Notes from the midnight driver zusammenfassung

FreeBookNotes found 7 sites with book summaries or analysis of Notes From the Midnight Driver. If there is a Notes From the Midnight Driver SparkNotes, Shmoop guide, or Cliff Notes, you can find a link to each study guide below.

Among the summaries and analysis available for Notes From the Midnight Driver, there are 2 Short Summaries and 5 Book Reviews.

Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc.), the resources below will generally offer Notes From the Midnight Driver chapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters, and symbols.

Full Book Notes and Study Guides

Sites like SparkNotes with a Notes From the Midnight Driver study guide or cliff notes. Also includes sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or summary of Jordan Sonnenblick’s Notes From the Midnight Driver.

We found no such entries for this book title. Please see the supplementary resources provided below for other helpful content related to this book.

Short Book Summaries

Sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or summary of Notes From the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick.



Book Reviews

Sites with a book review or quick commentary on Notes From the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick.


TeenInk - Notes From the Midnight Driver

Focusing on teen/YA literature, Teenink reviews are user-submitted by teen readers, and as such tend to vary significantly in style and quality. Reviews will usually include a short synopsis and focus on the reviewer's thoughts. Grammar and structure can be flawed.

Estimated Read Time : 2 minutes

Word Count: 674


TeenReads - Notes From the Midnight Driver

Teenreads provides reviews of YA books with a focus on plot summary and quality of writing. Reviews are brief and provide a thorough look at the book's content and its intended audience.

Estimated Read Time : 1 minute

Word Count: 445


PublishersWeekly - Notes From the Midnight Driver

Publishers Weekly reviews vary in length, with all focusing on a synopsis of the book and a look at the quality of writing. Many reviews are behind a subscriber paywall.

Estimated Read Time : 1 minute

Word Count: 313


KirkusReviews - Notes From the Midnight Driver

Kirkus Reviews tend to be brief, only two or three paragraphs long. The emphasis is on describing the writing style and quality, with a short plot synopsis included. Reviews end with a summary of the reviewer's thoughts and links to purchase options.

Estimated Read Time : 1 minute

Word Count: 177


These are the top 3 quotes from Notes From the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick. View all 7 quotes from Notes From the Midnight Driver.

“"Gay kocken offen yom!" I looked on the Internet when I got home, and apparently Mr. Lewis feels that, rather than assisting him at the nursing home, I should "Go take a dump in the ocean" instead.”

“Sarge shouted across the room, "Call me an ambulance!" I couldn't stop myself. "Okay, you're an ambulance!"”

“Great. Head trauma without painkillers. Now there's a recipe for wholesome fun.”

View All Quotes

More Books by Jordan Sonnenblick

FreeBookNotes has 7 more books by Jordan Sonnenblick, with a total of 18 study guides.

Home alone, 16-year-old Alex Gre­go­ry, enraged over his parent’s sep­a­ra­tion and fum­ing about his dad’s involve­ment with Alex’s for­mer 3rd grade teacher, gets drunk and sets off in his mom’s car to con­front his father and that woman.” He doesn’t get far, but he’s lucky. The only vic­tims of the resul­tant acci­dent are a decap­i­tat­ed French lawn gnome and the cop he barfs on when he’s arrested. 

To Alex’s dis­may, a judge sen­tences him to 100 hours of pub­lic ser­vice, assign­ing him to vis­it some can­tan­ker­ous old guy at the home for the aged where Alex’s moth­er coin­ci­den­tal­ly works. Oblig­a­tory progress notes to the judge punc­tu­ate the action and raise inter­est­ing spec­u­la­tions as Alex gets to learn some­thing about, and from, old Solomon Lewis. Sol’s severe emphy­se­ma and appar­ent aban­don­ment by his only daugh­ter, have not sup­pressed his chutz­pah, Yid­dishisms, or zest for pulling Gotcha” sur­pris­es on every­one. With­out preach­i­ness and with much humor, the sto­ry will appeal to mid­dle school­ers as Alex is trans­formed, accept­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty and change while learn­ing — and teach­ing— forgiveness. 

As for Jew­ish con­tent: Alex, his best gal pal Lau­rie, and their fam­i­lies are not Jew­ish, but both old Sol and the judge are. The most overt­ly Jew­ish aspect of this book springs from Sol’s fre­quent use of Yid­dish, the wis­dom under­ly­ing his wise­cracks, and the basic Jew­ish val­ues such as fam­i­ly, com­mu­ni­ty and account­abil­i­ty, which shape the story. 

Alex’s ini­tial behav­ior and some minor scenes might make this prob­lem­at­ic for some very tra­di­tion­al schools. For ages 1214

Rita Berman Frisch­er was direc­tor of Sinai Tem­ple Blu­men­thal Library for twen­ty years. She has served as a judge for chil­dren’s books awards, writ­ten chap­ters on chil­dren’s book for var­i­ous bib­li­o­graph­ic works and is a fre­quent review­er for Jew­ish peri­od­i­cals and newspapers.

What is the moral of notes from a midnight driver?

The main theme of Notes From the Midnight Driver is that your actions affect yourself and others.

What is the plot from Notes from the Midnight Driver?

NOTES FROM THE MIDNIGHT DRIVER, the story of Alex Gregory's transformation from a kid who isn't willing to take responsibility for his behavior, is a tale into which Jordan Sonnenblick has deftly folded the stirrings of first love, the tribulations of divorces and new step-siblings, a touch of peer rivalries, a fine- ...

How old is Alex in Notes from the Midnight Driver?

Plot summary Alex Gregory is a 16-year-old boy.

Who is the author of Notes from the Midnight Driver?

Jordan SonnenblickNotes from the Midnight Driver / Authornull


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