The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

Historically, corporate planning has always been difficult. Many organizations have failed at trying to get everyone on the same page and agree to the details of a plan—more often than not, their efforts proved to be both ineffective and time consuming. Something had to be done.

Albert Humphrey of the Stanford Research Institute determined in the 1960s to identify why corporate planning consistently failed. Thus the origination of the SWOT analysis. Today, the SWOT analysis is one of the most important concepts in the business world and is widely used by all types of organizations to help build a strategic plan.

So, what is a SWOT analysis, how do you create one, and what do you do with it? In this article, we’ll explain it all (and share some SWOT analysis examples to boot) from start to finish.

In This Article

  • What is a SWOT analysis?
  • How To Do A SWOT Analysis
  • TIP: Before you start, get organized.
  • 1. Create a SWOT matrix.
  • 2. Gather the right participants.
  • 3. List your strengths.
  • 4. List your weaknesses.
  • 5. Identify your opportunities.
  • 6. Identify your potential threats.
  • 7. Examine your matrix for connections.
  • What should you do with your SWOT analysis?
  • Real-world SWOT Analysis Examples
  • Seize New Opportunities
  • Evaluate Your Competitive Advantage
  • Learn Business Strengths
  • Address Future Business Challenges
  • Shore Up Weaknesses
  • See Different Perspectives
  • SWOT Analysis Best Practices
  • Download our strategic planning tools—including a SWOT analysis template.

After completing your SWOT analysis, jump right into outlining your strategy with these free strategic planning templates.

What is a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a high-level strategic planning model that helps organizations identify where they’re doing well and where they can improve, both from an internal and an external perspective. SWOT is an acronym for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.”

SWOT works because it helps you evaluate your business by considering multiple factors:

  • Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors (things you can control), like team members, software, and geographic location.
  • Opportunities and threats represent external factors (things you can’t control), such as competitors, regulations, and economic trends.

Organizations use SWOT to plot out a future course that plays on their strengths and minimizes risks. Taking the time to look at your organization from different perspectives and honestly assess your future prospects is a worthwhile activity; the insights you glean as a result you should then use constructively as part of the strategic planning process.

How To Do A SWOT Analysis

To help you get started, we’ve created this step-by-step SWOT analysis template. The examples below are specific to the airline industry (since that’s the example we use in our grid), but the SWOT analysis exercise is applicable to all businesses.

You’ll notice we divided our hypothetical examples for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on the four Balanced Scorecard perspectives. You don’t have to use the Balanced Scorecard to be successful with your SWOT analysis, but this method does provide a strong framework for your discussion.

Not using the Balanced Scorecard? Look to the guiding principles of whatever strategic management framework you are using for ways to think about your business. For example, the VRIO framework emphasizes value, rarity, imitability, and organization; you can conduct a SWOT analysis through the lens of these criteria instead.

TIP: Before you start, get organized.

Undertaking a SWOT analysis requires planning and organization; it can also be a lengthy process. For those reasons, we recommend treating it like a project. If you already have project management (PM) software, by all means use it.

If you don’t have software (or if you’re considering making a change), we encourage you to take a look at ClearPoint. It’s ideal for keeping individual projects on track, but it also does much more than that—it shows you how important projects impact your organization’s overall strategy. Are your projects moving the needle when it comes to your larger goals? That’s an important aspect of project management you can’t get with any other PM tool.

Viewing your SWOT analysis as a project within ClearPoint has multiple benefits:

  • You can maintain forward momentum by creating deadlines for each component, assigning responsible “owners” to tasks, and tracking milestones and overall progress.
  • You can simplify the information-gathering portion of SWOT by sending automated messages to relevant team members on when and how to input information.
  • You can facilitate collaboration among all parts of the organization by providing everyone access to a single tool that handles data collection.
  • You can encourage participation and increase engagement by making the SWOT analysis visible to as many or as few people as you like.
  • You can see how your SWOT connects to various parts of your strategy by linking elements to high-level objectives, other projects, measures, etc.—anything that adds context to the analysis.

