Protective equipment helps protect a young athlete when participating in adult style games


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Sports Safety Tips

Participation in sports offers tremendous social, emotional and physical benefits for children. We know that one of the worst things for kids is being on the sidelines with an injury. As parents and coaches, there are simple things we can do to help reduce preventable injuries – so our kids can continue playing the games they love.

Prepare Kids for the Demands of Playing a Sport

  • Before playing organized sports, make sure your child receives a pre-participation physical exam, or PPE, performed by a doctor, or a nurse practitioner or qualified clinician under the supervision of a physician. Whoever performs the exam, the same practices should be followed, including the need for a medical history.
  • In case of an emergency, provide your athlete's coaches with important information (phone numbers, doctor information and allergy information).
  • Meet with the coaches before the first practice to inform them of history with asthma or other medical conditions that require special attention.  

Warm Up and Stretch Before Games and Practices

  • Coaches should set aside time before every practice and game for athletes to warm up properly. 
  • Stretching before practice and games can release muscle tension and help prevent sports-related injuries.
  • Athletes should start with about 10 minutes of jogging or any light activity, and then stretch all major muscle groups, holding for 20 to 30 seconds.

Remember to Hydrate

  • Learn the signs and symptoms of dehydration and other forms of heat illness.
  • Send athletes to practice and games with a water bottle and encourage them to stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after play. 
  • Encourage athletes to drink fluids 30 minutes before activity begins and every 15-20 minutes during activity.
  • If you’re a coach, establish mandatory water breaks throughout practice and games – don’t wait for your athletes to tell you they’re thirsty.

Wear Appropriate Sports Gear

  • Use appropriate and properly-fitted sports gear to prevent or reduce the severity of injuries. 
  • Make sure athletes use the correct equipment in order to participate in both practices and games. This may include helmets, shin guards, mouth guards, ankle braces, shoes with rubber cleats and sunscreen. 

Don’t Take Chances with the Brain: Know the Signs and Symptoms of Concussions

  • Learn the signs and symptoms of a concussion. This information is important for coaches, parents and athletes.
  • An athlete with a suspected concussion must be removed from play until evaluated and cleared by a medical professional. 
  • A good rule of thumb: when in doubt, sit them out.

Make Rest a Priority

  • To help avoid overuse injury, athletes should take breaks during practices and games. 
  • Encourage athletes to tell coaches, parents or another adult about any pain, injury, or illness they may have during or after any practices or games. 
  • Athletes should take at least one or two days off each week from any particular sport. 

Be a Prepared Coach

  • As a coach, establish safety guidelines that athletes and parents can follow during every practice and game, such as creating hydration breaks, encouraging players to sit out if injured, resting if not feeling well and facilitating a proper warm-up.
  • It’s also a good idea for coaches to get certified in first aid and CPR and have a stocked first aid kit handy at all practices and games.
  • Coaches should consider increasing their sports skills and knowledge with free sports safety training at a Safe Kids Sports Safety Clinic.

Be a Supportive Parent

  • Learn ways to help your child stay injury free and healthy while playing sports.
  • Attend a sports safety clinic in your area, such as ones held by Safe Kids across the United States, which provides coaches and parents with ways to keep young athletes healthy and injury free throughout their sports careers.

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Journal Article

Jingzhen Yang,

Correspondence to Dr. Jingzhen Yang, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, 200 Hawkins Drive, E236 GH, Iowa City, IA 52242 (e-mail: ).

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Stephen W. Marshall,

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J. Michael Bowling,

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Carol W. Runyan,

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Frederick O. Mueller,

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Megan A. Lewis

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19 October 2004

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    Jingzhen Yang, Stephen W. Marshall, J. Michael Bowling, Carol W. Runyan, Frederick O. Mueller, Megan A. Lewis, Use of Discretionary Protective Equipment and Rate of Lower Extremity Injury in High School Athletes, American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 161, Issue 6, 15 March 2005, Pages 511–519,


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Use of protective equipment is an important sports injury prevention strategy, yet use of protective equipment by high school athletes has seldom been studied. The authors analyzed data from a 3-year (1996–1999), stratified, two-stage cluster sample of athletes from 12 organized sports in 100 North Carolina high schools (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons). Information on each athlete's use of protective equipment and prior injury was collected during the preseason. Prospective information on injuries and weekly participation in games and practices was collected during the playing season. Use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment tended to decrease the overall rate of lower extremity injury (rate ratio (RR) = 0.91, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.72, 1.15). However, this slight protective effect was entirely due to kneepad use (for knee injury, RR = 0.44, 95% CI: 0.27, 0.74). Knee brace use and ankle brace use were associated with increased rates of knee injury (RR = 1.61, 95% CI: 1.08, 2.41) and ankle injury (RR = 1.74, 95% CI: 1.11, 2.72), respectively. This could be due to slippage of the brace during use, increased fatigue due to the energy cost of wearing a brace, or bias in the study. Further investigation into the effects of brace use is warranted.

Youth sports injury has emerged as a public health problem in the last three decades, with detrimental effects on the health and well-being of young athletes and enormous economic costs to society (1–9). Sports and recreational activities are widely promoted as part of a healthy lifestyle for young people, but the physical and psychological benefits gained from participating in sports may be diminished by injuries (10–14).

Approximately two thirds of youth sports injuries occur in organized sports, and such injuries predominantly affect the lower extremities (15–20). Each year, approximately seven million high school students participate in organized sports (21). It is estimated that in an average year, 41–61 percent of football players, 40–46 percent of wrestlers and gymnasts, and 31–37 percent of basketball players sustain an injury while participating in organized high school sports (1, 22).

In many sports, particularly sports with full-body contact such as football, protective equipment is an integral component of the game and its use is required by national and state sports associations. In addition, many high school athletes use optional protective equipment that is not mandated by sports rules (though a given coach may require its use by his/her players). This discretionary use of protective equipment was the exposure examined in this study.

Although many high school athletes use discretionary protective equipment in an effort to prevent sports injuries, there is continuing debate about whether to recommend the use of certain types of protective equipment and, if so, what would constitute appropriate recommendations (23–28). Most sports injury studies to date have addressed the clinical aspects of injuries rather than prevention strategies (29–31). Very few studies have examined the use of discretionary protective equipment to prevent sports injury. Prior research either has been limited to a specific piece of equipment or has focused on a particular sport (e.g., use of a knee brace in football or a mouth guard in basketball) and often has not distinguished whether the protective equipment studied was mandatory or discretionary (27, 32–34). The populations studied have often involved elite athletes, resulting in findings that may not be applicable to youth populations (35–38). Injury severity has seldom been reported or analyzed (17, 39).

The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment and the rate and severity of lower extremity injury among high school athletes during their participation in organized sports.


Data and study design

In this study, we utilized data from the North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study (1996–1999), a 3-year prospective cohort study of a stratified, two-stage cluster sample of North Carolina high school athletes. The study design involved first assigning high schools to 50 strata based on school size and region. Two schools were then randomly selected from each stratum. Second, six team sports in each study school were selected using systematic sampling. A list of existing sport programs in selected schools at the start of the 1996–1997 school year was sorted by season and sport to ensure that the sample spanned all seasons and included both girls' and boys' teams. Finally, all athletes on each selected team were included in the sample as study athletes. Each selected team was followed for 3 years. A detailed description of the study design and methods has been published elsewhere (40).

Twelve varsity sports were studied, with six male sports and six female sports. These included boys' and girls' soccer, track, and basketball; boys' baseball, wrestling, and football; and girls' softball, volleyball, and cheerleading. Four questionnaires were used in data collection: the Athlete's Demographic Form and the Coach's Form, which were completed by self-report prior to each season, and the Weekly Exposure Form and the Injury Report Form, which were administered during the season by trained data collectors, who were either athletic directors or athletic trainers employed by the school.


