Networking is most effective for identifying job openings and getting hired when you

the body's reactions when it responds to danger, either real or imagined

fatty substances, contained in certain foods, that can accumulate in the arteries

food substances needed for building and maintaining body structures

food substances that provide the most concentrated form of energy

food substances made up of sugar that provide the body with quick energy

uncontrollable eating, even when not hungry 

false belief that one is overweight

eating large amounts of food followed by force vomiting or use of laxatives

classification of illnesses with corresponding medications and foods

protects against evil spirits

opposing energy forces that influence health an important concept of Chinese medicine is that illness occurs when yin and yang is/are out of balance

include medications prepared from roots and herbs

body fluids that control the body's state of health

movements that promote flexibility and healthy joints a series of movements originally developed for self-defense, has health benefits that include improved flexibility and balance

stare that can cause physical harm 

belief that illness can be cured through prayer and strong religious beliefs

Benefits of Word Processing software

-designs the appearance of text and documents -edits, corrects errors, and checks spelling and grammar -stores documents for later use -prints and sends documents by e-mail, fax, directs connection to other computers. -creates and saves all types of documents.

A good way to get maximum benefit of professional networking contacts

-Contact health care professionals and ask questions about fields (instructors, other school staff, or guest)
Ask them questions about how to succeed both in the job search and later on the job

Strategy for a heath care worker's interaction with an elderly patient whose husband just died

- Realizing significance to individuals -give patients opportunity to share feelings -help patients explore ways to deal with loss -listening and expressing concern can help patients deal with loss.

reason patient seeks medical care

-Accurate- perfect spelling and grammar and correct contact info-No fancy fonts,
-White, very light gray, or beige paper
-Neat- no corrections or smudges
-Easy to read-info not crowded and white space left
-Inappropriate info omitted- why left previous job if applicable, salary info, and disability
-Double-space between sections

-Omit references available on request- list references on separate piece of paper -Internet posting-some employees have online "fill-in"resume form -Remove bolding -Avoid folding and stapling

Health care worker's attitude

Integrity- be honest, choose the right way instead of the easy way Responsibility Dependability Organization Consideration Willingness to learn

networking is most effective for identifying job openings and getting hired when you tell everyone you are looking for a job

all activities that you plan and participate in to increase your knowledge and skills-Observe others
-Ask questions
-Read books and journal articles
--Study in a small group
-Study with a partner or mentor
-Attend professional conferences and meetings
-Watch videos and explore the Internet

the collection of all documents that are filed together and form a complete chronological health history of a particular patient.

notes and documents that health care professionals add to the medical record

recording observations and info about patients

health care professional's impression of what is wrong with the patient, based on the signs and symptoms. 

method of payment in which the patient pays the health care provider an amount from an established schedule of fees.

how long one must wait after having the last sexual contact before the results of a test for HIV are reliable

at least 6 months since the last sexual contact. It can take this long for the virus to become detectable.

Appropriate personal space varies among cultural groups and refers to the

comfortable distance between people in conversation

Best way for approaching everyday problems at the workplace 

Develop effective strategies for solving them 

Workplace issues that shouldn't be discussed at a staff meeting

A coworker being rude in front of a patient 

Most important reason why health care professionals develop excellent telephone skills

develop a positive reputation for the facility

Best way to deal one's own prejudices

Health care professionals must understand patient's beliefs and motivationsListen carefully and resist the temptation to judge what is heard
When hearing info that is incorrect it's best to stop listening

Of the many oral communication skills, this is the most important for building effective patient relations

Refers to the customs that should reflect the accepted values of society as a whole

Functions/characteristics of computerized databases

Records can be retrieved quickly and easilyRecords can be sorted, accessed and reported in many ways
Info can be accessed by more than one person at the same time
Additions and changes can be entered easily
Reports can be generated as needed
Quality improvement studies can be conducted

Understanding Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Their patients' effort to fulfill certain requirements for complete physical and mental well-being 

Purpose of quality improvement 

Find ways to preserve or improve quality of care while decreasing costs.

