On point bedeutung

on point {adj} [coll.] [top-notch, perfect]spitze [ugs.]On that point, ... {adv}Dazu ...on this point {adv} [remark etc.]zu diesem Punkt [diesen Punkt betreffend]switching-on pointEinschaltpunkt {m}tech.from that point on ... {adv}von da an ...to converge on one pointsich an einem Punkt sammelnto vary on this pointsich in diesem Punkt unterscheiden... until the luminance is just on the point of decreasing...., bis die Leuchtdichte gerade abzunehmen beginnt.Not to put too fine a point on it ...Um es ganz klar zu sagen ...idiomNot to put too fine a point on it, ...Um ganz offen zu sein, ...idiom
Um nichts zu beschönigen, ...idiom
Um es ohne Umschweife zu sagen, ...idiom
Um nicht lange drum herum zu reden, ...idiom
Um es nicht unnötig kompliziert zu machen, ...idiomon the point of death {adv}am Rande des TodesThe judgment was quashed on a technical point.Das Urteil wurde auf Grund eines Verfahrensfehlers aufgehoben.to be on the point of doing (sth.) [idiom]im Begriff / Begriffe sein, (etw.) zu tunto be on the point of doing sth.im Begriff sein, etw. zu tun
kurz davor stehen, etw. zu tunto differ with sb. on a pointsich mit jdm. in einem Punkt unterscheidento put a finer point on it / thatetwas präziser / genauer werdento take a different (point of) view of / on sth.in etw. einen anderen Standpunkt vertreten
in etw. auf einem anderen Standpunkt stehento touch on a sore point [fig.]an eine alte Wunde rühren [geh.] [fig.] [Redewendung]to touch on a sore point / spot [fig.]einen wunden Punkt berühren [fig.]appeal on a point of lawRechtsbeschwerde {f}lawgrounds for appeal on a point of lawRechtsbeschwerdegründe {pl}lawzero point on a scaleNullpunkt {m} auf einer Skala

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to be perfect; to satisfy; whatever it was, it met the person's standards

"Damn, that chicken was on point!"

by Shawnte' October 30, 2008


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on point

When something is ultimate perfection

*Guy styles hair really well*
Guy's Friend 'daymn your hair is on point mate'

by Jason15300 September 4, 2015


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on point

a)Up to par...ready to perform at best...ready to get down to business.

b)to not be drunk/stoned..."I's all good"

a) "B*tch...you best get your shit on point" or

b) "F*ck, pigs...man throw that shit out the car and get your m.fkin shit on point..." or "Naahs man...i's got my strut on point"

by One whos shit is not December 4, 2003


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on point

1.) On top of things, in control of the situation

2.) Incredibly good-looking, referring to males

She ran exactly on schedule... she's on point.

Holy SHIT he's on point! Look at that ass!

by mei0023 April 6, 2005


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on point

tight, right on time, cautious.

Yo the rims on that whip were on point.
Yo i had these cats on point when they saw that nine.

by Keovani March 10, 2003


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on point

1. achieving a level of musical or otherwise artistic excellence

Bro, that last freestyle was on point.

by xchavezx May 12, 2010


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Pointe is when a ballerina is dancing on the tips of her toes. Pointe is usually started when young ballet students are about 12 or 13. You need to have strong ankles, and good technique to be able to go on pointe.

"Your ankles look strong enough to go on pointe," the teacher told Rebeeca.


"My pointe shoes are Bloch Balance European."

by Allie G. July 20, 2006


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Was bedeutet On Point Jugendsprache?

It's slang for "perfect".

Was Point Blank meaning?

If you say something point-blank, you say it very directly or rudely, without explaining or apologizing.


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