The process by which information is initially recorded in a form usable to memory is called

Psychology Chapter 6

information processing approaches

approaches to cognitive development that seek to identify the ways that individuals take in, use, and store information.

-The process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.-cognitive development is based on the increasingly complex "mental programs" that people use to solve problems, similar to how a computer system works.

the process by which information is initially recorded in a form usable to memory.Example: Can't find gloves1. Encoding-Took gloves off inside2. Storage-took coat and gloves off at the same time.3. Retrieval-look for gloves by coat

the process by which information is saved for future use.

the process by which material in memory storage is located, brought into awareness, and used. We are able to recall information through the use of retrieval cues, stimuli that permit people to recall information.

the degree to which an activity requires attention. Processes that require relatively little attention are automatic; processes that require relatively large amounts of attention are controlled.-Quicker processing of certain concepts allows for kids to focus on other mental problems. -kids come to pair elements of information into concepts. They know that four legs, a tail, and barking is a dog. If the animal meows, it's a cat.

refers to the basic, enduring structures and features of information processing that are relatively constant over the course of development. Cognitive architecture determines the specific steps through which material is processed as it travels through the human mind.

Three-System Approach (Atkinson and Shiffrin)

this theory says that there are several steps in the process that permit the encoding, storage, and retention of information, similar to a computer that passes information through a sequential series of steps. The three-system model consists of a sensory store, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

the initial, momentary storage of information, lasting only an instant. -loss of information typically happening within 1 second.-Types of information stored here are smell, taste,sound or pain. Example - the scenery driving to school. You see it but don't "keep" it.

It is in short-term memory that thoughtful, deliberate information processing first takes place, giving meaning to the raw, nonmeaningful information from the sensory store. -Loss of information typically happening within 15 to 25 seconds. -The capacity of short-term memory increases with age.-can process information in chunks-

the repetition of information that has entered short-term memory. As long as information in short-term memory is rehearsed, it is kept alive and is not lost. Rehearsal allows for the transfer of material into long-term memory.

stimuli that permit people to recall information. Retrieval cues are like a library's catalog; they guide people to the location of a specific memory. Retrieval cues may take the form of a word, an image, a smell, or a sound.

represent different memory systems in the brain that help retrieve information that is stored in your long-term memory.ex. how to fix my bike or car, tie shoes, your address.

Information Processing Theory vs. Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

-Information processing- development is quantitative and happens gradually and continuously. -Piaget's theory- development is qualitative and cognitive development happens in stages.

information processing involving the ability to strategically choose among and sort out different stimuli in the environment. As children grown older, their ability to control their attention increases.

-Control of attention increases with age - 5 - 6 yr old. children have an attention span of 5 - 7 minutes.-Control what attending to- may focus on the teacher's pin instead of teacher's instructions.-Children are able to exclude irrelevant or extraneous information.

the ability to allocate attentional resources on the basis of goals that one wishes to achieve. This ability develops throughout childhood and adolescence. Ex. House Comparison

Infants who had learned the association between a moving mobile and kicking showed surprising recall ability if they were exposed to a reminder of the early memory.

How long do memories last?

Researchers disagree on the age from which memories can be retrieved:Early studies →infantile amnesiaMyers →clear evidence of early memories- 6 monthsPhysical trace of a memory in brain appears to be relatively permanentMemories may not be easily, or accurately, retrieved-interference occurs.

the lack of memory for experiences that occurred prior to three years of age.

-memory of events in one's own life that are largely inaccurate before age 8 - 24 months. -Some suggest cannot retrieve memories before 3 yrs. Can remember routine occurrences - eating at McDonalds, favorite rides in park.-Not all last into later life

Information Processing in Adolescence

gains during adolescence help to explain developmental differences in abstract,multidimensional and hypothetical thinking. Processing information faster and with better strategies leads to growth in information processing.

Understanding and knowledge children and adults have about memory and memory processes - knowing how long you need to study to learn something.Tool for building strategies, organizing content information, and more efficient learning

Memory in early adulthood

your memory abilities are at a peak. There is only a decline in long-term memory at this stage of life.

Memory in middle adulthood

minor declines in memory. You tend to compensate for these declines in memory using different strategies.

the process by which information is initially recorded in a form usable to memory. Infants and children—indeed, all people—are exposed to a massive amount of information; if they tried to process it all, they would be overwhelmed. Consequently, they encode selectively, picking and choosing the information to which they will pay attention.Even if someone has been exposed to the information initially and has encoded it in an appropriate way, there is still no guarantee that he or she will be able to use it in the future. Information must also have been stored in memory adequately.

Strategies for Remembering (using mneumonics)

Get organizedPay attentionUse the encoding specificity phenomenonVisualizeRehearse

children should learn to read through exposure to complete writing—sentences, stories, poems, lists, charts, and other examples of actual uses of writing. Instead of being taught to sound out words, children are encouraged to make guesses about the meaning of words based on the context in which they appear. Through such a trial-and-error approach, children come to learn whole words and phrases at a time, gradually becoming proficient readers.

thinking that makes use of cognitive skills and strategies that increase the likelihood of solving problems, forming inferences, and making decisions appropriately and successfully

Reading to children before age 2 is important because......

What is the process by which information is recorded into a form usable to memory?

In order to create a new memory, information must be changed into a usable form, which occurs through a process known as encoding. Once the information has been successfully encoded, it must be stored in memory for later use.

What is the initial recording of information into memory?

Memory Encoding is the initial learning of information. It is how the information coming from sensory input is changed into a form so it can be stored in the brain. Encoding is transforming internal thoughts and external events into short term and long-term memory.

What is the term for the process by which information is initially recorded stored and retrieved?

memory. the process by which information is initially recorded, stored, and retrieved.

What are the three processes of memory?

The brain has three types of memory processes: sensory register, short-term memory, and long-term memory.


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