More than 200,000 Spaniards from Castile migrated to America in the 1500s in order to escape

  • Q13:

    In the sixteenth century,the Spanish crown granted encomiendas to which of the following groups? A) Catholic missionaries B) Conquistadors C) Mestizos D) Indians who converted to Catholicism

  • Q14:

    Which of the following was an outcome of Elizabeth I's compromise on the Church of England in the late 1500s? A) The compromise largely resolved the conflicts over Christian faith in England. B) The Church of England was endorsed by both Martin Luther and John Calvin. C) The compromise gave official support to England's growing Presbyterian movement. D) It angered English people who supported radical Protestantism.

  • Q15:

    Which of the following statements describes the significance of the arrival of New World crops,including maize and potatoes,in Europe and Asia after the 1500s? A) American crops increased agricultural yield and population growth in the Old World. B) Food crops from the Western Hemisphere brought devastating blights to Europe and Asia. C) New World foods reduced Europeans' and Asians' dependence on agricultural livestock. D) American foods had little influence on the dietary habits and nutrition of Asians and Europeans.

  • Q16:

    Which of the following statements describes the English migrants who initially settled in the Jamestown colony in the early 1600s? A) The group consisted of English families who sought economic opportunity. B) Early Jamestown settlers expected to profit from gold,pearls,and Indian labor. C) They owned the Virginia Company,a tobacco-farming enterprise. D) The settlers were primarily criminals who chose relocation over prison.

  • Q17:

    Which of the following groups provided the labor for Brazil's profitable plantations in 1620? A) Indigenous people B) African slaves C) Indentured servants D) Spanish settlers

  • Q19:

    The encomiendas granted by the Spanish crown in the sixteenth century consisted of A) large quantities of gold and silver. B) farming tools and herds of livestock. C) building supplies for New World churches. D) legal control over American land and Indian labor.

  • Q20:

    By the mid-1500s,Spain's main goal in North America was to A) discover new Indian kingdoms that could be conquered and exploited. B) maintain its dominance and power in the region. C) establish colonies of settlement along the Atlantic coast. D) control the fur trade of the North American interior.

  • Q21:

    Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years? A) Plymouth's long growing season allowed for greater agricultural productivity. B) The balanced sex ratio and community organization in Plymouth encouraged rapid expansion. C) Plymouth settlers' religious ideals led them to coexist peacefully with the Wampanoag Indians. D) Unlike Jamestown,Plymouth began as a royal colony and benefitted from royal control.

  • Q22:

    What caused the Puritans' "errand into the wilderness" to become permanent? A) The failure of the Puritan Revolution in England B) Their reluctance to abandon their profitable businesses C) Their commitment to converting the Native Americans D) The long-term reverberations of the Salem witchcraft trials

  • Q23:

    When they settled in the New World in 1630,the Puritans' first priority was to A) establish the Anglican Church in New England. B) generate sufficient profits to repay their British investors. C) create a reformed society that would model true Christianity in America. D) escape from England and begin to pursue full political independence from the British crown.

Which of the following was true of the English outwork textile industry that emerged around 1500?

Which of the following was true of the English outwork textile industry that emerged around 1500? Landless peasants in small cottages spun and weaved wool into cloth.

How did the Puritans justify their invasion of the Native Americans land in the 17th century?

How did the Puritans justify their invasion of the Native Americans' land in the seventeenth century? The Puritans interpreted epidemics that devastated Native American populations as a favorable sign from God.

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century?

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century? the Chesapeake adopted slavery gradually while the Barbados did rapidly.

Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years quizlet?

Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years? a. Plymouth's long growing season allowed for greater agricultural productivity.