Server certificate does not include an ID which matches the server name xampp

Tested normal raw keys in Chrome. . You can get more information about the issue in //‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​‌‌‌‌‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​‌‌‌‌ .

Example: Getting https/response Basic token storage

In Response app1 looks like this:

data = [ { "title": "This is our tutorials and author", "url": "//" }, { "title": "Street5!" }, { "title": "Author:B/ Company Name", "title": "Pane 6", "title": "Username", "age": 2011 },{ "city": "$self embedded", "source": "//" }, { "title": "Shkify", "post_sun": "//", "src": "//" }, { "title": "MSDN", "execute": [ "//www.site8.m3:9449/get/Caused/Click" ], "url": "////" }, { "name": "Twitter", "url": "// listener_map/24/409", "url": "//{data}" }, { "name": "//", "url": "//api.example.comDelete/7089.war", "url": "//", "description": "Using API Token" }, { "token": "", "reference": "f5775445@snownetpublic", "query": { "url": "", "filter": ["//index.pdf?user=>akches<br/>", "DEBUG [email]", "uid=<process_email pid=[user_id], authority=<reason more than 1234 refs/heads/token>", "preserve_outer"=>true, "is_larger": [[ "1065866461", "2", "double"]}] ] }]

The Control Panel is version 3.2.1. This means that the window where all the controls for the various components of XAMPP come together has version 3.2.1. It is like seeing the controls of a plane, the whole dock with all the knobs and switches has version 3.2.1, the actual technology behind it, like brakes, on-bord radio and so on might be the latest version available. So you can understand the Control Panel as a sort of "board" where all the controls for the various components of XAMPP come together. However this says nothing about the version of the XAMPP components.

@Nobbie How can one find out about the version of the components in the context of a remote diagnosis please?

@Newbie86 have you recently downloaded XAMPP for Windows from the XAMPP index or download site? If so you have the latest version.

Now, Nobbie is correct, if you see the error.log it means that Apache is running.

Also you need to run the Control Panel as Administrator.

  • rightclick your xampp-control.exe file
  • choose "run as Administraor"
  • if UAC is enabled you need to confirm that you really want to run as Administrator
  • if you are not logged in as Administrator on your Windows system you need to type in the credentials of an administrator

Also check this thread viewtopic.php?f=16&t=69784 to find out how to get Apache running.

I have just recently started using it and it is great fun and WP also works great with it, so it is definitely doable, just never give up!

If you have more questions fire away, most of the time it is either Skype or some other app blocking the port on which Apache likes to serve documents, when that port is occupied by Skype for example, the door is closed and Apache will tell you "I cannot come in this room as the door is closed and now I am closing down because of that", in a way.. you see what I mean?

Xampp : server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

Questions : Xampp : server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

2022-08-03T02:06:04+00:00 2022-08-03T02:06:04+00:00


I had both apache and mysql ok and running anycodings_xampp in xampp control panel. But then when i anycodings_xampp tried to load one of my php pages i was anycodings_xampp getting a fatal error :

Call to undefined function mysql_connect().

Upon searching about this error i came anycodings_xampp across some answers. Mostly people suggested anycodings_xampp in the file php.ini to change extension_dir anycodings_xampp = "./" to extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" and anycodings_xampp uncomment the line ;extension=php_mysql.dll. anycodings_xampp

I tried that, but now when i try to restart anycodings_xampp apache i get

error:apache shutdown unexpectedly

and in the logs it shows:

server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

Does anybody know what i am suppose to do anycodings_xampp next? I have spent hours trying to solve anycodings_xampp this problem but to no avail. Your help will anycodings_xampp be appreciated.

Total Answers 2


Answers 1 : of Xampp : server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

I believe I got the problem anycodings_apache solved! Because you installed the XAMPP anycodings_apache with the PHP 7+ in it instead of PHP anycodings_apache 5+ I am new to php as well. The crash anycodings_apache is due to PHP 7 is not supporting mysql anycodings_apache anymore.


You will aware that there are three anycodings_apache different version of PHP.

To confirm, you can create a page called anycodings_apache checking.php (the name is not anycodings_apache important) Just write the phpinfo() code anycodings_apache inside.

<?php phpinfo() ?>

You can check all the details about your anycodings_apache php version!

~~~~~~~~~~ Not an answer below anycodings_apache ~~~~~~~~~~ That's was just my puzzle a anycodings_apache day before. I am sorry that I am not anycodings_apache providing solution but I am saying that anycodings_apache I am encountering the exact same anycodings_apache thing! It is very puzzling.

in the php.ini file


We saw the above line such that the anycodings_apache mysql function is not working.

remove the ;

then failed to start with the same anycodings_apache error.

[Fri Jan 22 16:18:04.964120 2016] anycodings_apache [ssl:warn] [pid 1188:tid 384] AH01909: anycodings_apache server anycodings_apache certificate does NOT include an ID which anycodings_apache matches the server name [Fri Jan 22 anycodings_apache 16:18:05.014120 2016] [core:warn] [pid anycodings_apache 1188:tid 384] AH00098: pid file anycodings_apache D:/xampp/apache/logs/ anycodings_apache overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of anycodings_apache previous Apache run? [Fri Jan 22 anycodings_apache 16:18:05.104120 2016] [ssl:warn] [pid anycodings_apache 1188:tid 384] AH01909: anycodings_apache server anycodings_apache certificate does NOT include an ID which anycodings_apache matches the server name


2022-08-03T02:06:04+00:00 2022-08-03T02:06:04+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of Xampp : server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name

I was having the same problem (server anycodings_apache certificate does NOT include an ID which anycodings_apache matches the server name. I don't know anycodings_apache what the root cause is but I was able to anycodings_apache fix it with XAMPP version 5.6-30. Before anycodings_apache that, I tried other versions like 7 and anycodings_apache 1.7-4 with no success. That good version anycodings_apache is available here.


2022-08-03T02:06:04+00:00 2022-08-03T02:06:04+00:00Answer Link


How do you fix server certificate does not include an ID which matches the server name?

How to Fix the “Server Certificate Does NOT Include an ID Which Matches the Server Name” Issue (In 3 Steps).
Step 1: Open the xampp/apache/conf/extra Directory. The first step is to open up the correct Apache directory in a file browser. ... .
Step 2: Edit the httpd-ssl. conf File..

Does not include an ID which matches the server name?

This happen due to server name on certificate does not matches with the server name defined in the webserver configuration. To resolve this you can change the server name to localhost in your webserver configuration.

How can I add certificate in xampp?

1 Answer.
Navigate to Apache directory in XAMPP. In regular install it's in C:\xampp\apache..
Create a folder in that page. ... .
Add this files. ... .
Edit cert.conf and Run make-cert.bat. ... .
Install the cert in windows. ... .
Add the site in Windows hosts. ... .
Add the site in XAMPP conf. ... .
Restart your browser and Done!.

Where do I put SSL certificate in xampp?

The directory specified should contain the Apache folder. From there, navigate to the conf folder >> extra folder >> httpd-ssl..
Your SSL certificate (the . crt file, or 'Security certificate') from the downloaded archive;.
The Certificate Authority bundle (the . ... .
The private key..


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