The incumbency advantage makes it difficult to increase diversity in congress.


This paper uses a regression discontinuity design to estimate the degree to which incumbents scare off challengers with previous officeholder experience. The estimates indicate a surprisingly small amount of scare-off, at least in cases where the previous election was nearly tied. As Lee and others have shown (and as we confirm for our samples) the estimated party incumbency advantage in these same cases is quite large—in fact, it is about as large as the average incumbency advantage for all races found using other approaches. Drawing from previous estimates of the electoral value of officeholder experience, we thus calculate that scare-off in these cases accounts for only about 5–7 percent of the party incumbency advantage. We show that these patterns are similar in elections for US House seats, statewide offices and US senate seats, and state legislative seats.


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What is the advantage of being an incumbent in Congress?

For most political offices, the incumbent often has more name recognition due to their previous work in the office. Incumbents also have easier access to campaign finance, as well as government resources (such as the franking privilege) that can be indirectly used to boost the incumbent's re-election campaign.

How does incumbency affect congressional elections quizlet?

Answer: Incumbents have a great advantage in congressional elections due to the various benefits that incumbency provides. Among these are the ability to claim credit for congressional achievements, provide pork-barrel legislation, perform constituent services, and garner publicity.

What are the consequences of the incumbency advantage quizlet?

incumbency advantage leads to more experienced political leaders which make the united states government more educated and effective but this does leave out the emergence of new voices and ideas to be distributed in the legislative process and this can hinder our nation's growth in the long run.

What is the incumbency advantage quizlet?

Definition. 1 / 127. The incumbency advantage is the advantage that the incumbent (individual currently holding office) candidate has over the challenger candidate. The advantage that accrues to the incumbent beyond party because of. actions the incumbent has taken [personal vote]