In this study, a lower extremity injury was defined as any new injury sustained between the hip and the toes that occurred in an organized sport and required medical attention or restricted participation on the day after the injury. Information on injury was collected at the time the injury occurred (40, 41).

The rate of lower extremity injury was one of two outcome variables in this study. The injury rate was calculated as the number of incident lower extremity injuries in a season divided by the total number of athlete-exposures in that season multiplied by 100,000. In this study, attending one coach-directed session of either a game or practice was defined as one athlete-exposure (40).

The severity of lower extremity injury, the other outcome variable in this study, was defined as the number of days lost from sports participation due to an incident lower extremity injury (39, 42). Lower extremity injury severity was evaluated for each injury and measured at four levels: “no time lost,” if an athlete lost no time; “minor injury,” if an athlete lost less than 1 week of participation time; “moderate injury,” if an athlete lost 1–3 weeks; and “serious injury,” if an athlete lost more than 3 weeks (43, 44). The analysis of injury severity included only those athletes who sustained lower extremity injuries during a given season.

Use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment, the main exposure variable in this study, was defined as any self-reported usual use of lower extremity protective equipment not required by sports rules (45). For example, rules mandate the use of kneepads in football and shin guards in soccer; therefore, using such equipment in those sports was not classified as use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment in this study.

We assessed use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment during the preseason by asking athletes, “What protective equipment do you usually use?” The athletes participating in a specific sport were asked to select the protective equipment they used from a checklist of items. The checklist varied by sport and could include the following items: helmet, headgear, face mask, mouth guard, shoulder pads, elbow brace, wrist guard, hip pads, kneepads, shin guards, knee brace, ankle brace, pads, and other. We manually reviewed the written-in responses in the “pads” and “other” categories to determine use of discretionary protective equipment. Because rules vary across sports, the same piece of protective equipment may be required in one sport yet optional in another. We determined whether athletes' use of a given piece of protective equipment was discretionary or mandatory based on the rules governing mandatory protective equipment use in each sport.

We limited discretionary protective equipment to the lower extremities because they are the most commonly injured body parts among high school athletes (15, 20). Use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment was coded dichotomously, with “yes” representing self-reported usual use of any piece of lower extremity protective equipment that was not mandated by the rules across all sports studied. The four types of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment most frequently used by high school athletes in this study were kneepads, shin guards, knee brace(s), and ankle brace(s). However, the subanalyses on use of specific types of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment were limited to kneepads, knee braces, and ankle braces because of small counts for nonmandatory use of shin guards.

A history of lower extremity injury, a covariate in this study, was measured during the preseason by asking each athlete whether he or she had previously sustained any injuries. The response categories were presented as a checklist specifying concussion, heat stroke, fracture, shoulder injury, elbow injury, wrist injury, knee injury, ankle injury, and other. Athletes who checked the “other” category were prompted to indicate up to three other injuries; these responses were manually reviewed and classified. In the case of athletes who remained in the study for more than 1 year, we updated the injury history variable to reflect the athletes' known prior injuries. Only athletes with a history of lower extremity injury were classified as having a history of injury.

We included four demographic variables in the analysis: sex (male or female), grade (ninth, tenth, eleventh, or twelfth), type of sport (full-contact, limited-contact, or noncontact), and whether the athlete had played multiple sports in the past (yes or no) (45). In this study, we categorized football and wrestling as full-contact sports, basketball, soccer, baseball, and softball as limited-contact sports, and track, volleyball, and cheerleading as noncontact sports, based on the amount of body contact the rules allow an athlete to have with his or her opponent (46).

Statistical analysis

We conducted separate analyses for the two outcome variables, injury rate and injury severity. To determine the rate of lower extremity injury, we performed descriptive analyses to characterize the frequency and rate per 100,000 athlete-exposures of lower extremity injury, knee injury, and ankle injury sustained during the sports season. We used Poisson regression to determine the effect of use of discretionary protective equipment on the prospective lower extremity injury rate. We modeled the rates of lower extremity injury sustained in games, in practices, and overall, taking into account game injuries, practice injuries, and all injuries, respectively, and adjusting denominators (games or practices) as appropriate. We excluded injuries that occurred in settings other than games or team practices (e.g., personal workouts) in the analysis because of the absence of time-at-risk (rate denominator) measurements for these injuries in this study.

We calculated unadjusted and adjusted lower extremity injury rate ratios from the Poisson regression models with no use of discretionary protective equipment as a referent. The demographic variables included in the adjusted analysis were sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport (45).

Athletes who have experienced a previous injury appear to be at increased risk of reinjury and more motivated to protect themselves by using discretionary protective equipment (37, 47). We performed subgroup analyses to compare the effect of use of discretionary protective equipment in participants with and without a history of lower extremity injury. Since most reported lower extremity injuries in this study were knee or ankle injuries, we conducted further analyses to examine the effects of knee brace use on knee injuries, kneepad use on knee injuries, and ankle brace use on ankle injuries.

To examine injury severity as an outcome, we limited the scope of the analysis to athletes injured in a given season, characterizing the severity of lower extremity injury among athletes who sustained lower extremity injuries. We used logistic regression to predict the effect of use of discretionary protective equipment on the probability of serious injury (>3 weeks lost) versus nonserious injury (≤3 weeks lost) given an occurrence of injury. The model was adjusted for athletes' demographic characteristics. Odds ratios were estimated with no discretionary protective equipment use as a referent (48).

We used SAS-Callable SUDAAN 8.0 computer software for all statistical analyses to account for the stratified two-stage cluster sampling design and for within-subject correlation (49). Data were weighted to account for the sampling design and for nonresponse.


A total of 19,728 athlete-seasons and 1,104,354 athlete-exposures were included in the data analysis. The demographic characteristics of the study population and their use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment are presented in table 1.


Demographic characteristics of the study population (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999


No. of athletes

% of study population (weighted*)

% who used LEDPE† (weighted)
Male  11,385  60.4  28.9 
Female  8,343  39.6  37.9 
Black  5,604  28.5  28.3 
White  12,096  58.7  38.7 
Other  2,028  12.8  13.2 
Ninth  2,824  15.2  37.0 
Tenth  4,181  22.9  34.8 
Eleventh  5,753  32.5  37.0 
Twelfth  5,124  29.4  38.7 
Played multiple sports       
Yes  14,547  71.0  39.3 
No  5,181  29.0  15.7 
Football  3,537  19.1  20.1 
Wrestling  1,526  9.8  33.6 
Boys' soccer  1,667  8.3  11.7 
Girls' soccer  999  5.0  22.4 
Boys' basketball  1,399  7.2  34.2 
Girls' basketball  1,246  6.4  29.7 
Baseball  1,487  7.4  83.8 
Softball  1,458  6.6  86.0 
Boys' track  1,793  8.9  9.3 
Girls' track  1,523  8.1  13.1 
Volleyball  1,402  6.4  66.4 
Cheerleading  1,691  7.1  14.2 
Type of sport       
Full-contact  5,063  28.9  24.7 
Limited-contact  8,256  40.8  44.7 


No. of athletes

% of study population (weighted*)

% who used LEDPE† (weighted)
Male  11,385  60.4  28.9 
Female  8,343  39.6  37.9 
Black  5,604  28.5  28.3 
White  12,096  58.7  38.7 
Other  2,028  12.8  13.2 
Ninth  2,824  15.2  37.0 
Tenth  4,181  22.9  34.8 
Eleventh  5,753  32.5  37.0 
Twelfth  5,124  29.4  38.7 
Played multiple sports       
Yes  14,547  71.0  39.3 
No  5,181  29.0  15.7 
Football  3,537  19.1  20.1 
Wrestling  1,526  9.8  33.6 
Boys' soccer  1,667  8.3  11.7 
Girls' soccer  999  5.0  22.4 
Boys' basketball  1,399  7.2  34.2 
Girls' basketball  1,246  6.4  29.7 
Baseball  1,487  7.4  83.8 
Softball  1,458  6.6  86.0 
Boys' track  1,793  8.9  9.3 
Girls' track  1,523  8.1  13.1 
Volleyball  1,402  6.4  66.4 
Cheerleading  1,691  7.1  14.2 
Type of sport       
Full-contact  5,063  28.9  24.7 
Limited-contact  8,256  40.8  44.7 


Weighted to account for complex sampling and nonresponse.

