot needed. If this is your problem, then ipconfig should work immediately.

  • bbwp is not recognized as internal or external command

    I get the following error while signing my application in bb10 webwroks.

    "bbwp is not recognized as internal or external command.

    exected the following command:

    bbwp C:\sample\ g blaze2014 - 10 o C:\sample buildId

    somebody help me pls with the solution.

    You use the wrong command, bbwp is a webworks 1.0 SDK.

    And you use Webworks SDK 2.0, you must use: webworks run or webworks build orders

    Take a look at:


  • -dname is not recognized as internal or external command

    Hey all,.

    2.2 Web got my Token BBID installed work, but whenever I try to create my cert from Developer (author.p12) of the web interface, or manually with the command prompt, I get:

    -dname is not recognized as internal or external command

    I can't find anything to suggest that it is. I had installed on the first web interface Web work is released but uninstalled later. Now, I'm trying to get back into Web development works.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you

    Thanks for the suggestions. It turns out that the question was not in quotes ("") the password token! Laughing out loud. Made it and then both - dname and - author has worked.

    Thank you.

  • CMD error: 'import' is not recognized as an internal or external command

    I am Trying to the deployment of the OPS page R12 Instance in cmd running import the script I got below error

    'import' is not recognized as internal or external, command an executable program or batch file.

    could you tell me how to solve this problem.

    Thank you and best regards.


    You can use URL below for your reference.


    Thank you

  • ipconfig/all and the ping command is not recognized, error: internal or external command.

    Original title: back command.

    Then I run ipconfig/all and show the command ping at the command prompt ipconfig/all error is not

    recognized as internal or external, command an executable program or a file of commands in windows xp professional sp3


    These two commands are protected against accidental removal by Windows, that is if they get deleted Windows will work just add in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

    At the command prompt, try to change this folder by typing cd C:\Windows\System32 (and then hit return) before trying the command ipconfig or ping.

    If this lets then run you your 'path' is probably messed up.

    You may first want to set a system restore point...


    .. .in case spoil you things and that you want to restore to it...


    ... then...

    • Hold down the Windows (between Ctrl and Alt) key and press Pause break
    • Click the Advanced tab
    • Click the Environment Variables button
    • In the section system variables, click on path (you may need to scroll)
    • Click the button change

    Paths are separated by semicolons (;), is a path to % SystemRoot%\system32? If not, add one (make sure to separate with semicolon). Click OK (three times) to get out. Restart the computer and try again without the cd above command.


  • Regsrv32 is not recogniozed as an internal or external command

    Running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 as the only user (Administrator)

    Only recently installed: new installation of Windows 7

    Just ran SFC/scannow and fixed some prioblems.

    Try saving the DLL to elevated command prompt.

    Typed: regsrv32 lxbxtime.dll

    Answer: regsrv32 isn't recogniozed as internal or external command, an executable program or batch file.

    How can I fix it?


    Can I just confirm, you type "regsrv32' as above or 'regsvr32'?"

    Maybe it's a typo, but the command is regsvr32.

  • Error '' cscript' is not recognized as an internal or external command.

    Original title: CSript

    When I create a phonegap command-line application it shows error as 'cscript' is not recognized as an internal or external, order
    operable program or batch file.

    Help me solve this problem pls... Its urgent

    ago I found that cscript.exe in this way... I had deleted the environment variable
    c:\Windows\System32 by mistake... then the error occurred oly... now, I have corrected this error...

    Thank you..

  • Unable to ping a website in command line with an error message: 'ping is not recognized as an internal or external command.'

    Original title: ping does not work

    In the cmd box when I try to ping from a site, I get a message saying 'ping is not recognized as an internal or external command.'

    I entered the command as follows: Office > ping

    Dan Calic, salvation

    Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Community.

    I understand that you are unable to ping a website in command line with an error message: 'ping is not recognized as an internal or external command.' Correct me if I'm wrong.

    I imagine the inconvenience that you are experiencing. I will certainly help the question of fixing.

