One cultural similarity shared by the Aztec and Incan civilization was that both


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The Ottoman empire was a theocracy ran by who Muslims
The European exploration of the Americas changed trade because of what global commercial networks
The end of Chinese exploration in 1400's allowed who to enter the Indian Ocean trade Potuguese
A direct result of European exploration was Competition for colonies
What contributed most to the development of the Renaissance in Italy Wealthy City-States
What was the new theological doctrine that emerged during the Reformation salvation by grace
The most immediate cause of the Reformation was what Martin Luther’s 95 Theses
As a result of the Renaissance, many European political powers Establish large overseas colonies
The emphases of the individual and secularism Humanism
The Catholic Church responded to the Reformation how Counter-Reformation
The growing class of merchants became patrons for what Art during Renaissance
This made the monarch the head of the Christian church in England The Act of Supremacy of 1534
The Reformation caused nobles to do what align with either Catholic or Protestant traditions and go to war
one cultural similarity shared by the Aztec and Incan civilization Mathematical skills
The Religious practices of the Aztecs were influenced by Toltec and Zapotec
This caused a drastic drop in Native Population diffusion of diseases from Eurasia
This encouraged European explorers to attempt ocean crossing New navigational technologies and ship construction
One of the primary motivations for European exploration in the east engage in the Indian Ocean spice trade
The Columbian Exchange changed the American landscape by introducing new livestock
How did the Columbian Exchange improve the European diet Introduction of new food crops
Why did population of South America became more ethnically mixed Trans-Atlantic slave trade
West African leaders gained access to weapons why Trans-Atlantic slave trade
In 1453 the Ottomans conquered what place Constantinople
The Ottomans established a strong trading empire because control of the eastern Mediterranean and overland trade routes
Who demanded silver for use as currency Ming dynasty in china
Ignoring the prohibition against usury led to what Banking
This helped to facilitate the commercial revolution in Europe Joint-stock companies
Why were the areas of Spice island and New Guinea significant source for valuable spices
How did the Crusades helped to begin the Renaissance facilitating the revival of trade with the east
How was Queen Elizabeth I was able to begin colonization of America Developing a naval power
The artistic technique developed during Renaissance linear perspective
What book written during the 16th century is popular today for its insights on political power The Prince
Who excelled at shipbuilding during 15th century Ming dynasty
The Inca used the Quipu or knots and ropes for what Record keeping
How did Gutenberg’s printing press contributed to the Reformation Printing the Bible in vernacular languages
Many of the literary works of the Renaissance emphasized what The individual
Paintings during the Renaissance often showed what advances being made in instruments

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How did the end of Chinese exploration in the early 1400s affect global trade patterns?

How did the end of Chinese exploration in the early 1400s affect global trade patterns? It allowed Portuguese explorers to enter into the Indian Ocean trade network. It caused a decline in the demand for Chinese goods in the Indian Ocean markets.

Which sixteenth century Italian literary work is still studied today for its insight on political power?

While Petrarch and Boccaccio were considered the forerunners of Renaissance literature, Niccolò Machiavelli reflected Renaissance thought in a different way. His famous treatise, The Prince, which is based on his experience as a diplomat, is a cynical study of 16th-century power politics.

What factor contributed most to the development of the Renaissance in Italy?

Several factors contributed to the Renaissance. The growth of trade and commerce created prosperous cities and classes of people with the wealth to support education and the arts. Italian city-states helped spread Renaissance ideas. The new philosophy of humanism spuned interest in learning and fresh ways of thinking.

How did Astronomy contribute to the onset of the scientific revolution in sixteenth century Europe?

The Scientific Revolution began in astronomy. Although there had been earlier discussions of the possibility of Earth's motion, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to propound a comprehensive heliocentric theory equal in scope and predictive capability to Ptolemy's geocentric system.


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