LEDPE, lower extremity discretionary protective equipment.

n = 17,882 athlete-seasons; missing values were excluded.


Demographic characteristics of the study population (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999


No. of athletes

% of study population (weighted*)

% who used LEDPE† (weighted)
Male  11,385  60.4  28.9 
Female  8,343  39.6  37.9 
Black  5,604  28.5  28.3 
White  12,096  58.7  38.7 
Other  2,028  12.8  13.2 
Ninth  2,824  15.2  37.0 
Tenth  4,181  22.9  34.8 
Eleventh  5,753  32.5  37.0 
Twelfth  5,124  29.4  38.7 
Played multiple sports       
Yes  14,547  71.0  39.3 
No  5,181  29.0  15.7 
Football  3,537  19.1  20.1 
Wrestling  1,526  9.8  33.6 
Boys' soccer  1,667  8.3  11.7 
Girls' soccer  999  5.0  22.4 
Boys' basketball  1,399  7.2  34.2 
Girls' basketball  1,246  6.4  29.7 
Baseball  1,487  7.4  83.8 
Softball  1,458  6.6  86.0 
Boys' track  1,793  8.9  9.3 
Girls' track  1,523  8.1  13.1 
Volleyball  1,402  6.4  66.4 
Cheerleading  1,691  7.1  14.2 
Type of sport       
Full-contact  5,063  28.9  24.7 
Limited-contact  8,256  40.8  44.7 


No. of athletes

% of study population (weighted*)

% who used LEDPE† (weighted)
Male  11,385  60.4  28.9 
Female  8,343  39.6  37.9 
Black  5,604  28.5  28.3 
White  12,096  58.7  38.7 
Other  2,028  12.8  13.2 
Ninth  2,824  15.2  37.0 
Tenth  4,181  22.9  34.8 
Eleventh  5,753  32.5  37.0 
Twelfth  5,124  29.4  38.7 
Played multiple sports       
Yes  14,547  71.0  39.3 
No  5,181  29.0  15.7 
Football  3,537  19.1  20.1 
Wrestling  1,526  9.8  33.6 
Boys' soccer  1,667  8.3  11.7 
Girls' soccer  999  5.0  22.4 
Boys' basketball  1,399  7.2  34.2 
Girls' basketball  1,246  6.4  29.7 
Baseball  1,487  7.4  83.8 
Softball  1,458  6.6  86.0 
Boys' track  1,793  8.9  9.3 
Girls' track  1,523  8.1  13.1 
Volleyball  1,402  6.4  66.4 
Cheerleading  1,691  7.1  14.2 
Type of sport       
Full-contact  5,063  28.9  24.7 
Limited-contact  8,256  40.8  44.7 


Weighted to account for complex sampling and nonresponse.

LEDPE, lower extremity discretionary protective equipment.

n = 17,882 athlete-seasons; missing values were excluded.

Injury rate

Of a total of 2,698 reported injuries, 1,083 were lower extremity injuries. Knee and ankle injuries accounted for most of the lower extremity injuries. After the data were weighted for the sampling design and nonresponse, ankle injuries accounted for 40.5 percent of all reported lower extremity injuries, followed by injuries to the knee (29.1 percent), the upper leg (9.6 percent), the lower leg (8.9 percent), the foot or toe (8.8 percent), and other lower extremity sites (3.5 percent). Table 2 shows rates of lower extremity injury by athletes' demographic characteristics. The overall rate of lower extremity injury was 117.0 per 100,000 athlete-exposures (95 percent confidence interval (CI): 100.4, 136.4). Athletes injured their lower extremities more often in games (n = 568) than in practices (n = 334), and injury rates were much higher in games than in practices: approximately four times higher for the lower extremities (204.4 vs. 49.2 per 100,000 athlete-exposures), six times higher for knees (66.7 vs. 10.8 per 100,000 athlete-exposures), and five times higher for ankles (85.6 vs. 16.2 per 100,000 athlete-exposures).


Numbers and rates of lower extremity athletic injuries according to athletes' demographic characteristics (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999


Lower extremity*



95% CI§
95% CI
95% CI
Male  740  128.0  109.0, 150.4  224  39.2  30.1, 51.0  277  50.2  40.4, 62.5 
Female  343  97.6  74.4, 128.1  88  24.9  17.9, 34.6  158  42.3  30.2, 59.3 
Ninth  89  66.4  47.2, 93.5  22  18.6  10.3, 33.5  38  27.3  18.4, 40.6 
Tenth  187  104.0  83.7, 129.3  45  25.9  17.6, 38.3  78  41.3  30.8, 55.5 
Eleventh  327  108.7  91.5, 129.2  100  32.6  25.2, 42.3  132  46.5  35.4, 61.3 
Twelfth  382  141.6  114.9, 174.5  107  34.3  25.6, 45.9  152  64.4  46.9, 88.4 
Played multiple sports                   
Yes  825  117.8  101.9, 136.3  234  31.5  26.1, 37.9  344  51.7  42.1, 63.6 
No  258  115.0  82.6, 160.2  78  40.6  24.7, 66.9  91  36.3  26.5, 49.7 
Football  377  180.7  157.6, 207.2  148  67.7  55.7, 82.3  132  71.1  55.5, 91.2 
Wrestling  42  41.8  22.2, 78.8  16  17.8  7.7, 41.1  12  9.2  4.2, 20.2 
Boys' soccer  153  209.2  151.0, 289.5  37  61.7  16.7, 142.7  63  76.3  55.0, 106.0 
Girls' soccer  74  200.9  110.4, 365.4  19  34.4  20.6, 57.6  27  55.4  30.3, 100.2 
Boys' basketball  104  131.9  92.0, 189.1  15  17.9  9.6, 33.3  51  69.4  46.3, 104.2 
Girls' basketball  91  93.5  62.6, 139.7  29  40.4  20.8, 77.1  55  47.5  30.2, 74.5 
Baseball  35  36.7  22.0, 61.7  5.7  2.0, 16.5  13  14.2  7.7, 26.4 
Softball  31  62.4  33.0, 118.0  7.3  2.6, 20.6  15  40.6  15.9, 103.7 
Boys' track  31  54.0  33.2, 88.0  8.7  2.1, 35.4  13.8  4.5, 42.0 
Girls' track  56  102.3  61.4, 170.3  11  23.7  10.4, 54.0  13.1  5.9, 29.3 
Volleyball  44  104.2  52.8, 205.7  12  29.4  13.3, 64.8  28  68.3  25.6, 182.2 
Cheerleading  45  59.7  40.7, 87.6  11  11.8  6.6, 21.3  24  33.5  20.4, 54.8 
Type of sport                   
Full-contact  419  142.8  115.6, 176.1  164  54.1  42.5, 68.8  144  54.2  39.6, 74.3 
Limited-contact  488  120.9  94.8, 154.2  111  28.8  19.0, 43.8  224  52.1  41.0, 66.2 
Noncontact  176  77.7  57.6, 105.0  37  17.5  11.2, 27.5  67  30.7  18.5, 50.8 
100.4, 136.4
27.2, 42.5
39.5, 56.9