Another benefit of treating your SWOT analysis as a project in ClearPoint: You won’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you repeat the process. You can just duplicate the framework, make any necessary adjustments, and then repeat the process as before, even comparing your newest SWOT to the previous analysis if necessary.

Below is a screenshot of what it might look like to set up a SWOT analysis as a project within ClearPoint, with some sample milestones shown.

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

Now, let’s dig into the steps of the analysis process.

1. Create a SWOT matrix.

This is the grid-like matrix that will house the information you gather. As you can see in the SWOT analysis template below, each quadrant features one of the four elements you’ll be focusing on—strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Using a matrix helps present your findings in a clear, easy-to-understand way.

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

2. Gather the right participants.

Pull people from all departments to participate in the analysis. Your entire leadership team should be involved because they can provide a broad view of the organization and offer insight into the competitive landscape. But having lots of different perspectives is beneficial, and that means including leaders from every department—and anyone else you think might have valuable input. The more diverse the group, the better insights you’ll generate. Not all ideas will make it to the final list, but it’s important to consider them all.

3. List your strengths.

Ask the group: What are we good at? How are we better than our competitors? These are broad questions, but in the beginning stages of your discussion, you should accept all answers.

Examine these questions in relation to the Balanced Scorecard perspectives. For the fictional company Upward Airlines, the discussion might look like this:

  1. Financial strengths: What is our most reliable source of financial growth? Is it our service destinations? A large fleet size? Our customer loyalty program?
  2. Customer strengths: Where is our customer growth coming from? Is it due to excellent service ratings or low prices? Why are customers choosing us over our competitors?
  3. Internal strengths: What do we do very well as an organization? Are our operations easily scalable? Do we have an exceptionally high employee retention rate? How complex is our maintenance program?
  4. Learning & growth strengths: Where do we excel as far as our employees are concerned? Is it our compensation model? Could it be our workforce development program? Are people coming or leaving because of our culture?

Having considered these questions for your own organization, you might come up with multiple responses in some categories. Below is a sample of the strengths portion of the SWOT analysis for Upward Airlines:

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

TIP: As mentioned above, you can use ClearPoint to simplify this and the remaining information-gathering steps. Rather than asking everyone to brainstorm simultaneously in a conference room, give people time to review relevant data (also housed in ClearPoint) that would help identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential opportunities. Participants can then input their thoughts into ClearPoint, link to key supporting metrics, and even add contextual information surrounding their thought process.

Doing your analysis within a single tool not only makes it easier to collect the information but also gives you the visibility to see how the various components that make up your SWOT might be linked. Further, ClearPoint has a discussion feature that allows users to @ mention other users, and thus facilitates conversations about your strengths and weaknesses.

4. List your weaknesses.

Ask the group: What are we not good at? Where can we grow? What are we lacking? The Upward Airlines discussion might look like this:

  • Financial weaknesses: What is our biggest financial weakness? Our destinations are all in the U.S., which may be limiting our growth. Or, we know that a large number of new competitors entering the market are decreasing our market share. Do we have challenges with debt or credit?
  • Customer weaknesses: Where do our customers think we need to improve? This could be related to frequently canceled flights, lost baggage, complexity of the reservation process, or cleanliness, for instance.
  • Internal weaknesses: What do we do poorly? Are we slow at handling customer complaints? Are our maintenance costs above industry average? What about plane utilization?
  • Learning & growth weaknesses: What are our biggest challenges with employees? Is our staff security training proving ineffective, or is there a negative perception of the organizational culture? Do our employee surveys reveal low engagement?

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

5. Identify your opportunities.

Ask the group: Where do we see big (and small) possibilities for our organization? What do we see happening in the future?

