Since the mid 1970s the number of women who choose to place a child up for adoption Quizlet

marrieds vs. others(single)- benefits only true if happily married, marriages tend to bring home more income on average, tend to have health insurance more often (better health insurance), have sex more frequently then singles and better sex., less depressed then those who are divorced or widowed. overall better heatlh, tend to recover quicker, attempt suicide more often, practice safer behavior more often, less car crashes

benefits for children and adolescents: less children today live with 2 married (includes stepparents) parents. (still over half) , fewer behavior problems, less emotional problems, do better in school, lower poverty rates, they believe this is because more stability, and because married adults spend more money on their children then other parents.
marriage between black adults is less than any other so more black children more single parents but we do not see different behavior things between the black kids with 2 parents or 1 because it is more common in this groip.
comparing black, hispanic and white teenagers, the negative affects of spending time in a single parents household were not as strong as black or hispanic adolecsene as white adolescnes.

differences for husbands and wives: overall married men benefit more from the married female. married men get better health in marriage, could be due to the fact about how men are socialized, they will have someone to confide in, women already have these supportive networks, married men also proticipate in less risky behavior then single men (maybe bc wifes nag them) the only thing single men get more than married men- is less obesity rates, married men have higher obesity rate.
women tend to be more into the emotional aspect, women are more negatively affected by the drama or fights in marriage, women feel more responisble to fix the problems, women are more liekly to neglect their own health to help their family

differneces by race/ethnicity- black adults value marraige just as much, or more than everyone else
if you look at race and education together black marriage is more common then without that.
children perticuralary boys, marriage benefits

explanations for health benefits: the health benefit of marriage as less strong for black adults. black men tends to benefit more from marriage then black women, some found married black women are in less physical health then single black women
-marital selection effect: suggests that adults that who are happier/healthier/wealthier they are already like that before they are married and choose people who are like them, so those are more common things that you tend to have if you get married
-marital protection effect: once you get marrried then benefits come afterwards, your risky behavior stops, more income comes
-marital crisis effect: this applys to married people to divorced or widowed, marriage tends to be in a better situation because if you have been divorced or widowed they have been through a crisis so that is why they are in less health then the married couples

what predicts marital satisfaction?
homogamy marriages more satisfaction, those who are better at solving porblems and good communication, premarrital education or marriage counseling, egalitarian gender roles tend to report more marriage satisfaction, when husbands do more housework wives tend to report more marriage satisfaction but men to report lower satisfaction, when the wife has a demanding job- both husbands and wife tend to report lower satisfaction, if there is a large differencce in earning protential there is usually lower satisfaction, if they are in a better financial situation there is higher satisfaction, birth of children are linked with lower satisfaction
what predicts marital stability?
one of the strgonest is the age of when you get married, dont get married as a teen, mid 20s and beyond tend to be more stable but doesnt become any more stable above that, couples who marriage in 22-25 these couples report more sastisfaction and stability then couples married after, 2nd factor- college education, more religious have more stability, people who dont cohabit serially are more stable. marrying in front of your loved ones tends to lead to more stability, both people having a good relationship with extended family lead to more stability, if both partners dont have divored parents it leads to more stability,, couples who dont experience racism often are more stable, children tend to stabalize marraige, especially young children
changes in marital satisfaction: tend to be most happy in begining, then first child born declines happiness but mothers feel this decline faster then men, a U shaped pattern of satisfaction thoughout marriage, satisfaction tends to be lowest in your childrens teenage years, then when children leace for college at in increases and increases more when you retire

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