Role of personality traits on Employees job performance in Pharmaceutical industry in Thailand

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How personality traits affect employees performance?

Understanding one's personality can help an employee modify behaviour at work, play to strengths, improve on weaknesses, interact with coworkers more effectively and ultimately lead to career success.

Which personality trait is most related to job performance?

In the analysis, conscientiousness was the trait most closely associated with overall job performance, with agreeableness coming in second.

Which personality traits have the biggest impact on performance?

Conscientiousness is the strongest predictor of all five traits for job performance (John & Srivastava, 1999). A high score of conscientiousness has been shown to relate to high work performance across all dimensions.

Why is personality traits important to employers?

Employers care about personality traits because they help them anticipate how you'll interact with others in the workplace. Personality traits can also provide an indication of a person's likely response to certain situations and pressures they might encounter in your career.


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