The peripheral route of the elaboration likelihood model involves non-message factors such as





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Terms in this set (61)

The central route of the elaboration likelihood model works by engaging someone thoughtfully with a __________

Logical argument

The peripheral route of the elaboration likelihood model involves non-message factors such as _____

Emotional appeals, credibility of source, attractiveness of source

The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion included the ______ route and the ______ route

Central, peripheral

______ theory seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior, what are the specific causes of that person's behavior


_____ in the ______ strategy involves the communicator making the largest demand in the beginning of a negotiation

Door, face

Identify the five types of social identity

Ethnicity & religion, relationships, vocations & avocations, political affiliation, and stigmatized identities

A negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because they are a member of that group is called ______


The two main types of love are

Passionate, companionate

_____ are cognitive shortcuts, such as stereotypes, which enable us to make decisions rapidly


Jon got a B on his psychology exam. He isn't sure if this is good, so he asks Kate how well she did. Jon is using ______ to evaluate his performance

Social comparison

The term _____ is used to describe what occurs when being part of a group erodes personal identity and diminishes personal responsibility


Which of the following best describes social exchange theory?

The equity in a relationship

Which of the following is a model of relationships that emphasizes the ways commitment, and the availability of attractive alternative partners predict satisfaction in a relationship?

Investment model

_____ are opinions and beliefs about people, objects, and ideas


Cognitive dissonance is _________

An individual's psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts

_____ is an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a group


Which of the following are true regarding prosocial behavior

Many adults often engage in helping behavior in order to improve their mood ; happy people are more likely than unhappy people to help others

The tendency to take credit for our successes and to deny responsibility for our failure is _____

Self-serving bias

What two sociocultural factors influence prosocial behavior?

Socioeconomic status, media

Self-objectification is the tendency to view oneself as an _____ in the eyes of others


True or false: many experts insist that TV violence can prompt aggressive or antisocial behavior in children


A _____ is a generalization about a groups characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another


If you ask a person to agree to a small request and later ask that person to comply with a more important one, you have used which compliance technique?

Foot-in-the-door technique

social cognition is an area of social psychology that studies _____

How people think in social situations

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to explain the behavior of others in terms of their personalities rather than aspects of the _____


The fundamental attribution error is the tendency for observers to overestimate the importance of _____ and underestimate the importance of ______ when they seek to explain the behavior of others

Internal traits, external situations

Shelley Taylor and her colleagues demonstrate that having positive illusions about the self is often related to which of the following?

Being liked by others, heightened well being

Individuals with high self esteem have been shown to have a variety of _____ illusions


Which of the following sociocultural factors have been linked to incidents of aggression?

Family pride, masculine reputation

_____ is an unselfish interest in helping someone else


Which of the following statements describes conformity?

A change in behavior brought about in order to follow the standards of others

_____ is a feeling of oneness with the emotional state of another person


In social facilitation, the arousal produced by the presence of others tends to give people energy and can lead to a(n) ______ performance on well-learned tasks


Members engaging in groupthink place the highest value on ______

Conformity and unanimity

Social loafing occurs when ______

An individual exerts less effort in a group because of decreased individual accountability

Which of the following are factors that make it more likely you will be attracted to somebody?

Close proximity, physical attractiveness, you've seen the person around a lot, similarities

______ is behavior that complies with the explicit demand of the individual in authority


Which of the following are psychological determinants of aggression?

The perception that another's actions are unfair, observing others engaging in aggression, the presence of a weapon

If an individual perceived that another's actions are unfair or intentionally hurtful, aggression is more likely to occur. This is an example of a _____ factor in aggression


Aggression is a social behavior that ______

Aims to harm others

An individual is more likely to be persuaded if _____

The individual feels a similarity with the person delivering the message, the message is delivered through television or video rather than print, the individual has weak attitudes about the topic

Risky shift occurs when a ______ is riskier when made by a group rather than by an individual


According to risky shift, after a group discussion, attitudes become _____


Group ____ effect is the solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a group discussion


Individuals think of the group to which they belong as an ______, a group that has special value in comparison with other groups, called _______

In-group, out-groups

When are attitudes most likely to predict behavior?

When the persons attitudes are strong, when the attitudes are relevant to the behavior, when the person has a vested interest

_____ racism refers to prejudicial attitudes that exist on a deeper, unconscious level


Which type of racism is conscious and openly shared?


Th theory that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their own behaviors is called _______


Aggressive behavior has been linked to which of the following?

Limbic system, frontal lobes

______ social influence is the influence that other people have on us because we want them to like and approve of us


The influence other people have on us because we want to be correct is referred to as ______

Informational social influence

Which of the following is a key social cue in persona perception?

The face

The ______ ______ effect is the phenomenon that the more we encounter someone or something, the more probable it is that we will start liking the person or thing even if we do not realize we have seen it before

Mere exposure

Social ______ is an imitative behavior involving the spread of behavior, emotions, and ideas


The elaboration likelihood model states that _____ occurs through either a central route or a peripheral route


What type of love is a state of intense absorption in someone that includes intense physiological arousal?


True or false: individuals who participate in more diverse social networks live longer than those with a smaller group of social relationships


According to research, which of the following produces the greatest risk of death?

Social isolation

______ is the male hormone related to agression


_____ is when we favor our own ethnic group over other ethnic groups


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What is central route in elaboration likelihood model?

The central route involves a high level of message elaboration in which a great amount of cognition about the arguments are generated by the individual receiving the message. The results of attitude change will be relatively enduring, resistant, and predictive of behavior.

What makes the central route to persuasion distinct from the peripheral route quizlet?

The Central Route: Persuasion that occurs when an individual is motivated to think systematically about a message. The Peripheral Route: Persuasion that occurs when people are influenced more by superficial cues and less by thinking about the merits of the message.

Which theory of personality seeks to explain how we decide on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior what the specific causes of that person's behavior are?

attribution theory. The theory of personality that seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior, what the specific causes of that person's behavior are.

What type of model proposes that persuasion occurs through two routes?

The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) interprets persuasion in a very good way. This model proposes that persuasion happens through two routes: the central route and the peripheral route. Thus, the motivation to process the message will determine the route that it takes.


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