The colonies of which european power were the most culturally blended in the seventeenth century?

What distinguished the Russian Empire from those created by Western European powers in the Americas?

What distinguished the Russian Empire from those created by Western European powers in the Americas? Russia created its empire at the same time that the modern Russian state was taking shape, whereas the Spanish and British had already established themselves as distinct states before conquering their empires.

What distinguished the British settler colonies from their counterparts in Latin America?

What distinguished the British settler colonies of North America from their counterparts in Latin America? The British colonies were one of the less prominent and one of the last colonies to establish themselves so they had all the leftover land.

Which of the following statements best describes the Ottoman Empire in the early modern period?

Which of the following statements best describes the Ottoman Empire in the early modern period? Ottoman sultans were protectors of Islam's holy places, and they took their role as chief defenders of the faith seriously.

Which of the following was a consequence of the introduction of horses to the North American west?

Which of the following was a consequence of the introduction of horses to the North American West? A male-dominated hunting and warrior culture displaced farming cultures in many areas.


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