Psychology is the study of how peoples thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others.

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Psych, Moes

Terms in this set (48)

Social Psychology

The scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings and actions are affected by others.


Share common interested in mental processing and behavior

Cognitive Psychologists

who helps people Process and Retain info

William james

Is a Functionalist

Scientific Method

begins w/ Identifying a question


What happens when your dinning in a large group?


When teacher observers students height and weight

Social Influence

what happens when actions of a person r group affect the behaviors of others

Self Fulfilling Prophesy

What can stereotyping can lead to phenoienom


What is not a component not of love


A negative (or Positive) evaluation of a particular group and its member

Group Think

What process tends to maintain harmony and unanimity whilst suppressing afferences of opinions

Archival Research

What Research uses existing data

Asch Studies

Line study

Attribution Theory

What Theory Seeks to explain how we decide,on the basis of samples of an individuals behavior

Behavioral Perspective

What Perspective suggest that the field should focus on observable behavior that can be measured objectively

Case Study Research

an in depth, intensive investigation of a single individual or a small group

Central Route Processing

when recipient thoughtfully considers the issues and arguments involved in persuasion

cognitive perspective

focuses on how ppl think, understand, and know about the world


prompted by one's dispositions

Frans Joseph

who is a trained observer could discern intelligence, moral, character and other basic personality characteristics from the shape and number of bumps on a persons skull

Gesalt Psychology

emphasized how perception is organized "The whole is different from the sum of its parts"

Humanistic perspective

What suggests that all individuals naturally strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives and behavior

John Locke

"tabula rasa" (blank slates) minds of children are blank slates and experiences determine their behaviors as adults

Leta Stetter Hollingworth:

one of the first psychologists to focus on child development and on women's issues

Mamie Phipps Clark

carried out pioneering work on how children grew to recognize racial differences.

Margret Floy Washburn

first women to receive a doctorate in psychology and did important work on animal behavior.

Mary Calkins

studied memory in early 20th century and was pronounced first female president of the American Psychological Association

Message Source

the characteristics of a person who delivers a persuasive message known as an attitude communicator

Naturalistic Observation Research

observes naturally occurring behavior and does not make a change in the situation

Need for cognition

a person't habitual level of thoughtfulness and cognitive activity

Neuroscience perspective

considers how ppl and nonhumans function biologically

Peripheral Route Processing

when ppl are persuaded on the basis of factors unrelated to the nature or quality of the content of a persuasive message.

Psychodynamic perspective

what is it called when behavior is motivated by inner forces and conflicts about which we have little awareness or control


what kind of thoughts brought about by something in the environment?


concentrated on what they mind does and how behavior FUNCTIONS


Charlie participated in a psychological study where he was asked to look at a bright orange ball and then describe in detail what he was experiencing. This procedure is called?

Gestalt Psychology

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" would be said by a psychologist from which psychological perspective


According to our text,what is arguably the world's greatest problem today?

explaining behavior and mental processes

"Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes." This means that psychologists are interested in


Dr. Wantsta Know studies how people's thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others. She is a(n) _____________ psychologist.




what should be used only to refer to classifications based on the physical characteristics of the subject?

critical thinking techniques

The best approach to separating accurate information from pseudo-psychology is?


what attracts two people together

Passion, Commitment and Intimacy

What are the three components of love?

Social Identity Theory

Being a member of a particular group helps to magnify one's sense of self-esteem according to what?

The door-in-the-face technique

You are called on the phone and asked to contribute $1,000 to the save the lesser spotted Two- Toed Toad Fund, you cannot afford such a large donation. The caller the ask you for $25 donation and you readily agree although you only give $10 to a charity like that. This Technique is called?

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Explain what psychologists might learn about behavior by studying sex hormones.

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What types of things does Henry seem unable to recall?

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Why do people conform?

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A psychotherapist states, "Getting people to change what they say to themselves is an effective way to change their thinking." This statement best exemplifies which kind of therapeutic approach? a. Behavioral. b. Psychodynamic. c. Biomedical. d. Cognitive. e. Active listening.

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What is the study of psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists are actively involved in studying and understanding mental processes, brain functions, and behavior.

What is the current definition of psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.

What is implied in psychology?

Implied Presence: It means the indirect presence of others that is implied. Individual's behavior and feelings can also be influenced by an indirect or implied presence of others.

What type of psychology is connected to thoughts and feelings?

Personality psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on the study of thought patterns, feelings, and behaviors that make each individual unique.


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