The decision structure that has two possible paths of execution is known as _____.

A Boolean variable can reference one of two values: _____.


Multiple Choice

Nested decision structures are one way to test more than one condition.


True False

In Python the _____ symbol is used as the equality operator.


Multiple Choice

Python uses the same symbols for the assignment operator and the equality operator.

True False

The decision structure that has two possible paths of execution is known as _____.

Multiple Choice

The if statement causes one or more statements to execute only when a Boolean expression ist.

True False

Which of the following is the correct if clause to determine whether y is in the range 10 through 50?

Multiple Choice

In Python, the _____ symbol is used as the not-equal-to operator.

Multiple Choice

Python allows you to compare strings, but it is not case sensitive.

True False

When using the _____ operator, one or both subexpressions must bet for the compound expression to bet.

Multiple Choice

A(n) _____ structure is a logical design that controls the order in which a set of statements execute.

Multiple Choice

Which of the following is the correct if clause to use to determine whether choice is other than 10?

Multiple Choice

What is the result of the following Boolean expression, if x equals 5, y equals 3, and z equals 8? not (x < y or z > x) and y < z

Multiple Choice

When using the _____ operator, both subexpressions must bet for the compound expression to bet.

Multiple Choice

What is the result of the following Boolean expression, if x equals 5, y equals 3, and z equals 8? x < y and z > x

Multiple Choice

What is the result of the following Boolean expression, if x equals 5, y equals 3, and z equals 8? x < y or z > x

Multiple Choice

The Python language is not sensitive to block structuring of code.

True False

Multiple Boolean expressions can be combined by using a logical operator to create _____ expressions.

Multiple Choice

What does the following expression mean? x <= y

Multiple Choice

Which logical operators perform short-circuit evaluation?

Multiple Choice

Which structure determines the order in which a set of statements executes?

Control structure : a logical design that controls the order in which a set of statements execute. – Sequence structure is a set of statements that execute in the order that they appear. statements only under certain circumstances. It also known as selection structures.

How does a dual alternative decision structure work?

How does a dual alternative decision structure work? A dual alternative decision structure has two possible paths of execution; one path is taken if a condition is true, and the other path is taken if the condition is false.

Are decision structures also known as selection structures?

Decision structures are also known as selection structures. An action in a single alternative decision structure is performed only when the condition is true.

Which structure causes a statement or set of statements to execute repeatedly?

A repetition structure causes a statement or set of statements to execute repeatedly. Repetition structures are used to perform the same task over and over. A condition-controlled loop uses a Boolean (true/false) condition to control the number of times that it repeats.


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