Public employment agencies may help employers by providing all of the following services except

NATIONAL STANDARDS:United States - BUSPROG - Analytic - Business knowledge and analytic skillsSTATE STANDARDS:United States - OH - DISC: HRMKEYWORDS:Bloom's: Knowledge64. Which of the following is NOT one of Marriott’s recruiting principles?d

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POINTS:1DIFFICULTY:EasyLEARNING OBJECTIVES:MGHR.SNEL.17.5-2NATIONAL STANDARDS:United States - BUSPROG - Analytic - Business knowledge and analytic skillsSTATE STANDARDS:United States - OH - DISC: HRMKEYWORDS:Bloom's: Knowledge65. Identify a warning sign of a weak talent bench.c

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POINTS:1DIFFICULTY:EasyLEARNING OBJECTIVES:MGHR.SNEL.17.5-2NATIONAL STANDARDS:United States - BUSPROG - Analytic - Business knowledge and analytic skillsSTATE STANDARDS:United States - OH - DISC: HRMKEYWORDS:Bloom's: Knowledge66. Unlike temporary help agencies, employee-leasing companies:a. place employees with subscribers on a permanent basis.b. require subscribers to pay for benefits.c. prevent subscribers from laying off employees.d. allow subscribers to lower their employee requirements.ANSWER:a

POINTS:1DIFFICULTY:ModerateLEARNING OBJECTIVES:MGHR.SNEL.17.5-2NATIONAL STANDARDS:United States - BUSPROG - Analytic - Business knowledge and analytic skillsSTATE STANDARDS:United States - OH - DISC: HRMKEYWORDS:Bloom's: Knowledge67. _____ is the most commonly used search tactic by job seekers and recruiters to make job seekers aware of newpositions.

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What do employment agencies do quizlet?

Help employers locate workers and job seekers; locate jobs for a fee. Employment agencies that are ran by the state and offer free services to both job applicants and employers. What are Recruiters?

Which of the following recruitment sources could result in charges of inbreeding and possible violation of the EEO regulations?

This recruitment source could lead to charges of inbreeding and the possible violation of EEO regulations: employee referrals.

Which of the following is the approach to recruitment that informs applicants about all aspects of the job including both desirable and undesirable facets?

The approach to recruitment that informs applicants about all aspects of the job including both desirable and undesirable facets is called the realistic job preview.

Which is a labor market in which workers are hired into entry level jobs and higher levels are filled from within?

Internal labor markets are those where workers are hired into entry level jobs and higher levels are filled from within. Wages are determined internally and may be quite free of market pressure.