The practice of linking external opportunities or threats to organizational goals is called

The practice of linking external opportunities or threats to organizational goals is called


1. Humanresourcesmanagementrefersto techniques for controlling people at work.

b.concepts and techniques used in leading people at work.

c.the management of people in organizations.

d.all managerial activities.

e.concepts and techniques for organizing work activities.

Answer: c. the management of people in organizations.

2. Theknowledge,education, training,skills,andexpertiseofafirm'sworkersareknownas's philosophy.

b.human capital.

c.physical capital.

d. production capital.

e.cultural diversity.

Answer: b. human capital.

3. Acompanyusesasystemtomeasuretheimpactofhuman resourceswhichbalances


capitalmanagement.Thissystemisknownas the


a.balanced scorecard.

b.Human Capital Index.

c.balanced strategy.

d.none of the above.

Answer: a. balanced scorecard.

4. Youhavebeentaskedwithbuildingemployeeengagement atthefirmyouworkfor.Strategic


a.employee recognition programs.

b.diversity programs.

c.employee recognition programs and management development programs.

d.job design indicators.

e.employee relations activity.

Answer: c. employee recognition programs and management development programs.

5. HRdepartmentstafmembers aretraditionallyinvolvedinkeyoperationalresponsibilities.


a.collecting metrics

b.analyzing metrics

c. interpreting human right laws

d.setting goals and objectives

e.interpreting health and safety legislation


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What do you call the practice of contracting with outside vendors to handle specified functions on a permanent basis is known as?

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires a third-party to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services for the company.
Strategic HR planning links HR management directly to the strategic plan of your organization. Most mid- to large-sized organizations have a strategic plan that guides them in successfully meeting their missions. Organizations routinely complete financial plans to ensure they achieve organizational goals.

What is the term for a process whereby an organization makes decisions about its long term goals and how it will achieve them?

Strategic planning is a process in which an organization's leaders define their vision for the future and identify their organization's goals and objectives. The process includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should be realized so that the organization can reach its stated vision.

Which term refers to the value that employees provide to an organization through their knowledge skills and abilities?

Intellectual capital is the value of a company's employee knowledge, skills, business training, or any proprietary information that may provide the company with a competitive advantage.