Lower extremity*



95% CI§
95% CI
95% CI
Male  740  128.0  109.0, 150.4  224  39.2  30.1, 51.0  277  50.2  40.4, 62.5 
Female  343  97.6  74.4, 128.1  88  24.9  17.9, 34.6  158  42.3  30.2, 59.3 
Ninth  89  66.4  47.2, 93.5  22  18.6  10.3, 33.5  38  27.3  18.4, 40.6 
Tenth  187  104.0  83.7, 129.3  45  25.9  17.6, 38.3  78  41.3  30.8, 55.5 
Eleventh  327  108.7  91.5, 129.2  100  32.6  25.2, 42.3  132  46.5  35.4, 61.3 
Twelfth  382  141.6  114.9, 174.5  107  34.3  25.6, 45.9  152  64.4  46.9, 88.4 
Played multiple sports                   
Yes  825  117.8  101.9, 136.3  234  31.5  26.1, 37.9  344  51.7  42.1, 63.6 
No  258  115.0  82.6, 160.2  78  40.6  24.7, 66.9  91  36.3  26.5, 49.7 
Football  377  180.7  157.6, 207.2  148  67.7  55.7, 82.3  132  71.1  55.5, 91.2 
Wrestling  42  41.8  22.2, 78.8  16  17.8  7.7, 41.1  12  9.2  4.2, 20.2 
Boys' soccer  153  209.2  151.0, 289.5  37  61.7  16.7, 142.7  63  76.3  55.0, 106.0 
Girls' soccer  74  200.9  110.4, 365.4  19  34.4  20.6, 57.6  27  55.4  30.3, 100.2 
Boys' basketball  104  131.9  92.0, 189.1  15  17.9  9.6, 33.3  51  69.4  46.3, 104.2 
Girls' basketball  91  93.5  62.6, 139.7  29  40.4  20.8, 77.1  55  47.5  30.2, 74.5 
Baseball  35  36.7  22.0, 61.7  5.7  2.0, 16.5  13  14.2  7.7, 26.4 
Softball  31  62.4  33.0, 118.0  7.3  2.6, 20.6  15  40.6  15.9, 103.7 
Boys' track  31  54.0  33.2, 88.0  8.7  2.1, 35.4  13.8  4.5, 42.0 
Girls' track  56  102.3  61.4, 170.3  11  23.7  10.4, 54.0  13.1  5.9, 29.3 
Volleyball  44  104.2  52.8, 205.7  12  29.4  13.3, 64.8  28  68.3  25.6, 182.2 
Cheerleading  45  59.7  40.7, 87.6  11  11.8  6.6, 21.3  24  33.5  20.4, 54.8 
Type of sport                   
Full-contact  419  142.8  115.6, 176.1  164  54.1  42.5, 68.8  144  54.2  39.6, 74.3 
Limited-contact  488  120.9  94.8, 154.2  111  28.8  19.0, 43.8  224  52.1  41.0, 66.2 
Noncontact  176  77.7  57.6, 105.0  37  17.5  11.2, 27.5  67  30.7  18.5, 50.8 
100.4, 136.4
27.2, 42.5
39.5, 56.9


From hip to toes.

Unweighted number of injuries.

Rate per 100,000 athlete-exposures; weighted for complex sampling and nonresponse.


CI, confidence interval.


n = 17,882 athlete-seasons; missing values were excluded.


Numbers and rates of lower extremity athletic injuries according to athletes' demographic characteristics (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999


Lower extremity*



95% CI§
95% CI
95% CI
Male  740  128.0  109.0, 150.4  224  39.2  30.1, 51.0  277  50.2  40.4, 62.5 
Female  343  97.6  74.4, 128.1  88  24.9  17.9, 34.6  158  42.3  30.2, 59.3 
Ninth  89  66.4  47.2, 93.5  22  18.6  10.3, 33.5  38  27.3  18.4, 40.6 
Tenth  187  104.0  83.7, 129.3  45  25.9  17.6, 38.3  78  41.3  30.8, 55.5 
Eleventh  327  108.7  91.5, 129.2  100  32.6  25.2, 42.3  132  46.5  35.4, 61.3 
Twelfth  382  141.6  114.9, 174.5  107  34.3  25.6, 45.9  152  64.4  46.9, 88.4 
Played multiple sports                   
Yes  825  117.8  101.9, 136.3  234  31.5  26.1, 37.9  344  51.7  42.1, 63.6 
No  258  115.0  82.6, 160.2  78  40.6  24.7, 66.9  91  36.3  26.5, 49.7 
Football  377  180.7  157.6, 207.2  148  67.7  55.7, 82.3  132  71.1  55.5, 91.2 
Wrestling  42  41.8  22.2, 78.8  16  17.8  7.7, 41.1  12  9.2  4.2, 20.2 
Boys' soccer  153  209.2  151.0, 289.5  37  61.7  16.7, 142.7  63  76.3  55.0, 106.0 
Girls' soccer  74  200.9  110.4, 365.4  19  34.4  20.6, 57.6  27  55.4  30.3, 100.2 
Boys' basketball  104  131.9  92.0, 189.1  15  17.9  9.6, 33.3  51  69.4  46.3, 104.2 
Girls' basketball  91  93.5  62.6, 139.7  29  40.4  20.8, 77.1  55  47.5  30.2, 74.5 
Baseball  35  36.7  22.0, 61.7  5.7  2.0, 16.5  13  14.2  7.7, 26.4 
Softball  31  62.4  33.0, 118.0  7.3  2.6, 20.6  15  40.6  15.9, 103.7 
Boys' track  31  54.0  33.2, 88.0  8.7  2.1, 35.4  13.8  4.5, 42.0 
Girls' track  56  102.3  61.4, 170.3  11  23.7  10.4, 54.0  13.1  5.9, 29.3 
Volleyball  44  104.2  52.8, 205.7  12  29.4  13.3, 64.8  28  68.3  25.6, 182.2 
Cheerleading  45  59.7  40.7, 87.6  11  11.8  6.6, 21.3  24  33.5  20.4, 54.8 
Type of sport                   
Full-contact  419  142.8  115.6, 176.1  164  54.1  42.5, 68.8  144  54.2  39.6, 74.3 
Limited-contact  488  120.9  94.8, 154.2  111  28.8  19.0, 43.8  224  52.1  41.0, 66.2 
Noncontact  176  77.7  57.6, 105.0  37  17.5  11.2, 27.5  67  30.7  18.5, 50.8 
100.4, 136.4
27.2, 42.5
39.5, 56.9