The Upward Airlines group might discuss the following:

  • Financial opportunities: What is our biggest opportunity to improve our finances? This might mean taking advantage of federal loans in a time of crisis (like COVID-19) or adopting specific technology to lower costs. Maybe there is an opportunity to purchase a weaker competitor.
  • Customer opportunities: Where could we dramatically improve with our customers? Could we enhance our online interface? Can we create and promote new standards of cleanliness? What about finding new ways to engage with customers when travel opportunities are low?
  • Internal opportunities: What processes will drive us well into the future if we could improve upon them? Adopting certain climate initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, for instance, will make us more eco-friendly (and, by extension, more appealing to customers). Maybe now is the time to upgrade a reservation or pricing system.
  • Learning & growth opportunities: What opportunities do we have to leverage staff? For example, do we have cross-training opportunities? Could we make a few tweaks to improve our culture and thus our retention?

Upward Airlines’ opportunities for the foreseeable future might be:

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

6. Identify your potential threats.

Ask the group: What do we see as a threat? What obstacles do we anticipate? What is changing that could hurt us? As a travel-related company in a tough economy, Upward Airlines might uncover a number of potential threats:

  • Financial threats: What threats could seriously impact our financial health? This could be low-cost competitors, ongoing global health issues that prevent travel, or rising oil costs.
  • Customer threats: What is our biggest concern about our customers? Has a competitor created a more attractive loyalty program? Is our number of business clients trending downward?
  • Internal threats: What current areas of our business might harm us later? Is a contract dispute imminent that could disrupt business? Is a potential merger or acquisition on the horizon?
  • Learning & growth threats: What threatens the people within your organization? This could be anything from instability in our customer support department to staff member departures to a department-specific pushback against new technology.

The external threats deemed most imminent for Upward Airlines might be:

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

7. Examine your matrix for connections.

In looking at your SWOT matrix, do some of your strengths naturally support the identified opportunities? If you eliminate weaknesses, would that present additional opportunities?

At this point, we recommend running a “brown paper exercise”—print your SWOT matrix in large size, and ask employees to add post-it notes in any or all of the matrix’s four boxes if they feel the leadership team missed something. (You can also ask employees to add their names next to their suggestions so leadership can follow up with them.) Not only is this exercise great for inter-office discussion, but it also gives leaders the chance to consider opinions from staff in the field.

Done correctly, the SWOT analysis is another valuable tool in your toolbox for improving business performance and minimizing threats and weaknesses going forward. It can also prompt organizations to be more innovative with their strategy—new ideas may emerge that leadership would not normally have considered without such a thorough examination of the business from all angles.

What should you do with your SWOT analysis?

Congratulations! Hopefully, you understand your business a little better after completing your SWOT analysis; now it’s time to put those insights to good use. Your ideas on how to use your strengths and overcome your weaknesses should inform your strategy.

Developing a strategy is in and of itself a big step. It involves defining objectives for your company to move toward, creating priority initiatives (projects) to help make them a reality, and identifying measures to make sure the strategy is unfolding the way it should.

Our Upward Airlines SWOT analysis example, for instance, lists four weaknesses:

  • High maintenance costs
  • Fewer direct travel routes than our competitors
  • No uniform project management system in place
  • Below-average employee satisfaction

Some of these weaknesses are easier to address than others, such as improving employee satisfaction and your project management practices. Others, like the lack of direct travel routes, may be difficult to address in a time when airlines are still recovering from the COVID-19 fallout and profits are low. Similarly, you want to continue supporting your current strengths. While you shouldn’t let your excellent training program lapse, it needn’t be a focus if you expect the number of new hires over the next year to be low. However, improving your virtual communication practices will most likely prove to be beneficial moving forward.

Therefore, the Upward Airlines SWOT analysis above might drive strategy in the following ways:

  • An objective might be to “improve employee satisfaction”; to accomplish that goal, the company might initiate new projects that include reevaluating the benefits plan or starting a surveying program for employee feedback.
  • An objective might be to “make flying as safe as possible for customers”; to reach that goal, they might implement a new cleaning regimen and increase communication with customers about new procedures.
  • An objective might be to increase revenue by 10%; to help achieve that goal they might create a problem-solving team whose purpose is to reevaluate the current capacity strategy and recommend changes to offset the rising cost of fuel.

