Making sure that a point-of-control instrument is working properly is a part of what process?

Making sure that a point-of-control instrument is working properly is a part of what process?

Why Calibration of Your Measuring Instruments is Important

Calibration is a comparison between a known measurement (the standard) and the measurement using your instrument. Typically, the accuracy of the standard should be ten times the accuracy of the measuring device being tested. However, an accuracy ratio of 3:1 is acceptable by most standards organizations. Sure Controls provides preventative field service to help you ensure your instruments and controls are accurately calibrated.

Calibration of your measuring instruments has two objectives: it checks the accuracy of the instrument and it determines the traceability of the measurement. In practice, calibration also includes repair of the device if it is out of calibration. A report is provided by the calibration expert, which shows the error in measurements with the measuring device before and after the calibration.

To explain how calibration is performed we can use an external micrometer as an example. Here, accuracy of the scale is the main parameter for calibration. In addition, these instruments are also calibrated for zero error in the fully closed position and flatness and parallelism of the measuring surfaces. For the calibration of the scale, a calibrated slip gauge is used. A calibrated optical flat is used to check the flatness and parallelism.

Making sure that a point-of-control instrument is working properly is a part of what process?

Why calibration is important?

The accuracy of all measuring devices degrade over time. This is typically caused by normal wear and tear. However, changes in accuracy can also be caused by electric or mechanical shock or a hazardous manufacturing environment (e.x., oils, metal chips etc.). Depending on the type of instrument and the environment in which it is being used, it may degrade very quickly or over a long period of time. The bottom line is that calibration improves the accuracy of the measuring device. Accurate measuring devices improve product quality.

When should you calibrate your measuring device?

A measuring device should be calibrated:

  • According to the recommendation of the manufacturer.
  • After any mechanical or electrical shock.
  • Periodically (annually, quarterly, monthly)

The hidden costs and risks associated with un-calibrated measuring device could be much higher than the cost of calibration. Therefore, it is recommended that the measuring instruments are calibrated regularly by a reputable company to ensure that errors associated with the measurements are in the acceptable range.

Call us to discuss your calibration needs at: (800) 844-8405.

Which of the following is the correct procedure for disposal of the needle after a blood draw?

Remove the needle from the patient's arm using a swift backward motion. Press down on the gauze once the needle is out of the arm, applying adequate pressure to avoid formation of a hematoma. Dispose of contaminated materials/supplies in designated containers. Mix and label all appropriate tubes at the patient bedside.

When a blood culture is being drawn Which of the following antiseptics can be used to clean the site?

Blood Culture specimens require cleaning the site first with 70% isopropyl Alcohol Pads then followed by 2% Iodine Tincture, which must be allowed to air dry before drawing the blood.

What does a stat blood test order mean for the phlebotomist?

Have the patient lie down. What does a STAT blood test order mean for the phlebotomist? Complete the blood test immediately.

What is the role of phlebotomists in the laboratory today quizlet?

The phlebotomist is critical in ensuring quality sample collection for blood specimens. This includes verifying the patient, the tests requested, sample type, labeling, and method of collection, tubes, storage and handling and transportation.