Lower extremity*



95% CI§
95% CI
95% CI
Male  740  128.0  109.0, 150.4  224  39.2  30.1, 51.0  277  50.2  40.4, 62.5 
Female  343  97.6  74.4, 128.1  88  24.9  17.9, 34.6  158  42.3  30.2, 59.3 
Ninth  89  66.4  47.2, 93.5  22  18.6  10.3, 33.5  38  27.3  18.4, 40.6 
Tenth  187  104.0  83.7, 129.3  45  25.9  17.6, 38.3  78  41.3  30.8, 55.5 
Eleventh  327  108.7  91.5, 129.2  100  32.6  25.2, 42.3  132  46.5  35.4, 61.3 
Twelfth  382  141.6  114.9, 174.5  107  34.3  25.6, 45.9  152  64.4  46.9, 88.4 
Played multiple sports                   
Yes  825  117.8  101.9, 136.3  234  31.5  26.1, 37.9  344  51.7  42.1, 63.6 
No  258  115.0  82.6, 160.2  78  40.6  24.7, 66.9  91  36.3  26.5, 49.7 
Football  377  180.7  157.6, 207.2  148  67.7  55.7, 82.3  132  71.1  55.5, 91.2 
Wrestling  42  41.8  22.2, 78.8  16  17.8  7.7, 41.1  12  9.2  4.2, 20.2 
Boys' soccer  153  209.2  151.0, 289.5  37  61.7  16.7, 142.7  63  76.3  55.0, 106.0 
Girls' soccer  74  200.9  110.4, 365.4  19  34.4  20.6, 57.6  27  55.4  30.3, 100.2 
Boys' basketball  104  131.9  92.0, 189.1  15  17.9  9.6, 33.3  51  69.4  46.3, 104.2 
Girls' basketball  91  93.5  62.6, 139.7  29  40.4  20.8, 77.1  55  47.5  30.2, 74.5 
Baseball  35  36.7  22.0, 61.7  5.7  2.0, 16.5  13  14.2  7.7, 26.4 
Softball  31  62.4  33.0, 118.0  7.3  2.6, 20.6  15  40.6  15.9, 103.7 
Boys' track  31  54.0  33.2, 88.0  8.7  2.1, 35.4  13.8  4.5, 42.0 
Girls' track  56  102.3  61.4, 170.3  11  23.7  10.4, 54.0  13.1  5.9, 29.3 
Volleyball  44  104.2  52.8, 205.7  12  29.4  13.3, 64.8  28  68.3  25.6, 182.2 
Cheerleading  45  59.7  40.7, 87.6  11  11.8  6.6, 21.3  24  33.5  20.4, 54.8 
Type of sport                   
Full-contact  419  142.8  115.6, 176.1  164  54.1  42.5, 68.8  144  54.2  39.6, 74.3 
Limited-contact  488  120.9  94.8, 154.2  111  28.8  19.0, 43.8  224  52.1  41.0, 66.2 
Noncontact  176  77.7  57.6, 105.0  37  17.5  11.2, 27.5  67  30.7  18.5, 50.8 
100.4, 136.4
27.2, 42.5
39.5, 56.9


From hip to toes.

Unweighted number of injuries.

Rate per 100,000 athlete-exposures; weighted for complex sampling and nonresponse.


CI, confidence interval.


n = 17,882 athlete-seasons; missing values were excluded.

Male athletes had higher rates of injury to the lower extremities, knees, and ankles than did female athletes (table 2). Playing full-contact sports and being seniors were also associated with an increased rate of lower extremity injuries. The overall rates of lower extremity injury in the highest-risk sports (soccer and football) were approximately 4–5 times higher than in the least risky sports, boys' baseball and boys' wrestling (table 2).

Both the unadjusted and adjusted rate ratios indicated that a history of injury was positively associated with prospective lower extremity injuries (table 3). Athletes with a history of lower extremity injury had almost double the rate of lower extremity injuries compared with those without a history of injury (rate ratio (RR) = 1.96, 95 percent CI: 1.62, 2.37). Athletes with a history of knee or ankle injury had an approximately three times' greater rate of prospective knee injury (RR = 2.92, 95 percent CI: 2.09, 4.09) or ankle injury (RR = 3.42, 95 percent CI: 2.44, 4.80).


Prospective rate of and rate ratio for lower extremity athletic injury among participants with a history of prior injury in the same body part (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999

Body part

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR

95% CI

Adjusted RR

95% CI
Lower extremity§           
Overall  1,083  1.74  1.38, 2.18  1.96  1.62, 2.37 
Game  568  1.57  1.17, 2.11  1.91  1.43, 2.55 
Practice  334  1.46  1.03, 2.08  1.60  1.17, 2.18 
Overall  312  2.36  1.62, 3.44  2.92  2.09, 4.09 
Game  178  1.94  1.12, 3.36  2.82  1.78, 4.47 
Practice  82  4.13  2.17, 7.84  3.95  2.00, 7.78 
Overall  435  3.30  2.40, 4.54  3.42  2.44, 4.80 
Game  224  2.86  1.68, 4.85  3.19  1.83, 5.57 
1.64, 3.43
1.76, 4.00

Body part

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR

95% CI

Adjusted RR

95% CI
Lower extremity§           
Overall  1,083  1.74  1.38, 2.18  1.96  1.62, 2.37 
Game  568  1.57  1.17, 2.11  1.91  1.43, 2.55 
Practice  334  1.46  1.03, 2.08  1.60  1.17, 2.18 
Overall  312  2.36  1.62, 3.44  2.92  2.09, 4.09 
Game  178  1.94  1.12, 3.36  2.82  1.78, 4.47 
Practice  82  4.13  2.17, 7.84  3.95  2.00, 7.78 
Overall  435  3.30  2.40, 4.54  3.42  2.44, 4.80 
Game  224  2.86  1.68, 4.85  3.19  1.83, 5.57 
1.64, 3.43
1.76, 4.00


Unweighted number of injuries.

RR, rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Adjusted for sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport.


Reference category: no history of lower extremity injury.


Reference category: no history of knee injury.


Reference category: no history of ankle injury.


Prospective rate of and rate ratio for lower extremity athletic injury among participants with a history of prior injury in the same body part (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999

Body part

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR

95% CI

Adjusted RR

95% CI
Lower extremity§           
Overall  1,083  1.74  1.38, 2.18  1.96  1.62, 2.37 
Game  568  1.57  1.17, 2.11  1.91  1.43, 2.55 
Practice  334  1.46  1.03, 2.08  1.60  1.17, 2.18 
Overall  312  2.36  1.62, 3.44  2.92  2.09, 4.09 
Game  178  1.94  1.12, 3.36  2.82  1.78, 4.47 
Practice  82  4.13  2.17, 7.84  3.95  2.00, 7.78 
Overall  435  3.30  2.40, 4.54  3.42  2.44, 4.80 
Game  224  2.86  1.68, 4.85  3.19  1.83, 5.57 
1.64, 3.43
1.76, 4.00

Body part

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR

95% CI

Adjusted RR

95% CI
Lower extremity§           
Overall  1,083  1.74  1.38, 2.18  1.96  1.62, 2.37 
Game  568  1.57  1.17, 2.11  1.91  1.43, 2.55 
Practice  334  1.46  1.03, 2.08  1.60  1.17, 2.18 
Overall  312  2.36  1.62, 3.44  2.92  2.09, 4.09 
Game  178  1.94  1.12, 3.36  2.82  1.78, 4.47 
Practice  82  4.13  2.17, 7.84  3.95  2.00, 7.78 
Overall  435  3.30  2.40, 4.54  3.42  2.44, 4.80 
Game  224  2.86  1.68, 4.85  3.19  1.83, 5.57 
1.64, 3.43
1.76, 4.00


Unweighted number of injuries.

RR, rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Adjusted for sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport.


Reference category: no history of lower extremity injury.


Reference category: no history of knee injury.


Reference category: no history of ankle injury.

Use of discretionary protective equipment tended to be associated with a 9 percent decrease in the overall rate of lower extremity injury (RR = 0.91, 95 percent CI: 0.72, 1.15) and a 19 percent decrease in the rate of game injury for all athletes (RR = 0.81, 95 percent CI: 0.57, 1.16) (table 4). The protective effect of use of discretionary protective equipment seemed to be stronger during game sessions, possibly because of an elevated intensity of competition in the game settings, particularly for athletes with no history of lower extremity injuries (RR = 0.74, 95 percent CI: 0.49, 1.09).