Make sure there is a clear and strong link between your SWOT analysis and your strategy map. For example, if you’re a for-profit organization, your financial perspective will be the top priority—build your analysis into your map in a manner that drives those finances in the right direction. Maybe your SWOT analysis foretold an opportunity to hit a new line of business or forecast that a line of business would dry up. Your strategy needs to reflect that information.

If you’re using ClearPoint for strategy execution, you can make sure the projects you initiate as a result of your SWOT will actually have an impact by a) creating links within the software to show clear connections between projects and objectives, and b) tracking progress on your goals and initiatives over time. That way, you’ll be able to see if, for example, your revised capacity plan positively impacted revenue in any substantial way—or if it had a negative effect on the bottom line. If you’re continuously monitoring progress, you’ll be able to adjust your course of action in a timely manner if needed. Those insights will also be useful for your next SWOT analysis.

Real-world SWOT Analysis Examples

Still uncertain as to how your team can use the information produced by a SWOT analysis? We reached out to the business community to ask about their experiences with SWOT. Their answers, listed below, show that SWOT can be applied to any number of business activities, from developing a long-term overall strategy to launching campaigns, new products, and more.

Seize New Opportunities

"We focus on the opportunity aspect of SWOT. We are always looking to find new ways of growing our company, and we use this analysis to show us areas where our business might thrive.

A SWOT analysis showed us how important it would be for us to partner with over 15 different insurance companies, so that we can freely match each client with whichever one is best for them. Most companies like ours only work with one or two companies, but we have seized the opportunity, and we are growing because of it."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Anthony Martin of Choice Mutual

"We took action to understand that it's not enough to simply have a great product; we need to make sure our customers know how it can help them. By servicing the market, we found ways to add value for our customers and build relationships with them by providing helpful resources on our website and offering free trials. This has helped us to focus on creating and providing value to our customers, rather than just trying to get them to buy our product. As a result, we've created a much more sustainable and successful business."

—Diana Stepanova of Monitask

"One of the most important things that came out of our SWOT analysis was identifying untapped opportunities. After changing the game with our magnetic lashes, we saw a gap in the acrylic nail market. Through a SWOT analysis, we have realized our strength in reimagining highly used beauty products and making them better for the consumer. That has opened up even more opportunities to revolutionize the billion-dollar beauty industry."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Ann McFerran of Glamnetic

"Our SWOT analysis revealed that we could create additional revenue streams by white-labeling our writing service and marketing it to other agencies. We offered interested parties discounts on our already-competitive rates, which made working with us very attractive and profitable for both sides. This allowed us to effectively double the size of our market. Most of the work we do now is for our agency partners, which means we can spend less time chasing sales and instead focus on ensuring quality in our service."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Milo Cruz of Freelance Writing Jobs

“The best insight I gained from performing a SWOT analysis of my organization is that we are very good at what we do and have a lot of growth potential. One action that we took because of this insight was to expand our product line. We now offer various [photo] backdrops, including some specifically designed for events. We have also started marketing to new customers, which has helped us grow our business.

At first, we didn't think that expanding our product line would help us much, but it has been one of the best things we've done for our business. It's enabled us to attract new customers and grow our sales. Marketing to new customers has also been helpful in terms of growing our business. These actions have made us a more prosperous and well-rounded company. "

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Kate Zhang of Kate Backdrop

Evaluate Your Competitive Advantage

"The SWOT analysis helped us identify potential opportunities that were unique to us in terms of reach. This allowed us to focus on key areas and strategies that would allow us to be the go-to choice of a specific market.

"Knowing where your company stands in relation to its competitors is crucial for developing strategies that will give you a competitive advantage. It also gives you insight into your unique opportunities that your competitors may not have. This is the kind of information that can help you make decisions that will take your company to the next level."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Linda Shaffer of Checkr

"There are many roofing contractors competing for business, and it can be difficult for customers to understand what sets us apart from the rest. In order to address this issue, we have revamped our marketing materials to better communicate our unique selling points.

As a result, potential customers can now see that our company is the best choice for quality roofing services, and we have experienced a significant increase in sales."

