Promotional spending falls into two categories: measured and unmeasured media.

Promotional spending falls into two categories: measured and unmeasured media.

Chapter 16: Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotion

1.The Effects of Advertising

Advertising was defined as impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product

or organization that is paid for by a marketer. Typically, promotional spending is divided

into measured and unmeasured media. Measure media includes network and cable TV,

newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor, and internet. Unmeasured media spending

includes direct marketing, promotions, co-op, coupons, catalogs, product placement,

and event marketing.

2.Major Types of Advertising

A firm’s promotional objectives determine the type of advertising it uses. If the goal of

promotion plan is to improve the image of the company or the industry, institutional

advertising may be used. Institutional advertising a form of advertising designed to

enhance a companys image rather than promote a particular product. In contrast, if the

advertiser wants to enhance the sales of a specific goods or service, product advertising

should be used.

2.1.Institutional Advertising

A form of institutional advertising called advocacy advertising is typically used to

safeguard against negative consumer attitudes and to enhance the companys

credibility among consumers who already favor its position.

2.2.Product Advertising

Product advertising promotes the benefits of a specific good or service. The

product’s stage in its life cycle often determines which type of product

advertising is used: pioneering advertising, competitive advertising, or

comparative advertising.

Pioneering Advertising

Pioneering advertising is intended to stimulate primary demand for a new

product or product category. Heavily used in the introductory stage of the

product life cycle, pioneering advertising offer consumers in-depth

information about the benefits of the product class.

Competitive Advertising

Firms use competitive or brand advertising when a product enters the

growth phase of the product life cycle and other companies begin to

enter the marketplace. The goal of competitive advertising is to influence

demand for a specific brand. Often, promotion becomes less informative

and appeals more to emotions during this phase.

Comparative Advertising

Comparative advertising directly or indirectly compares two or more

competing brands on one or more specific attributes.

3.Create Decisions in Advertising

advertising strategies are typically organized around an advertising campaign. An

advertising campaign is a series of related advertisements focusing on a common theme,