The most popular brand of laundry detergent uses eye catching packaging to draw in customers

5) u5-005Each week, Maria buys the same brand of orange juice.This is commonly referred to in marketing aswhich of the following?a)Routine response behaviorb)Limited decision makingc)Frequency purchasingd)Frequency purchase behavior

6) u5-006What is the type of decision making called that requires a moderate amount of time for gatheringinformation?

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7) u5-007The most popular brand of laundry detergent uses eye catching packaging to draw in customers. Whichof the following is this commonly referred to in marketing?

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_____ describes how people make purchase decisions and how they use and dispose of the purchased goods and services.

Internal information search

the person recalls information stored in the memory-- previous experience with a product

Evoked (Consideration) Set

The consumer's information search should yield a group of brands, sometimes called the buyer's evoked or consideration set, which are the consumer's most preferred alternatives. From this set, the buyer will further evaluate the alternatives and make a choice. 

An important part of evaluating satisfaction with a purchase is reducing any lingering doubts. To reduce cognitive dissonance, a consumer could do all of the following except:

look for unfavorable reviews of the product online to confirm their doubts.

Which of the following statements is true of marketing strategies that can be adopted for high-involvement products? a) Marketing managers should link the products to a relatively low-involvement product. b) In-store promotion can be used as an important tool. c) Marketing managers should focus on package design, so the products are eye-catching and easily recognized on store shelves. d) Promotion to the target market should be extensive and informative.

d) Promotion to the target market should be extensive and informative.

In the context of marketing strategies, which of the following statements is true of low-involvement products? a) Consumers may not recognize their wants until they are in a store. b) As consumer buying decisions occur in a closed environment of a store, in-store displays are ineffective. c) They are bought independent of any cultural, social, individual, and psychological factors. d) They can be marketed through the same strategies adopted for high-involvement products.

a) Consumers may not recognize their wants until they are in a store.

Consuming products that have a limited availability

leads to more consumer enjoyment than if the terms were always available.

Which of the following statements is true of consumer decision making?

Underlying cultural, social, individual, and psychological factors strongly influence the decision process

In the context of the consumer decision journey, _____ streamlines journey steps.

A way firms are keeping customers in the loyalty loop is by using _____.

Which of the following is true of the factors that affect consumer decision making?

Cultural factors that exert the broadest and deepest impact on consumer behavior.

Which of the following statements is true of culture?

Technology has the accelerated rate of the cultural change.

A _____ is a homogeneous group of people divided on the basis of demographic characteristics, geographic regions, national and ethnic background, political beliefs, and religious beliefs.

A(n) _____is a group of people who are considered nearly equal in status or community esteem, who regularly socialize among themselves, and who share behavioral norms.

Which of the following statements is true of a secondary membership group?

It includes groups with which people interact in a less consistent and formal manner.

_____ are individuals who influence consumer buying decisions and are often the most informed, plugged-in, and vocal members of society.

Which of the following statements is true of opinion leaders?

They are the most influential and informed members of society.

In the context of the buying behavior of a family, _____ are those members of a family who actually exchange money for a product.

Which of the following statements is true of individual characteristics of a person?

Individual characteristics are generally stable over the course of people's lives

Which of the following is an individual fact or unique to consumers that influences their buying decisions?

To provide insights into the needs and wants of divorced parents, lifelong singles, and childless couples, marketers should be aware of _____.

nontraditional life cycles

The way an individual would like to be.

A driving force that causes a person to take action to satisfy specific needs.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs is a social need?

Learning to differentiate among similar products is known as __________.

Remembering only information that supports personal feelings or beliefs is called _____________.

Bub Fizz Inc. manufactures chewing gum. Through marketing research, it was learned that most of its customers use the chewing gum as mouth freshener. Hence, it modified its formula to manufacture gums that have a long-lasting flavor. In this scenario, which of the following was responsible for the change in the product?

Stanley likes using fountain pens. When he came across a new series of fountain pens manufactured by Dilloit Pens, he eagerly bought one. The pen's appealing exterior combined with the long-established reputation of Dilloit Pens made Stanley assume that the fountain pen would be of high quality. To his disappointment, the pen smudged and bled despite using high-quality ink. In this case, Stanley purchased the pen based on _____.

Unlike utilitarian value, hedonic value

gives the consumers good feelings, happiness, and satisfaction.

Which of the following is an example of a marketing-controlled information source?

Which of the following scenarios represents the role of social media in consumer information search?

Jennifer actively participates in an online forum that discusses about new electronic products.

Unlike internal information search, external information search

seeks information from marketing and non-marketing sources

_____ is the inner tension that a consumer experiences after recognizing an inconsistency between behavior and values or opinions.

Maria sees a leather coat in a department store and purchases it immediately even though it is expensive. Before purchasing, she experiences inner tension that she may be able to purchase the same coat for a lesser price in another store. This inner tension is an example of _____.

In the context of consumer involvement, limited decision making typically occurs when a consumer

has previous product experience but is unfamiliar with the current brands available.

Unlike routine response behavior, in extensive decision making, a consumer

uses several criteria for evaluating his or her options and spends much time seeking information.

Richard wanted to buy a new video game. He visited three different video game stores and found one video game that he liked a lot. However, he did not buy it. Instead, he bought a digital copy of the same game at a discounted price from the game's website. Richard's shopping involvement is an example of _____.

Which of the following statements is true of the consumer decision journey?

An advertisement causes a consumer to research a number of products or services.

Franz Tress, a cosmetics manufacturing company, offers an annual subscription plan to its customers where the customers have the option to automatically renew the subscription plan once it completes its term. In this scenario, Franz Tress is trying to influence its consumers' decision journey through _____.

In the context of factors that affect consumer decision making, which of the following statements is true of cultural values?

They correspond to consumption patterns.

Maria is very empathetic toward animals. So, she only buys cosmetic products that explicitly claim that they have not been tested on animals. In this case, Maria's buying decision is based on _____.

Brian is a blue-collar worker who works in a shipping industry. He receives a daily wage as per his working hours. Given this information, which of the following is likely to be true?

He depends on others for economic and emotional support.

Which of the following statements is true of social influences on consumer behavior?

They help consumers with product information and decision approval.

Selma wants to buy a budget smartphone with good features. However, she cannot decide which one to buy. She asks her coworkers for their advice. In this scenario, Selma's buying decision is likely to be influenced by a(n) _____.

Brandon is planning to buy a new house. He visits Reardon & Matthews, a professional real estate agency, to find a house within his budget. In this case, Brandon is relying on a(n) _____.

secondary membership group

Marketers affect consumers' motivation to learn about, shop for, and buy a certain brand by

influencing the degree to which consumers perceive a good or service to be self-relevant.

Martin and Marla are working parents. They intend to buy a new car for their family. In this case, their choice of car will be influenced by the

number of children in their family.

Aaron and Jane, a married couple, plan to buy a car. Aaron chooses a car that has a sporty look. Jane, on the other hand, chooses a car that is beautiful and elegant. In this scenario, which of the following plays a role in influencing Aaron and Jane's purchase decisions?

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, physiological needs should be satisfied first because they

are essential to a person's survival.

Ira believes that Damien soap moisturizes effectively. When she sees Damien shampoo at the store, she purchases it as she assumes that it will have the same effect. In this case, which of the following forms of learning influences Ira to buy Damien shampoo?

Jeremy was watching news. The news featured the suspected malicious practices that were occurring in Jeremy's favorite shopping mall. When he wanted to share the news with his friend, he could not remember some of the activities featured on the news. This is an example of _____.