—Marty Ford of BulletpRoof Roof Systems Ltd.

“Owners of startups and small businesses need, but cannot find, a system to start, market, operate, or finance a business. Through our SWOT analysis, we noticed that our competitors left important questions and needs unanswered. For example, a competitor might help you set up a corporation, but have nothing for you after that.

You started the business, but now need marketing, operational, or finance help. We strive to be the entrepreneur's best friend by giving you the needed tools."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—James Chittenden of One Click Advisor

Learn Business Strengths

"SWOT analysis was incredibly helpful when it came to understanding the strengths of my business. I was then able to play to those strengths and build on them.

One strength was integrity—my business is always honest—and I’ve built that honesty into our brand."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Keith Terrell of Backpacks Global

"Overcoming our weaknesses doesn't mean we are not keeping an eye on our existing strengths. If there's one thing SWOT analysis has taught us, it’s that we should treasure the things that keep our company strong by being innovative. Our positive attributes can become a weakness if we refuse to adapt to changes.

Consistently monitoring our strengths has allowed us to hit all our targets and go beyond our goals. As a result, we have outperformed our competitors by always bringing something new to the table."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Adam Garcia of The Stock Dork

Address Future Business Challenges

"Two of the issues we identified were the great resignation and the recession. Knowing them in advance gave us plenty of time to make the necessary changes (like retaining your best employees by offering new benefits—remote work, PTO, and unlimited growth opportunities). We also changed our inventory strategy and made sure we had enough to counter the price increases, shortages, and demand.

These strategy changes helped us limit the adverse effects of the recession, optimize our stocks, and make sure all our orders were fulfilled on time. The changes were also able to help us retain our best employees; thus, we never even had any problems throughout the great resignation."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Michael Perry of Fitness Fixed Gear

Shore Up Weaknesses

"In our SWOT analysis, we were able to pinpoint areas where our employees may be lacking the skills they needed to succeed in our company. We decided to offer free online learning to our workers to help them add to their skill set.

This has helped us not only improve the skill sets of our employees, but it has also increased employee retention. Employees want to stay loyal to a company that helps them grow."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Mark Daoust of Quiet Light

"Prior to the SWOT analysis, I had always approached marketing from a product-centric perspective; however, the SWOT analysis made me realize that we needed to focus more on customer-centric marketing. We needed to connect with our target audience and build relationships with them.

As a result, we've made some changes to our marketing approach, and I believe that these changes will help us to be more successful in the long run."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Jacob Villa of Authority

"We have always prided ourselves on having good client relationships, but this exercise showed us that we needed to have strong client relationships. We have studied our weakness (why we have monthly policy cancellations or non-renewals) and the results showed that we need to focus on building and maintaining client relationships. After doing that, we have seen a significant increase in the average tenure of our clients and customer satisfaction scores."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Loran Marmes of Medicare Solutions Team

"One threat we encountered in our business was the sudden and huge dip in our customer satisfaction score, which has never happened in the past five years. To resolve this issue and ensure we eliminate the threat that's harming our relationship with customers, we allocated time to engage with our employees and immediately gave them intensive customer service training.

Our urgent action to eradicate this threat has helped our business bounce back and we’ve regained the trust of our customers. It has also taught us to listen to customer feedback seriously and do our best to live up to their expectations."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Jake Smith of Absolute Reg LTD

See Different Perspectives

"A successful SWOT analysis encourages discussion from employees of different levels, from operational, to managerial, to administrative level. By doing this, everyone contributes their thoughts on the status and standing of the company—it’s not just about how one person sees it. This way, all aspects of the business are considered and addressed from all levels."