Prospective rate of and rate ratio for lower extremity athletic injury among participants who used lower extremity discretionary protective equipment (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR†,

95% CI

Adjusted RR‡,§

95% CI
History of injury           
Overall  466  0.94  0.71, 1.24  0.98  0.72, 1.32 
Game  249  0.80  0.53, 1.20  0.89  0.56, 1.41 
Practice  132  0.94  0.64, 1.38  0.96  0.66, 1.40 
No history of injury           
Overall  617  0.72  0.52, 0.98  0.82  0.60, 1.10 
Game  319  0.59  0.41, 0.85  0.74  0.49, 1.09 
Practice  202  0.80  0.50, 1.28  0.87  0.55, 1.38 
All athletes           
Overall  1,083  1.00  0.79, 1.27  0.91  0.72, 1.15 
Game  568  0.81  0.60, 1.10  0.81  0.57, 1.16 
0.72, 1.35
0.67, 1.24

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR†,

95% CI

Adjusted RR‡,§

95% CI
History of injury           
Overall  466  0.94  0.71, 1.24  0.98  0.72, 1.32 
Game  249  0.80  0.53, 1.20  0.89  0.56, 1.41 
Practice  132  0.94  0.64, 1.38  0.96  0.66, 1.40 
No history of injury           
Overall  617  0.72  0.52, 0.98  0.82  0.60, 1.10 
Game  319  0.59  0.41, 0.85  0.74  0.49, 1.09 
Practice  202  0.80  0.50, 1.28  0.87  0.55, 1.38 
All athletes           
Overall  1,083  1.00  0.79, 1.27  0.91  0.72, 1.15 
Game  568  0.81  0.60, 1.10  0.81  0.57, 1.16 
0.72, 1.35
0.67, 1.24


Unweighted number of lower extremity injuries.

RR, rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Reference category: no use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment.


Adjusted for sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport.


Prospective rate of and rate ratio for lower extremity athletic injury among participants who used lower extremity discretionary protective equipment (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR†,

95% CI

Adjusted RR‡,§

95% CI
History of injury           
Overall  466  0.94  0.71, 1.24  0.98  0.72, 1.32 
Game  249  0.80  0.53, 1.20  0.89  0.56, 1.41 
Practice  132  0.94  0.64, 1.38  0.96  0.66, 1.40 
No history of injury           
Overall  617  0.72  0.52, 0.98  0.82  0.60, 1.10 
Game  319  0.59  0.41, 0.85  0.74  0.49, 1.09 
Practice  202  0.80  0.50, 1.28  0.87  0.55, 1.38 
All athletes           
Overall  1,083  1.00  0.79, 1.27  0.91  0.72, 1.15 
Game  568  0.81  0.60, 1.10  0.81  0.57, 1.16 
0.72, 1.35
0.67, 1.24

No. of injuries*

Unadjusted RR†,

95% CI

Adjusted RR‡,§

95% CI
History of injury           
Overall  466  0.94  0.71, 1.24  0.98  0.72, 1.32 
Game  249  0.80  0.53, 1.20  0.89  0.56, 1.41 
Practice  132  0.94  0.64, 1.38  0.96  0.66, 1.40 
No history of injury           
Overall  617  0.72  0.52, 0.98  0.82  0.60, 1.10 
Game  319  0.59  0.41, 0.85  0.74  0.49, 1.09 
Practice  202  0.80  0.50, 1.28  0.87  0.55, 1.38 
All athletes           
Overall  1,083  1.00  0.79, 1.27  0.91  0.72, 1.15 
Game  568  0.81  0.60, 1.10  0.81  0.57, 1.16 
0.72, 1.35
0.67, 1.24


Unweighted number of lower extremity injuries.

RR, rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Reference category: no use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment.


Adjusted for sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport.

Subgroup analysis by equipment item

Analysis of the injury rate according to specific equipment item revealed that the overall 9 percent decrease was an amalgam of two separate effects: a protective effect for kneepad use and an increase in the injury rate associated with brace use. Kneepad use was strongly associated with a reduced rate of knee injury in both game and practice sessions, with the exception of practice injuries among athletes with a history of knee injury (table 5). After adjustment for athletes' demographic characteristics, the overall knee injury rate was 56 percent lower for athletes who used kneepads (RR = 0.44, 95 percent CI: 0.27, 0.74). This protective effect was stronger during game sessions and for athletes with no history of knee injury. The rate of knee injuries in games was 67 percent lower for athletes who reported using kneepads (RR = 0.33, 95 percent CI: 0.16, 0.67). For athletes with no history of knee injuries, kneepad use was associated with a 59 percent reduced rate of knee injury (RR = 0.41, 95 percent CI: 0.23, 0.74).


Rate ratio for knee or ankle injury according to use of braces or pads (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999

Knee injuries

No. of injuries*Kneepad
Knee brace
Ankle injuries (ankle brace)

Unadjusted RR†,
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
No. of injuries*
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
History of injury                             
Overall  90  0.46  0.20, 1.06  0.50  0.21, 1.21  1.19  0.71, 2.00  1.20  0.73, 1.97  180  1.53  0.94, 2.50  1.62  0.99, 2.66 
Game  51  0.26  0.07, 0.96  0.27  0.07, 1.01  1.53  0.76, 3.07  1.57  0.84, 2.94  93  1.71  0.88, 3.32  1.97  0.99, 3.91 
Practice  29  0.98  0.31, 3.12  1.10  0.32, 3.75  1.04  0.44, 2.46  0.93  0.39, 2.25  50  1.06  0.57, 2.00  1.15  0.61, 2.17 
No history of injury                             
Overall  222  0.28  0.15, 0.52  0.41  0.23, 0.74  2.38  1.38, 4.11  2.24  1.35, 3.71  255  2.55  1.40, 4.65  2.29  1.24, 4.24 
Game  127  0.20  0.08, 0.48  0.38  0.16, 0.86  2.31  1.04, 5.13  2.11  1.03, 4.35  131  2.30  0.88, 6.01  2.12  0.85, 5.27 
Practice  53  0.44  0.16, 1.25  0.50  0.18, 1.35  3.65  1.15, 10.0  2.82  0.94, 8.40  80  2.86  1.38, 5.96  2.08  0.97, 4.46 
All athletes                             
Overall  312  0.35  0.21, 0.57  0.44  0.27, 0.74  2.31  1.59, 3.36  1.61  1.08, 2.41  435  2.99  1.88, 4.77  1.74  1.11, 2.72 
Game  178  0.22  0.11, 0.45  0.33  0.16, 0.67  2.34  1.39, 3.94  1.88  1.12, 3.15  224  2.90  1.38, 6.09  1.91  0.99, 3.68 
Practice  82  0.72  0.31, 1.68  0.76  0.32, 1.82  3.17  1.74, 5.77  1.51  0.64, 3.60  130  2.26  1.45, 3.53  1.37  0.82, 2.29 

Knee injuries

No. of injuries*Kneepad
Knee brace
Ankle injuries (ankle brace)

