The monopolistically competitive sellers demand curve will tend to become more elastic the

Because the monopolistically competitive firm's product is differentiated from other products, the firm will face its own downward‐sloping “market” demand curve. This demand curve will be considerably more elastic than the demand curve that a monopolist faces because the monopolistically competitive firm has less control over the price that it can charge for its output. The firm's control over its price will depend on the degree to which its product is differentiated from competing firms' products. If the firm's product is not differentiated from other products, the firm will face a relatively elastic demand curve and will have less control over the price it can charge. If the firm's product is differentiated compared to a competing firm's products, the firm will face a relatively inelastic demand curve and will have more control over the price that it can charge.

Price‐searching behavior. The monopolistically competitive firm will be a price‐searcher rather than a price‐taker because it faces a downward‐sloping demand curve for its product. The firm searches for the price that it will charge in the same way that a monopolist does, by comparing marginal revenue with marginal cost at each possible price along the market demand curve.

Updated on August 10, 2022

The monopolistically competitive seller’s demand curve will tend
to become more elastic the:

more significant the barriers to entering an industry.
greater the
degree of product differentiation.
larger the
number of close competitors.
smaller the
number of sellers.


Ans: larger the number of close


One of the major factor that
determines the elasticity of demand for a good is the availability
of close substitutes. If the number of substitutes are more, the
the demand for the good is elastic and if the number of substitutes
are less, the the demand for the good is less elastic. Thats why
the monopolistically competitive seller’s demand curve will tend to
become more elastic the larger the number of close competitors.

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monopolistically competitive seller's demand curve will tend to become more elastic becausethere are more substitutes

A monopolistic competitor's marginal revenue curve is downward sloping and lies below thedemand curve.

The demand and marginal revenue curves of a monopolistic competitor are equal only at theirinitial points

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40. In the long run, new firms will enter a monopolistically competitive industry:

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41.The following are demand and cost data for a specific firm:Refer to the above information. Suppose that entry into the industry changes this firm's demand schedule fromcolumns (1) and (3) to columns (2) and (3). Economic profit will:

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42. Since a firm in a monopolistically competitive market faces a:A. downward-sloping demand curve, it will always operate with excess capacity.B. downward-sloping demand curve, it will always operate at efficient scale.C. perfectly elastic demand curve, it will always operate with excess capacity.D. perfectly inelastic demand curve, it will always operate at efficient scale.

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Why is the demand curve in monopolistic competition more elastic?

demand curve is more elastic. It means that in response to change in price, change in quantity of demand is higher. It is because in a monopolistically competitive market, goods have close substitutes and in a monopoly market goods do not have close substitutes.

What is the elasticity of demand curve in monopolistic competition?

The demand curve for an individual firm is downward sloping in monopolistic competition, in contrast to perfect competition where the firm's individual demand curve is perfectly elastic.

What happens to demand curve in monopolistic competition?

The demand curve as faced by a monopolistic competitor is not flat, but rather downward-sloping, meaning that the monopolistic competitor, like the monopoly, can raise its price without losing all of its customers or lower its price and gain more customers.

Is monopolistic competition elastic or inelastic?

In Monopolistic competition, firms do produce differentiated products, therefore, they are not price takers (perfectly elastic demand). They have inelastic demand.