The resource that often ranks number one for helping graduates locate job leads

the school career or placement office

an increasing number of health care professionals are recommending meditation as a therapeutic technique, even for serious illness such as cancer

In order to move up through the levels in Maslow's Hierarchy, every need at the previous level must be met?

False- there is flux within the steps and one can proceed to the next without completely realizing the previous step.

Effective way to reduce stress in life

-set priorities -use time management strategies -practice muscle relaxation techniques -try meditations(clearing mind of thoughts) - develop positive attitude

Looking at papers on the interviewer's desk is a good way to

show disrespect and risk not being hired

making an effort to understand another person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. to experience "Walk a mile in my shoes" Look at the world from the other person's viewpoint.

A general rule for answering questions about your qualifications is to

try to include an example to back up your answer

When should job seekers be professional dressed and groomed?

Wear business clothes to the job interview.

Suggestions about how to improve your work

It's appropriate to ask for suggestions about how to improve your work during a performance evaluation

Do not expect to be offered a job, but perform your best facilities create jobs for learners who impress them w/ outstanding performance recommendation of your supervisor may be your most valuable reference

To persuade employer to interview you

know how to avoid misunderstandings about what is expected of you on the job

Emphasize what you can give-Not what you will getavoid asking questions like- what are the benefits? How many vacation days will I get? How long are lunch breaks?
Study ur job descriptions 

will Medicare pay for all medications that are prescribed by the patient's primary physician?

No- Medicare Part B helps pay for outpatient services and supplies such as physician;s fees, diagnostic tests, and physical and occupational therapy.

principal purpose of a hard drive

The main purpose of a hard drive is for data storage. For a computer system to properly function, it needs a storage unit to store and install data.

steps to take when starting the job search process

invest time and effort develop positive attitude understand what you have to offer employers want employees who can communicate,solve problems, work as effective team member identify employment references-size of facility, work pace and hrs, etc determine financial needs project professional image organize own time and space

what should you do if a coworker calls from home and asks you to sign his name on a patient's chart that you forget to sign after administering a medication

refuse to sign either name

actions to take if a workplace rule seems silly and unnecessary

ask your supervisor to explain the reason

what's the most important point to include in your answers when answering general questions such as "Tell me about yourself"

how your answer relates to the job and the employer's currents needs

DRGs (diagnostic related groups) help control Medicare costs

limiting the reimbursements to hospitals to amounts based on expected rather than actual costs of treatments

know the best way to demonstrate loyalty if you become aware of a serious safety issue in the workplace that may be difficult to correct

report it to your supervisor

what's the most appropriate professional goal for health care workers when interacting with patients

give care without making any errors

what should the skill clusters prepared for a functional resume include

skills from all types of experiences if they relate to the job

steps to take when planning instruction about postoperative home care for a patient's husband

apologize for possibly giving unclear instructions and explain them again

most lawsuits brought by patients are the result of poor interpersonal relationships with health care workers

best way for health care workers to help ensure their facility that its patient have positive experiences when receiving care

always listen carefully to what patients say and how they say it

Why is it a good business practice to keep accounts receivable as low as possible

Can use money to earn or pay debts

Ways to convince an employer during the interview that you are qualified for the job 

Become familiar with all your qualifications 

How much time do Employment Professionals recommend that you spend each week on job search activities?

A reasonable schedule would be 25 hours per week for those who are not working at a job or an internship. For those who are working, 15 hours per week would be a more realistic amount of time.

What is the best way to avoid misunderstandings about what is expected of you on the job?

One of the ways to avoid miscommunication is to openly discuss expectations with your coworkers. Before you start a new project, you should make sure everyone is clear on the goals, so they can adjust their expectations.

Which of the following is an appropriate response for the healthcare provider to offer when a complaint is brought to their attention?

Thank the patient for bringing the concern to your attention. Accept the patient's feelings, and if appropriate, offer a statement of empathy such as “I understand your frustration” or “I'm sorry that your wait time today was longer than expected”, without admitting fault or placing blame.

Which is the best definition of professionalism as it applies to the health care worker?

Professionalism in nursing means providing top-quality care to patients, while also upholding the values of accountability, respect, and integrity.