    To help you suggest several steps to solve the problem, I would appreciate if you could answer the following questions:

    1 are you facing problems when accessing Internet?

    2. have you made any recent hardware or exchange of software on your computer before the show?

    Please follow the steps and check the question below:

    a. click Start, and then type the three letters cmd in the search box and then right-click on command prompt and click run as administrator.

    b. type these commands and press enter after each:

    dir %SystemRoot%\System32\ping.exe

    path %path%;%SystemRoot%\System32


    c. a report.

    Your response is very important for us to ensure a proper resolution. Please get back to us with the information above to help you accordingly.

  • Signature PlayBook problem - 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command

    Hey guys,.

    I go through the steps of signing up with success until I run bbwp, then I get the following:

    [INFO]                  Parsing of the command line options
    [INFO]         analysis
    [INFO]                  Validation of archive WebWorks
    [INFO]                  The analysis of config.xml
    [INFO]                  The application of filling source
    [INFO]                  Compiling applications WebWorks
    [INFO]                  Packaging of the record bar
    [INFO]                  Bar complete packaging
    [INFO]                  Start signing tool
    'java' is not recognized as an internal or external, order
    operable program or batch file.
    [ERROR]                 Signature failed

    Java is installed and is in my way, sny suggestions?

    Thank you


    Funily enough a reboot solved the problem.

    These things always happen in times of crisis.

  • 'expdb' is not recognized as an internal or external command

    I tried to run the command below and am getting the below error. exp/imp works fine, only expdb/impdb does not work

    D:\app\suremani\product\11.2.0\client_2\BIN > expdb FCSUPP1202/[email protected]
    Directory = DATA_PUMP_DIR leader = FCSUPP1202.dmp log = FCSUPP1202.log
    'expdb' is not recognized as an internal or external command
    operable program or batch file.

    Please help us.

    The utility is "expdp' not 'expdb.

    It may or may not have been installed in the client installation you have.

    Hemant K Collette

  • 'oradim' is not recognized as an internal or external command


    I manually installed Oracle 10 successfully (after many failures), but once the installation is complete, I tried to manually create the database. We so first create the password file...

    I used the command

    intpwd - oracle - startmode M oradim-sid-new test

    But I get the following error.

    ' *'oradim ' is not recognized as an internal or outside, order
    operable program or batch file.

    Please let me know what we can do here...


    Try this:-first of all specify the new keyword before sid

    C:\Documents and Settings\rajesh-kg > oradim-new - sid test oracle - intpwd
    The created instance.

  • 'portqry' is not recognized as an internal or external command

    I can't launch the command portqry from my Win 7 Professional computer. My setup is home network and have 3 computers (1) Win 7 Professional (2) Win 7 Ultimate cannot run the command from any of my computers.    This is the message:

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    'portqry' is not recognized as an internal or external command
    operable program or batch file.

    C:\Windows\System32 >

    Any Councillor will be deeply appreciated


    This command is not included in Windows 7.  First of all, download and install it.  Then, change directories to the location.  By default, it is C:\PortQryV2:

    CD /d C:\PortQryV2

    Boulder computer Maven
    Most Microsoft Valuable Professional

  • How do you fix next is not recognized as an internal or external command?

    About the Unrecognized Command npm run dev > dev > next dev 'next' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Good news, the solution is actually just to install the Next. js npm package.

    Is not recognized as an internal or external command in Windows 10?

    If you meet the error “command is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” problem in Command Prompt in Windows 10, the reason may be that the Windows Environment Variables are messed up.

    Is not Recognised as an internal or external command?

    The “Python is not recognized as an internal or external command” error is encountered in the command prompt of Windows. The error is caused when Python's executable file is not found in an environment variable as a result of the Python command in the Windows command prompt.

    How do I fix Python not recognized?

    Specify the full location to python.exe One way to fix the error would be to launch Python from the Command Prompt by passing in the full path to the executable file each time you wanted to run Python. In other words, instead of typing Python you would type something like C:\Users\me\path\to\python.exe .

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