The macro virus infects the key operating system files located in a computers start up sector

  • Resident Virus

Resident viruses live in your RAM memory. It can interfere with normal system operation which can lead to the corruption of files and programs. The most popular examples of resident viruses are CMJ, Meve, MrKlunky, and Randex.

  • Multipartite Virus

This type of virus can easily spread in your computer system. It is very infectious, performing unauthorized actions in your operating system, in folders, and other programs on the computer. They have the ability to infect both the executable files and the boots sector.

  • Direct Action Virus

Direct action viruses attack certain types of files, typically .exe and .com files. The main purpose of this virus is to replicate and infect files in folders. On the lighter note, they do not typically delete files or affect PC performance and speed. It can be easily removed by antivirus programs.

  • Browser Hijacker

This type of virus infects your web browser in which it will bring you to different websites. Typically, if you key in a domain name in the internet address bar, the browser hijacker will open multiple fake websites that may harm your computer. On the other hand, most trusted browsers have built-in features to block them ahead.

  • Overwrite Virus

From the name itself, this virus overwrites the content of a file, losing the original content. It infects folders, files, and even programs. To delete this virus, you also need to get rid of your file. Thus, it is important to back up your data.

  • Web Scripting Virus

This virus lives in certain links, ads, image placement, videos, and layout of a website. These may carry malicious codes in which when you click, the viruses will be automatically downloaded or will direct you to malicious websites.

  • Boot Sector Virus

Boot sector viruses affect floppy disks. They came to existence when floppy disks are important in booting a computer. Although they are not very common today, it is still causing other computer units, especially the outdated ones. Some examples include Polyboot.B and AntiEXE.

  • Sparse Infector

Sparse infectors use different techniques to minimize its detection. They are viruses that infect “occasionally”. For example, they may only want to infect a program every tenth execution. Because they are occasional infectors, antivirus software has a hard time detecting them.

  • FAT Virus

Basically, this type of virus ruins file allocation system where the information about files, including the location, exist.

  • Spacefiller Virus

Also known as “cavity” viruses, spacefillers attach themselves to the file and can alter the start of the program or change the encrypted code. They also implement stealth techniques so that users cannot determine the increase the file code. The most popular Spacefiller is the Lehigh virus.

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James O.


8 months, 2 weeks ago

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

Related Question

computer virus unike biological virus dont spring out of now here. they are created by people. true or false


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Video Transcript

Hello students. We are given a question. Computer virus and life, biological virus do not spring out of now. Here they are created by people. We are asking whether it is true or false. So, first of all, we are supposed to know that it is a proper for activist question. We can directly say that it is a proper false statement. Okay. Can even mentioned below that computer virus, computer virus, unlike biological virus, biological virus do not Springer. Okay. Do not Sprinkle out of now. Here, now, here they are created. They are created by people. People is a false statement. Okay, so this is gonna be our final answer of this question, that's all. Thank you.

Chapter 02 The Need for Security



Information security's primary mission is to ensure that systems and their contents retain their

confidentiality at any cost.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)


The information security function in an organization safeguards its technology assets.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)


As an organization grows, it must often use more robust technology to replace the security

technologies it may have outgrown.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)


Suppose an act of theft performed by a hacker was accompanied by defacement actions to delay

discovery. The first act is obviously in the category of "theft" but the second act is another

category-in this case it is a "force of nature."

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)


Two watchdog organizations that investigate allegations of software abuse are the Software &

Information Industry Association (SIIA) and National Security Agency (NSA).

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

What is macro virus in computer?

A macro virus is a computer virus written in the same macro language used to create software programs such as Microsoft Excel or Word. It centers on software applications and does not depend on the operating system (OS). As a result, it can infect any computer running any kind of OS, including Windows, macOS and Linux.

Which of the following are infected by a macro virus?

Macro viruses usually infect Microsoft Office apps like Word and Excel. Because of macro viruses, programs like Microsoft Word and Excel now keep macros disabled by default. If you download a malicious attachment, it will prompt you to enable macros.

What is the example of macro virus?

An example of a macro virus is the Melissa virus which appeared in March 1999. When a user opens a Microsoft Word document containing the Melissa virus, their computer becomes infected. The virus then sends itself by email to the first 50 people in the person's address book.

Can macros contain viruses?

A macro virus is a type of computer virus that could be stored in macros within a Microsoft Office file (such as a document, presentation, workbook, or template), or within any ActiveX control, COM add-in, or Office add-in. We refer to macros, ActiveX controls, and add-ins as "Active content".


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