The jobless craftsmen who smashed the machinery that had rendered them unemployed were known as ___.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect Europe's relationships with other parts of the world quizlet?

How did the industrial revolution affect Europe's relationships with other parts of the world? Europe became more powerful by exporting more goods than it imported.

Which turn of the nineteenth century event destabilized the Ottoman Empire?

Which turn-of-the-century 19th-century event destabilized the Ottoman Empire? political control of territory that allowed them to profit from tax collection. During the early 19th century, what characteristic of the British East India Company did British observers believe was most in need of reform?

Which document resulted from elite Americans fear that their?

which document resulted from elite Americans fear that their revolution was becoming too radical and threatened to plunge the nation into anarchy? the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte was characterized by: centralized, efficient administration.

How did the trade relationship between China and Europe change in the early nineteenth century quizlet?

How did the trade relationship between China and Europe change in the early nineteenth century? A) European rulers and upper classes suddenly developed a taste for Chinese silks, teas, jade, tableware, jewelry, paper, and ceramics.