The arrangement of elements to give the viewer the feeling that all the parts of the piece

Repeating/reacurring of shapes lines and colours.

A regular arrangement of alternated or repeated elements (shapes lines colours) or motifs.

The juxtaposition of different elements of design (for example rough and smooth, 3D and 2D, light and dark values) in order to highlight their differences and/or create visual interest, or a focal point.

Something that sticks out and draws your attention.

Special attention/importance given to one part of a work of art (for example, a dark shape in s light composition). Emphasis can be achieved through placement, contrast, colour, size, repetition... Relates to a focal point.

A feeling of balance results when the elements of design are arranged symmetrically it asymmetrically to create the impression of equality in weight or importance.

The relationship between objects with respect to size, number, and so on, including the relation between parts of a whole.

Different aspects in one thing compared to the others.

The arrangement of elements to give the viewer the feeling that all the parts of the piece form coherent whole.

The use of recurring elements to direct the eye through the image; the way the elements are organized to lead the eye to the focal area. The eye can be directed, for example, along edges and by means of shape and colour.

All parts of an image work together to be seen as a whole.

Using different t elements in an image to create visual interest.

A regular arrangement of alternated or repeated elements (shapes, lines, colors) or motifs

The juxtaposition of different elements of design ( for example: rough and smooth textures , dark and light values) in order to highlight their differences and / or create visual interest , or a focal point

Special attention / importance given to one part of a work of art ( for example , a dark shape in a light composition ). Emphasis can be achieved through placement , contrast , color, size, repetition ... Relates to focal point .

A feeling of balance results when the elements of design are arranged asymmetrically to create the impression of equality in weight or importance

The relationship between objects with respect to size , number , and so on , including the relation between parts of a whole

The arrangement of elements to give the viewers the feeling that all the parts of the piece form a coherent whole

The use of recurring elements to direct the movement of the eye through the artwork . There are five kinds of rhythm : random, regular , alternating , progressive , and flowing . The way the elements are organized to lead the eye to the focal area . Movement can be directed for example , along edges and by means of shape and color.

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Level 3

Principles of Art

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This principle shows actions, or alternatively, the path the viewer's eye follows throughout an artwork. Movement is caused by using elements under the rules of the principles in picture to give the feeling of motion and to guide the viewer's eyes throughout the artwork. In movement an art should flow, because the artist has the ability to control the viewer's eye. The artists control what the viewers see and how they see it, like a path leading across the page to the item the artist wants the viewer's attention focused on.

The concept behind the artwork. An analogy would be the way in which a conductor directs a wide variety of instruments in an orchestra to produce a symphony that is recognized as a single comprehensible piece. This element is how well different parts of an artwork build on each other.

This principle is achieved in a body of work by using similar elements throughout the work, harmony gives an uncomplicated look to a piece of artwork or sculpture.

The quality or state of having different forms or types, notable use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color.

This principle is arranging elements so that no one part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part. The three different kinds of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. Symmetrical (or formal) balance is the most stable, in a visual sense. When both sides of an artwork on either side of the horizontal or vertical axis of the picture plane are exactly (or nearly exactly the same) the work is said to exhibit this type of balance.

This principle is created by using elements that conflict with one another. Often, this principle is created using complementary colors or extremely light and dark values. This principle creates interest in a piece and often draws the eye to certain areas. It is used to make a painting more visually interesting.

Measurement of the size and quantity of elements within a composition. In ancient arts, proportions of forms were enlarged to show importance.

This principle (also known as repetition) is showing consistency with colors or lines. Putting a red spiral at the bottom left and top right, for example, will cause the eye to move from one spiral, to the other, and everything in between. It is indicating movement by the repetition of elements. This principle can make an artwork seem active.

What is the arrangement of elements to give the viewer the feeling that all the parts of the piece from a coherent whole?

Unity—The arrangement of elements to give the viewer the feeling that all the parts of the piece form a coherent whole.

What refers to the arrangement of elements?

The periodic table, also called the periodic table of elements, is an organized arrangement of the 118 known chemical elements.

What do you call to the principle of art in which the arrangement of elements gives the viewer the feeling on how well the visual elements work together as a whole?

composition: The arrangement of elements in a work of art. All works of art have an order determined by the artist. The elements are; line, shape/form, color, value, texture, & space.

What refers to the arrangement of the visual elements in the picture?

Balance. A principle of design referring to the arrangement of visual elements to create stability in an artwork, there are four balance arrangements in art; asymmetrical, symmetrical approximately symmetrical, and radial.


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