Unadjusted RR†,
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
No. of injuries*
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
History of injury                             
Overall  90  0.46  0.20, 1.06  0.50  0.21, 1.21  1.19  0.71, 2.00  1.20  0.73, 1.97  180  1.53  0.94, 2.50  1.62  0.99, 2.66 
Game  51  0.26  0.07, 0.96  0.27  0.07, 1.01  1.53  0.76, 3.07  1.57  0.84, 2.94  93  1.71  0.88, 3.32  1.97  0.99, 3.91 
Practice  29  0.98  0.31, 3.12  1.10  0.32, 3.75  1.04  0.44, 2.46  0.93  0.39, 2.25  50  1.06  0.57, 2.00  1.15  0.61, 2.17 
No history of injury                             
Overall  222  0.28  0.15, 0.52  0.41  0.23, 0.74  2.38  1.38, 4.11  2.24  1.35, 3.71  255  2.55  1.40, 4.65  2.29  1.24, 4.24 
Game  127  0.20  0.08, 0.48  0.38  0.16, 0.86  2.31  1.04, 5.13  2.11  1.03, 4.35  131  2.30  0.88, 6.01  2.12  0.85, 5.27 
Practice  53  0.44  0.16, 1.25  0.50  0.18, 1.35  3.65  1.15, 10.0  2.82  0.94, 8.40  80  2.86  1.38, 5.96  2.08  0.97, 4.46 
All athletes                             
Overall  312  0.35  0.21, 0.57  0.44  0.27, 0.74  2.31  1.59, 3.36  1.61  1.08, 2.41  435  2.99  1.88, 4.77  1.74  1.11, 2.72 
Game  178  0.22  0.11, 0.45  0.33  0.16, 0.67  2.34  1.39, 3.94  1.88  1.12, 3.15  224  2.90  1.38, 6.09  1.91  0.99, 3.68 
Practice  82  0.72  0.31, 1.68  0.76  0.32, 1.82  3.17  1.74, 5.77  1.51  0.64, 3.60  130  2.26  1.45, 3.53  1.37  0.82, 2.29 


Unweighted number of injuries.

RR, rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Reference category: no brace or pad use.


Adjusted for sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport.


Rate ratio for knee or ankle injury according to use of braces or pads (n = 19,728 athlete-seasons), North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, 1996–1999

Knee injuries

No. of injuries*Kneepad
Knee brace
Ankle injuries (ankle brace)

Unadjusted RR†,
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
No. of injuries*
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
History of injury                             
Overall  90  0.46  0.20, 1.06  0.50  0.21, 1.21  1.19  0.71, 2.00  1.20  0.73, 1.97  180  1.53  0.94, 2.50  1.62  0.99, 2.66 
Game  51  0.26  0.07, 0.96  0.27  0.07, 1.01  1.53  0.76, 3.07  1.57  0.84, 2.94  93  1.71  0.88, 3.32  1.97  0.99, 3.91 
Practice  29  0.98  0.31, 3.12  1.10  0.32, 3.75  1.04  0.44, 2.46  0.93  0.39, 2.25  50  1.06  0.57, 2.00  1.15  0.61, 2.17 
No history of injury                             
Overall  222  0.28  0.15, 0.52  0.41  0.23, 0.74  2.38  1.38, 4.11  2.24  1.35, 3.71  255  2.55  1.40, 4.65  2.29  1.24, 4.24 
Game  127  0.20  0.08, 0.48  0.38  0.16, 0.86  2.31  1.04, 5.13  2.11  1.03, 4.35  131  2.30  0.88, 6.01  2.12  0.85, 5.27 
Practice  53  0.44  0.16, 1.25  0.50  0.18, 1.35  3.65  1.15, 10.0  2.82  0.94, 8.40  80  2.86  1.38, 5.96  2.08  0.97, 4.46 
All athletes                             
Overall  312  0.35  0.21, 0.57  0.44  0.27, 0.74  2.31  1.59, 3.36  1.61  1.08, 2.41  435  2.99  1.88, 4.77  1.74  1.11, 2.72 
Game  178  0.22  0.11, 0.45  0.33  0.16, 0.67  2.34  1.39, 3.94  1.88  1.12, 3.15  224  2.90  1.38, 6.09  1.91  0.99, 3.68 
Practice  82  0.72  0.31, 1.68  0.76  0.32, 1.82  3.17  1.74, 5.77  1.51  0.64, 3.60  130  2.26  1.45, 3.53  1.37  0.82, 2.29 

Knee injuries

No. of injuries*Kneepad
Knee brace
Ankle injuries (ankle brace)

Unadjusted RR†,
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
No. of injuries*
Unadjusted RR
95% CI
Adjusted RR‡,§
95% CI
History of injury                             
Overall  90  0.46  0.20, 1.06  0.50  0.21, 1.21  1.19  0.71, 2.00  1.20  0.73, 1.97  180  1.53  0.94, 2.50  1.62  0.99, 2.66 
Game  51  0.26  0.07, 0.96  0.27  0.07, 1.01  1.53  0.76, 3.07  1.57  0.84, 2.94  93  1.71  0.88, 3.32  1.97  0.99, 3.91 
Practice  29  0.98  0.31, 3.12  1.10  0.32, 3.75  1.04  0.44, 2.46  0.93  0.39, 2.25  50  1.06  0.57, 2.00  1.15  0.61, 2.17 
No history of injury                             
Overall  222  0.28  0.15, 0.52  0.41  0.23, 0.74  2.38  1.38, 4.11  2.24  1.35, 3.71  255  2.55  1.40, 4.65  2.29  1.24, 4.24 
Game  127  0.20  0.08, 0.48  0.38  0.16, 0.86  2.31  1.04, 5.13  2.11  1.03, 4.35  131  2.30  0.88, 6.01  2.12  0.85, 5.27 
Practice  53  0.44  0.16, 1.25  0.50  0.18, 1.35  3.65  1.15, 10.0  2.82  0.94, 8.40  80  2.86  1.38, 5.96  2.08  0.97, 4.46 
All athletes                             
Overall  312  0.35  0.21, 0.57  0.44  0.27, 0.74  2.31  1.59, 3.36  1.61  1.08, 2.41  435  2.99  1.88, 4.77  1.74  1.11, 2.72 
Game  178  0.22  0.11, 0.45  0.33  0.16, 0.67  2.34  1.39, 3.94  1.88  1.12, 3.15  224  2.90  1.38, 6.09  1.91  0.99, 3.68 
Practice  82  0.72  0.31, 1.68  0.76  0.32, 1.82  3.17  1.74, 5.77  1.51  0.64, 3.60  130  2.26  1.45, 3.53  1.37  0.82, 2.29 


Unweighted number of injuries.

RR, rate ratio; CI, confidence interval.

Reference category: no brace or pad use.


Adjusted for sex, grade, past participation in multiple sports, and type of sport.

Use of knee braces or ankle braces, on the other hand, was associated with increased rates of knee and ankle injury, respectively (table 5). The use of knee braces was associated with an elevated rate of knee injury among athletes with no history of knee injury, with an adjusted injury rate ratio of 2.24 (95 percent CI: 1.35, 3.71). Ankle brace use was similarly associated with a higher rate of ankle injury among athletes with no history of ankle injury, with an adjusted injury rate ratio of 2.29 (95 percent CI: 1.24, 4.24).

Injury severity

Of 1,083 reported lower extremity injuries, 14.8 percent (95 percent CI: 10.7, 18.8) were serious injuries. More time was lost due to knee injuries than to ankle injuries, and the proportion of serious (>3 weeks lost) knee injuries was approximately four times higher than that of serious ankle injuries (27.5 percent vs. 6.5 percent).

We used logistic regression to examine the association between use of discretionary protective equipment and the severity of lower extremity injury among injured athletes. After adjustment for sex, grade, type of sport, and past participation in multiple sports, use of discretionary protective equipment tended to be associated with 22 percent lower odds of sustaining serious injury in injured athletes with a history of lower extremity injury (odds ratio (OR) = 0.78, 95 percent CI: 0.41, 1.49) and with 46 percent lower odds for those with no history of lower extremity injury (OR = 0.54, 95 percent CI: 0.26, 1.10). A history of lower extremity injury seemed to be associated with increased odds of sustaining serious injury (OR = 1.34, 95 percent CI: 0.76, 2.37), and a history of knee injury tended to be associated with greater odds of sustaining a serious knee injury (OR = 1.57, 95 percent CI: 0.77, 3.17). However, a history of ankle injury was not associated with increased odds of sustaining a serious ankle injury (OR = 0.90, 95 percent CI: 0.28, 2.91).


