Overtime and personnel transfers are solutions to capacity problems in the intermediate term.

Overtime and personnel transfers are solutions to capacity problems in the intermediate term.

Capacity Planning is generally viewed in three time durations

LongRange: greater than one year

Where productive resources take a long time to acquire or dispose of

long range capacity planning requires top management participation and approval

i.e. buildings, equipment, or facilities

IntermediateRange: monthly or quarterly plans for the next 6 to 18 months

Capacity may be varied by such alternatives as hiring, layoffs, new tools, minor eq


Short Range: less than one month

Tied into the daily or weekly scheduling process and involves making adjustments

between planned and actual output.

Includes alternatives such as: overtime, personnel transfers, and alternative prod

Capacity: implies an attainable rate of output

Best operatinglevel: output level where average unit cost is minimized

CapacityUtilizationRate: Measure of how close the firm's current output rate is to its b

CapacityUtilizationRate= Capacity Used / Best Operating Level

Example: Currently building 480 cars/day, Best operating level=500 cars/day

Capacity UtilizationRate=480/500=.96 or 96%

CapacityFlexibility: having the ability to rapidly increase or decrease production levels, or shif

from one product or service to another.

DecisionTrees: represents one of the ways how we solve problems with several many possibi

Strong (195k)(5)-(210k)=$765k


Chapter 4: Strategic Capacity Management

Friday, September 27, 2019

  • Q3:

    The objective of strategic capacity planning is to determine the overall capacity level of capital-intensive resources (including facilities, equipment, and overall labor force size) that best supports the company's short-range competitive strategy.

  • Q4:

    A production facility works best when it focuses on a fairly limited set of production objectives.

  • Q5:

    The objective of strategic capacity planning is to provide an approach for determining the overall capacity level of labor-intensive resources.

  • Q6:

    When evaluating capacity, managers need to consider both resource inputs and product outputs.

  • Q7:

    The basic notion of economies of scale is that as a plant gets larger and volume increases, the average cost per unit of output drops.

  • Q9:

    Best operating level is usually a multiple of the level of capacity for which a process was designed.

  • Q10:

    Long-range capacity planning requires top management participation.

  • Q11:

    The objective of strategic capacity planning is to determine the overall capacity level of capital-intensive resources (including facilities, equipment, and overall labor force size) that best supports the company's long-range competitive strategy.

  • Q12:

    Making adjustments to eliminate the variance between planned and actual output is tied into intermediate-range capacity planning.

  • Q13:

    A piece of equipment with twice the capacity of another piece typically costs twice as much to purchase and to operate.

What is the correct definition of the capacity of a resource?

Capacity, in the context of resource capacity as it pertains to project management, is the amount of time a resource or group of resources is available for productive work in any given time frame.

When evaluating capacity managers need to consider both resource inputs and product output?

When evaluating capacity, managers need to consider both resource inputs and product outputs. Capacity can be defined as the amount of available resource inputs relative to requirements for output over a particular period of time. The capacity utilization rate is found by dividing best operating level by capacity used.

What is the approach in determining the overall capacity level of capital intensive resources including facilities etc?

A technique used to identify and measure overall capacity of production is referred to as strategic capacity planning. Strategic capacity planning is utilized for capital intensive resource like plant, machinery, labor, etc.

When a firm's design capacity is less than the capacity required to meet its demand it is said to have a negative capacity cushion group of answer choices True False?

When a firm's design capacity is less than the capacity required to meet its demand, it is said to have a negative capacity cushion. Because services cannot be stored for later use, service managers consider time as one of their supplies or resources. Unlike goods, services cannot be stored for later use.