The federal agency charged with overseeing the safety and health of americas workers is the:

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Employee Privacy, Safety, and Health - Diversity and Discrimination

Terms in this set (20)

Which of the following is true of the Patriot Act?
a. It set rigid controls on the right of the government to use information on citizens.
b. It caused widespread concern that too much latitude was given to the government.
c. It enables the government to disregard the privacy of any individual in an unrestricted manner.
d. It was signed into law following World War II.


Which of the following is often cited as a criticism of integrity tests?
a. They are used as the sole measure to judge the fitness of the applicant.
b. They are useless since none of the questions used are intrusive in nature.
c. They provide an objective means of selecting candidates.
d. None of the questions asked in these tests serve a valid purpose


Because the use of polygraph tests has been widely criticized, many firms have started:
a. to monitor their employees' activities more closely.
b. to perform research on how to make polygraph tests more reliable.
c. to rely solely on employment interviews.
d. to use question-and-answer "integrity tests.


A type 1 error occurs when:
a. a guilty person is found to be innocent.
b. an innocent person is found to be guilty.
c. a test is administered by people without experience.
d. no "false positives" emerge from a test.


Which federal agency responsible for overseeing the safety and health of America's workers?
a. FCC
c. IRS


Which legislation is the only federal level of privacy protection for employees in the workplace?
a. The Civil Rights Act
b. The Electronic Communication and Privacy Act
c. The Patriot Act
d. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act


The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) can apply the 'general duty clause' to hold a company liable for a workplace violence issue if:
a. the complete elimination or removal of the hazard was not feasible.
b. the employer did not neglect to keep the workplace free from a hazard.
c. the hazard is generally unrecognizable by the employer or industry.
d. the hazard was likely to cause serious harm.


Which of the following is defined as a state of equilibrium where the demands of a person's personal and professional life are equal?
a. human capital management
b. quality of work
c. total work management
d. work-life balance


Which of the following has been a challenge associated with the Family and Medical Leave Act?
a. defining a serious medical condition
b. employees taking scheduled leaves
c. employees taking 12 weeks of unpaid leave
d. reinstating employees in their old jobs upon return to work


Which of the following is true about employers with regard to the FMLA?
a. Employers cannot ask employees to get a second medical opinion regarding leaves.
b. Employers have to pay employees during leave periods and also provide health benefits.
c. The employer can demote an employee when he or she comes back after a leave.
d. The employer is exempt from the FMLA if the firm has fewer than 50 employees.


The Civil Rights Movement of 1950s and 1960s took place to protest the discrimination against:
a. blacks
b. the disabled
c. the elderly
d. women


Which of the following is true of the 1978 amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
a. Employers were allowed to sue employees who filed discrimination claims against them.
b. It was amended to include the Pregnancy Discrimination Act which requires employers to treat pregnancy as any other medical disability.
c. It was extended to cover federal, state, and local employers and educational institutions by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
d. The EEOC was given permission to file lawsuits on behalf of employers in discrimination cases.


What was the primary objective of the Civil Rights Act of 1991?
a. to have employers perform affirmative action in order to employ disabled workers
b. to prohibit discrimination based on mental and physical disabilities in private places of employment
c. to prohibit sex discrimination against women in organizations, and to ensure equal pay for both sexes
d. to provide increased financial damages to victims in cases of intentional discrimination


Disparate treatment:
a. is a form of institutionalized non-discrimination.
b. is the same as disparate impact.
c. means that different groups are treated unequally.
d. means that the outcomes differ for different groups


. The ADA requires an employer to make reasonable accommodations for a qualified but disabled employee unless:
a. it is too expensive.
b. the employer does not find it necessary.
c. it is unreasonable.
d. it is an undue hardship


Regarding laws to protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation, which of the following statements is true?
a. All states have such laws.
b. Many states and the District of Columbia have such laws.
c. All states plus the federal government have such laws.
d. None of these statements is correct.


Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo harassment?
a. a boss asking for sexual favors in return for a promotion or raise
b. harassment that has not been brought to the attention of authorities
c. punitive damages paid by an employer to an employee for a sexual harassment charge
d. uninvited sexually oriented materials or behaviors in the workplace


Which of the following is the underlying rationale for affirmative action?
a. compensatory justice
b. restorative justice
c. retributive justice
d. the golden rule


Affirmative action has been controversial, and has led to charges of:
a. harassment.
b. mandatory testing.
c. reverse discrimination.
d. unequal responses.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects workers who are:
a. under the age of 20.
b. 30 years old or older.
c. 40 years old or older.
d. 50 years old or older.


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Which federal agency is responsible for overseeing the safety and health of America's workers?

OSHA administers the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act. Safety and health conditions in most private industries are regulated by OSHA or OSHA-approved state plans.

What federal agency oversees the health and safety of all workers today?

With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.

Is OSHA a federal agency?

OSHA is the federal agency responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act, which aims to ensure that employers provide a safe working environment to their employees.

What is the name of the federal government agency called OSHA?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) assures safe and healthful working conditions by setting and enforcing standards, and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.


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