In this study, we determined the rate and severity of lower extremity injuries among athletes in 100 North Carolina high schools participating in 12 organized sports and examined the effect of use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment. Our findings provide an empirical basis for future research on the effectiveness of discretionary protective equipment and have implications for future intervention strategies. In particular, the finding that kneepad use was associated with a reduced rate of knee injury suggests that consideration should be given to developing and implementing effective intervention strategies to promote kneepad use in high school sports. However, the finding that knee brace use and ankle brace use were associated with increased rates of injury was surprising. Further research is needed to examine this result in more detail.

Use of discretionary protective equipment and injury rate

Consistent with previous research (23–27, 50), the findings from our study indicated that use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment was associated with a reduced rate of lower extremity injury, as well as with a reduced proportion of serious injuries. The protective effects seemed to be more apparent during games and for athletes with no history of lower extremity injury. However, the positive effect of discretionary protective equipment was largely due to the use of one item, kneepads.

Pads can minimize the effects of direct contact by dissipating impact forces and reducing the force transmitted to soft and hard tissue (30, 31, 36). The highest usage of kneepads was in boys' baseball and girls' softball, sports in which more than 80 percent of players reported having used kneepads (45). Interestingly, these sports also had the lowest knee injury rates. Since so many players used kneepads voluntarily and seemed to benefit, we recommend that the National Federation of State High School Associations review the rules for baseball and softball with a view to requiring kneepad use.

The effect of wearing a brace on the risk of injury is complex and probably depends on the design of the brace, the physical conditioning and dynamic movement characteristics of the athlete, the type of footwear worn, and environmental conditions such as surfacing and weather. A number of studies have found that braces may minimize knee or ankle injuries (25, 28, 35). However, the evidence for efficacy is generally considered too weak to recommend universal prophylactic knee brace use (28, 50, 51). To our knowledge, this study is one of the first to have examined brace use in high school athletes.

There are at least two plausible mechanisms through which brace use may increase injury risk for the high school athlete. Wearing a brace can increase the athlete's energy expenditure (28, 51, 52). In treadmill tests, oxygen consumption and heart rate were 3–8 percent higher when using a knee brace while running (53). It is therefore plausible that brace use may increase fatigue, which may lead to an increased risk of injury. The plausibility of this mechanism depends upon the weight of the brace and the physical fitness of the athlete; these factors vary greatly between athletes. A second potential mechanism, particularly for knee braces, is slippage or migration of the brace during use. Maintaining the correct position of a knee brace is problematic (26), and some types of knee braces exhibit migration up and down the leg during running (54). Slippage will diminish the protective function of the brace and could conceivably increase injury risk through contact with the hard surfaces of the brace or inappropriate restriction of range of motion.

However, the elevated injury rate we observed with brace use may also be the result of bias from one or more sources (28). First, skilled football players (receivers, kickers, and running backs) may avoid routine brace usage, fearing that braces will limit their speed and agility. Those football players who wear knee braces most frequently may actually be at greater risk for injury (offensive and defensive linemen) (26). Second, many players use knee braces inconsistently. Often, they wear braces in practices but not in games. Third, we examined only “self-reported” use without knowing whether the brace was used on one leg or both. When only one leg is braced, differences in injury risk may affect both the braced leg and the unbraced leg. Albright et al. (28) have noted that an athlete wearing a knee brace may face a higher risk of injury to the unbraced knee. Fourth, players recovering from injury may return to play earlier if they feel that braces afford protection. Thus, some brace users may be injured players who would not otherwise play. Any or all of these factors could have confounded the association observed in this study. Future research is needed to investigate the relation between brace use and knee and ankle injury, as well as more effectively control for these sources of bias.

Use of discretionary protective equipment and injury severity

Our findings suggest that use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment was associated with decreased odds of sustaining serious injury to the lower extremities. Although high school sports injuries are seldom severe enough to require hospitalization, the direct medical costs of outpatient treatment and the indirect cost of lost productivity can be high (7, 55). Therefore, modest reductions in injury severity, such as we observed here, may translate into a greatly reduced burden on the health care system and society. Injured athletes' suffering may also be reduced.


Although the North Carolina data allowed us to examine the relations between high school athletes' use of discretionary protective equipment and the rate and severity of lower extremity injuries, these data have several limitations. First, the use of discretionary protective equipment was self-reported and might have been subject to social desirability bias. Second, an athlete's exposure measured in this study used the number of coach-directed game or practice sessions, regardless of the athlete's actual playing time. Because the duration and intensity of each session may vary both within a team and across teams, our assessment of exposure could have been imprecise, particularly for those athletes who “sit on the bench” during game sessions (56). Third, the effect of using discretionary protective equipment may potentially be confounded by behavioral biases: Athletes who choose to use discretionary protective equipment may also adopt other safety behaviors (e.g., warm-ups or stretching) that may reduce their risk of injury. In contrast, users of discretionary protective equipment may believe they are less vulnerable and play more aggressively during games, which may increase their risk of injury. Finally, data on the laterality of use were not collected. In practice, athletes often wear kneepads bilaterally, but they generally wear knee braces and ankle braces unilaterally.


This study found that use of lower extremity discretionary protective equipment tended to be associated with reduced rates of lower extremity injury and reduced odds of serious lower extremity injury. The protective effect of discretionary equipment use was particularly apparent during game sessions and among athletes with no history of lower extremity injury. We found that kneepad use reduced the rate of knee injury, but use of braces was associated with an increased rate of knee or ankle injury. Prospective, well-controlled epidemiologic studies are needed to better address the numerous complex factors underlying the effectiveness of knee braces and ankle braces in high school athletes.

This study was supported by grants from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (R01/AR42297) and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (R49/CCR402444) to the University of North Carolina Injury Prevention Research Center.

The authors express their appreciation to Dr. Nancy Weaver, Dr. William D. Kalsbeek, John Sideris, Brian Sutton, and the advisory board of the North Carolina High School Athletic Injury Study, particularly Richard Knox and William E. Prentice, Jr. The authors acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the high school athletic trainers and athletic directors who participated in this project. They also thank Patrick Inman for editing an early version of the manuscript.



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(suppl 1):



American Journal of Epidemiology Copyright © 2005 by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health All rights reserved

American Journal of Epidemiology Copyright © 2005 by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health All rights reserved


  • ankle injuries
  • athletic injuries
  • knee injuries
  • leg injuries
  • sports
  • braces
  • leg
  • athlete
  • ankle brace
  • knee braces
  • high schools

Which of the following is the simplest way to prevent injury to the young athlete?

Rest is critical to avoiding injury and seeing gains in your training program. You can not get faster or stronger without allowing your body time to heal and recover.

What type of drugs keep your hand steady?

Beta blockers. Typically used to treat high blood pressure, beta blockers such as propranolol (Inderal, InnoPran XL, Hemangeol) help relieve tremors in some people. ... .
Anti-seizure medications. ... .
Tranquilizers. ... .
OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) injections..

Which of the following is a condition in which the bones of the extremities become elongated and enlarged and the bones and soft tissues of the face become thickened?

Acromegaly is a rare condition where the body produces too much growth hormone, causing body tissues and bones to grow more quickly. Over time, this leads to abnormally large hands and feet, and a wide range of other symptoms.

Which of the following is an effective way for athletes to manage iron deficiency?

7 So the more effective way to increase iron status is by eating animal products such as lean red meat, poultry or fish or liver.