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

—Corey Morgan of Kind Home Painting

SWOT Analysis Best Practices

To create the most accurate and effective SWOT analysis, we recommend the following best practices:

  1. Encourage open and honest conversation. Create an environment that encourages candidness. That might mean using sticky notes to gather anonymous feedback, rather than having people raise their hand to state a company weakness out loud.
  2. Promote collaboration. Have everyone write all their ideas on sticky notes, put them on a board, and then walk through them as a group. Combining similar ideas might help people to think of more. You might also consider breaking up a large group into smaller groups of three or four employees to encourage the sharing of ideas.
  3. Vote to narrow down ideas. The group will generate lots of ideas. You want to take them all into consideration, but you don’t need to keep every idea; this should be a fairly high-level exercise. Rank the top 10 and list those to focus on. And remember—the SWOT isn’t intended to project 10 years down the road; it should look at where you are now and in the very near future.
  4. To identify external factors, look at the competition. In addition to a PEST analysis, another way to identify external threats and opportunities is to look at your competitors. What opportunities are they currently after, and can you use that to your advantage? What threats are they currently facing, and how does that apply to you?
  5. Be specific when describing internal factors. For example, “brand image” can be both a strength and a weakness, depending on how you word it. Be specific in your descriptions; ultimately, that specificity will also help you define the right measures and benchmark your performance over time.
  6. Keep emotion out of the room. This exercise should be objective, not subjective. If a statement can’t be backed up with facts, it doesn’t count.
  7. Try to make your resulting strategy “weatherproof.” Current threats may include the possibility of more political and economic turmoil, but these kinds of obstacles tend to be much more complicated than those you’d see in most SWOT analyses. While it may be difficult to address them fully, try to develop a strategy that will bolster your organization during hard times. For example, a retail store might consider creating an objective to ensure its online and in-person stores perform equally well should either avenue be cut off due to external circumstances.

Download our strategic planning tools—including a SWOT analysis template.

If you need some guidance with this process, download our free strategic planning booklet. It includes eight of the most popular templates to build strategic plans, including a SWOT analysis template.

The strategic plan you develop from your SWOT analysis is powerful, so once you’ve created it, don’t let it sit! Use strategy execution software like ClearPoint to track your progress over time. (Read more about strategy execution and how you can use ClearPoint for tracking here.) Ready to take action? Download the templates—or take a tour of our software—and start planning for the future now!


What are the 4 dimensions of SWOT analysis?

The four dimensions are: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.


When and where should you develop a SWOT analysis?

You need a few uninterrupted hours to conduct a strong SWOT analysis. You should conduct a SWOT analysis around the same time of your strategy refresh. Include key leaders within the company to get comprehensive insight on the current state of your business.


How do you use your SWOT analysis?

Use your SWOT analysis to influence your strategic plan! Don’t let the insights from your SWOT analysis just sit in a shelf. Learn how to utilize your strengths to achieve your long-term goals, and make plans to strengthen your weaknesses.


Why should I conduct a SWOT analysis? 

A SWOT analysis offers many benefits for your organization. It allows you to better understand your business. By taking the time to identify where your company succeeds, and where they struggle, you can create plans to leverage your strengths and mitigate risks in your weaknesses.


What’s the difference between a SWOT and PESTEL analysis?

A SWOT analysis is conducted to assess internal factors that affect your business. A PESTEL analysis focuses solely on external factors.

The current problem or opportunity an organization faces is outlined in which of the following?

Which of the following highlights relevant aspects of the firms internal and external environment that could affect the organizations choices capabilities and resources?

Which of the following highlights relevant aspects of the firm's internal and external environment that could affect the organization's choices, capabilities, and resources? SWOT analysis.

Which of the following is considered the final stage of the strategic planning process quizlet?

The final stage in strategic management is strategy implementation. Formulation, implementation, and evaluation of strategy activities occur at three hierarchical levels in a large organization: corporate, divisional or strategic business unit, and functional.

Which part of the SWOT analysis refers to the external environment of the organization quizlet?

T/F In a SWOT analysis, strengths and weaknesses refer to a firm's external environment, while opportunities and threats refer to the internal environment. T/F The most common form of marketing organization is the product management organization.

Which of the following exists within the social media policy and refers to the basic expectations for employee behavior in social communities?

Which of the following exists within the social media policy and refers to the basic expectations for employee behavior in social communities? Standards of conduct.