Probing is a means to short-circuit a type of competitive listening called ambushing.

10. In conflict situations, women are usually less competitive than men.FALSE

11. Psychological reactance can be avoided by using a problem-solving orientation.TRUE

12. Any evaluation, even praise and recognition, has the potential to create a defensive

13. Intragroup competition can produce intergroup cooperation.FALSE

14. A competitive climate typically promotes information hoarding.TRUE

15. Intergroup interactions are generally far more competitive than interactions between

16. It is the norms of a culture that determine its competitiveness, not human nature.TRUE

17. Research shows that urgent pleas to “get along and cooperate” are often effective in groups

when said with great sincerity by the group’s leader.FALSE

18. Defensiveness is a reaction to a perceived attack on our self-esteem and self-concept.TRUE

19. Probing is a means to short-circuit a type of competitive listening called ambushing.TRUE

20. Cooperation is a process not an outcome.TRUE

21. Cooperation means yielding (giving in) to other people’s demands.FALSE

22. An effective cooperative alternative can be found in any situation if you think creatively.

23. Cooperation is individual achievement by another name.FALSE

24. Conceptually, it makes sense to say, “We compete with ourselves.”FALSE

25. Most people are effective multitaskers (listen during group discussion and text message

CHAPTER 5MULTIPLE CHOICE1.Someone in your study group plays the harmonizer-tension reliever role. This means that she

2.The devil’s advocate group role is

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